Ok I know you're probably pretty damn bored of my map by now - but I think it's going to play a hell of a lot better this week and you'll see why. Map: The Bullring (another new file, I keep the others as backups) Player count: 1v1 Gamertag: BeardlessBen Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/...dlessBen_d6b25ac7-146c-43f7-ac26-48e9b93b21eb Description: outside catwalks are much more open now, ARs added, damage boost removed
Max was Absent last week so you get to enjoy this again. GT: Nikko B201 Vectal Fury 4v4 Slayer It's got layout changes and stuff. Should be better.
Map name... FENG HUANG 1V1 MAP LINK.... https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/...Order=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=ARC1T3CTZ
Gamertag: a Chunk Map Name: Alian (formerly Lap) Gametype Requested and Player Count: 1v1 Slayer Short description: Winding, overlapping paths Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/..._a Chunk_0226d90c-edfd-4905-a9b7-613ede1e50e9 I was hoping to have a new map ready for testing this week, but I'm not going to make it in time. So, going for a second run through on this one, since I've made more significant changes on it than I have on my other maps that you've tested already. Some changes have been made to geometry, to make the map less top heavy. Weapon set and placements have also been adjusted. Edit: Updated link to a newer version. I may update it again before the stream happens, depending upon if I have more time to work on the map.
Gamertag:arpod Map Name:Boggy Creek Gametype Requested and Player Count:Team Slayer, 2v2 to 4v4 Short description:re-imagining of beaver creek Link to Map:https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...nt_ARPOD_b88b44f5-93b6-4ea6-8e09-3ab6563c7e48 Gametype Link (If needed):
Gamertag: FRED llll Map Name: Divinity V.4 Gametype: 1v1 Short Description: Moved high yellow island and lowered it, Raised DMR Spawn, Removed back yellow mid-high island, added cover to yellow dmr spawn, Adjusted spawns, fixed cinematics, Lowered high island a little. Closer to Divinity V.2 than V.3 (Sorry I am not adding MORE connected landmass the whole point of this map is to force the player too jump, not enough maps IMO do this so this map will make that into its unique trait. also the segmentation is important in the maps core focus)
Map: Alchemist Player count: 1v1 & 12 Game Mode: 1v1 & Infection Gamertag: GreyMuffinBass Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-ca/...ffinBass_877c16d2-ae25-4492-a42f-a6c235e9cba3 Description: Asymmetrical 1v1 map for the Forgehub contest - 1/3 Structural 2/3 Natural I wanted to test this out with infection, I have suspicions that it might work. It is meant for 1v1 tho. ...so it probably won't. lol Thanks for testing my cat room map btw I appreciate it.
Camp Green Lake 8-16 Holes Ryouji Gunblade This is a simple infection-based minigame inspired by Louis Sachar's Holes. Survivors take on the role of exhausted inmates (with onion-invisibility for protection), while the infected are the yellow spotted lizards. Find a hole, be still, and hope they don't come your way. 5 rounds of 2 mins each.
Good news! More 1v1 for you to test! YOU'RE WELCOME. Map: Desertion Author: Me Game Mode: 1v1/2v2 - its for entry into the 1v1 contest, but if you have extra people it can do 2v2 just fine. Is the lighting okay? Is rockets/sniper a really bad ****ing idea? Are there exploitable camping spots?! FIND OUT TOMORROW ON THE THURSDAY 13!
I could use some input on the Flare item that some of you played on last Thursday - PLEASE POST HERE.
Think you've got space for one last test of my map? There aren't any large changes that will affect gameplay that much (a few smaller ones including a new lift GreyMuffinBass made) but I've worked on the 'visual noise' issue you were talking about on your last stream. Map: The Bullring Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/...dlessBen_d6b25ac7-146c-43f7-ac26-48e9b93b21eb Description: colours toned down, some effects removed - hoping that use of the bright colours I've kept will draw attention to colour coded areas better (e.g. colour coded teleporters). Player count: 1v1
I'm hoping to have thirst ready again tonight I'll post a link of i get it ready. Max extra Thirst 1v1 Link to come I hope
Gamertag: a Chunk Map Name: Crent (temporary name) Gametype Requested and Player Count: 1v1 Slayer Short description: Small single atrium pseudo symmetrical 1v1 map Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/..._a Chunk_4a3c546d-b0ef-4b5d-8169-2aa4443c5991 I have to enter a disclaimer that the map is still in a pretty raw state. I've plopped down spawns and weapons while the map is literally right in the middle of an art pass, so the visuals are really patchy. I'll be polishing it up as much as possible over the next few days, but really need some testing done on it so I can find out if anything is completely broken with the weapons and spawns.
GT: GrayishPoppy210 You said you had spaces tonight so I guess I'll get Corrosion a final test. You can check out Freeze thaw to if you have time but I'm considering withdrawing it from the contest. Map : Corrosion Gametype: 1v1 Link:https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/...Poppy210_e5202f6a-a5bc-44f2-be46-1009d39cc822
Yeah one more on Gravitas please - 2versions, one called Gravitas 77 Other is Gravitas 77-L or something Means they're final basically Only difference is one has removed the fire lift, and all the gravity bouncers Weapons are now the plasmaBR and a 4shot 2-clip hydra + carbine/gunfighters lying around