Would you take submissions for maps that are modified versions of Dev maps so that we can test something? For instance, if you found a post within this week that had a map called "Coliseum with a flare on it" would you play it so we could test the flare? Or, does it have to be a forge map of some kind? Thanks,
Can you do me a favor and remove the backlog on the map of mine called Colloseum, I don't need it tested.
Map name... FENGHUANG 1V1 MAP LINK.... https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/...Order=BookmarkCount&page=2&gamertag=ARC1T3CTZ
Gamertag: ARC1T3CTZ Game mode: 1v1 Map name: res P.S the map will be visible on the night as I'll be working on it.. Map link https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/...Order=BookmarkCount&page=2&gamertag=ARC1T3CTZ
Map name: Lost Jewel Gamertag: Mr Deliciousman Gametype: 1v1 slayer Player count: 2 Description: simple layout. Halowaypoint link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...ciousMan_089e3887-c092-401e-832a-71875a76eeba
Map Name: Divinity V2 Gamertag: Fred lllll Player Count: 2 Gametype: Competition 1v1 Description: As Ascended Hyperion had requested a few things were altered as well as feedback from a few other players. To kick things off the map is bigger! Secondly, The whole top layer of the map had been chopped off and converted into a bunch of smaller floating islands to diversify engagements up top, and the layout of the map has been... segmented more than its first rendition.
Gamertag:Arpod Map Name: Left Behind Gametype Requested and Player Count:BTB slayer 6v6 to 8v8 Short description:inspired by halo 4s abandon Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...nt_ARPOD_82f28a6f-6d94-464a-be3f-a6d652f66ad6
GT: Nikko B201 Vectal Fury 4v4 Slayer. That's how you get frag-itis. After a solid showing on Forged Friday last week, Vectal Fury returns for a new audience - with a few new tweaks. It's still fun times if you've got a good handle on grenade ballistics, though.
Gamer Tag: BarrenFatal Map: The Catacombs Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-ca/...renFatal_38554423-79e3-4aa2-84a7-ca8f2ee88c0b Game Type: RY9 Outbreak Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...rub Mask_2b0abda8-4e37-4fa4-ba8a-12c784477db2 Player Count: 12 Hey man. I would appreciate it if u can this map tonight. U can open the lobby for this map since infection games typically does well in attracting people to lobbies. Thanks.
GT: el Dunco Map: Trollsquat Player Count: 1v1 DL Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...el Dunco_e04ed599-be8f-4194-a52a-84ac55fcfaff
Map Name: INCARNATE Gamertag: PORTALEER Gametype: 4v4 Slayer Player Count: 8 Map Description: 'Deep within the bowels of Maethrillian, an old entity stirs its forgotten halls once more' Link: HERE
Hi Ascend, my map's definitely nearly done and I'm just making small tweaks for now. The main changes I've made are aesthetic, but I've also lowered some of the cover on the bottom level of the map and changed the power weapon from a sniper rifle to a Blood of Suban carbine. I think lowering the entire mid section (as you suggested) is something I may try before the final deadline if these changes aren't enough, but it's a lot of work so I'm hoping it won't be necessary if these smaller tweaks help to speed up the game a little bit more, since you finished on 13 kills last week. So if that's all ok, would you pleaseeee test: Map: Bullring GT: BeardlessBen Player Count: 1v1 Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/...dlessBen_ed955054-8791-4bb3-a376-0c605d01f71c Thanks a lot man.
Don't know if you still have space, but... Gamertag: a Chunk (Co-Forged by WeedCough) Map Name: Avalon Gametype Requested and Player Count: 1v1 Slayer Short description: Room based 1v1 map Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/map-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=a Chunk#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_a Chunk_61b593ed-351e-4a82-8e04-caa9ce51dc50
@Ascend Hyperion please use this updated link for my 1v1 map that was backlogged last week. Thanks https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...ant_Foge_e27adfe5-4c8b-4a4c-8c2d-9643538426c4
Map Name: Divinity V.3. Gamertag: Fred lllll Player Count: 2 Gametype: Competition 1v1 Description: As people had pointed out from the last test there were a few issues. #1: The map lacked some points of reference. #2: The map had a power position with no spots to contest. #3: The map was all rocks. I gave my best to remedy each problem. #4: The maps lifts were clunky and hard to use being not automated #1 Solution: I added a bridge and an actual moving island to one side of the map, and made it visible from multiple points on the map as well as added more colored jewels to the map (only a few) to help the player identify where they are. #2 Solution: I raised an island over on the yellow side and then, in turn, added an island above the dmr spawn that is on the same level (and connected via jumping platforms) to the original power position. #3 Solution: Hopefully the bridge helps to suffice. #4 Solution: OK I GET THEY ARE SLOW BUT I WANT THEM TO BE. SO I came up with a solution to suffice both parties (myself and you guys). I added a bouncer to the bottom of each lift to force you to climb the ivy, secondly, I added invisible barriers to the sides to prevent bounce offs, third I doubled the speed the ivy lifts function at. I also adjusted a single spawn by the plasma grenade to hopefully fix some problems. Addition: CINEMATICS ADDED (For all of those curious about the lore of the realm you fight in I will explain if you message me! ) Enjoy Hell in Heaven
1v1 map called Incubate. Author: NZO7 https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...ant_NZO7_234459cf-c2d6-48a8-9d12-c4cce9195bbe
Flare equipment playtest on Dev map TRUTH HCS (modified). All players please consider giving more detailed feedback on the WIP thread. Gamertag: ExTerrestr1al Map Name: Truth HCS FLARE (WIP) Gametype Requested and Player Count: CTF HCS or Regular 4v4 Short description: Test out the flare equipment item, give feedback on implementation and usefulness. Link to Map: This is a link to the map