**** when I clicked that link off the main page it gave me a really old version of it maybe I am just bad at technology - ty!
@icyhotspartin Look towards the bottom. You should see dates. Select the 4 lines to the far left and chose todays date
Forget these balls! What about High Garden?? Actually though, I thought feedback was posted after Thursday tests?
the feedback list is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...DyusfaGy2qBY0p_QCQjbWzNmks/edit#gid=582909995 We played it early on, although with AR starts. It played well, some people suggested using a planter or light to create a quick jump up or clamber path from OS to the bridge above. That's what I remember at least.
here's the link for the rescaled one - should be public for 1v1 just in case I forgot to specify before file is named Gravrescaled, but I would just call it out as Gravite (pronounced gra-vee-tay)
Same blockout as before with refined weapons and some path development. I hope you can get sweaty on it this time like I have been. Gamertag: MythicFritz Map Name: (tentative) Icebox Gametype Requested and Player Count: 1v1 using the 1v1 Forgehub contest gametype Short description: One big messy atrium Link to Map: Version number changes a lot but it will be the only one visible in my fileshare or in my bookmarks. https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...e/map-variants/bookmarks?gamertag=MythicFritz Edit: @Ascend Hyperion I'd actually like to play you on it this time so send me an invite when you get to it if I haven't already found you!
Map: Cessduel Type: 1v1 pistol starts Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...el Dunco_ecf020ef-663e-4377-9801-04a15d73bf52
The link you provide was for the blockout and the new file is hidden on your files --- Double Post Merged, Sep 12, 2017 --- @FRED lllll Just so you know I filled in the feedback for your map
Gamertag: PharmaGangsta1 Map Name: Ad Nauseam Gametype Requested and Player Count: 1v1 (4chub contest gametype) Short description: Roman-themed, pretty open-air and focuses on cool, crazy movement. This is the first test of it so I'm trying out the potentially crazy OP lightrifle just for kicks and laughs...(never know, it might work) probably won't last more than a game tbh Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...Gangsta1_b7cf6137-257b-49dc-b120-85c4bf68b95f
Gamertag: Arpod Map Name: Grotto Gametype Requested and Player Count: Slayer 1v1 Short description: retest with new changes. Link to Map:https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...nt_ARPOD_b78a779d-c1a0-428f-a178-bf58508d9523
I assume my map is on the list from last week since we did not have the chance to play it and had it postponed. Correct me if I'm wrong
Gamertag: a Chunk Map Name: Lap (temporary name) Gametype Requested and Player Count: Slayer : 1v1 Short description: A series of ramps that wrap around and over each other. Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/map-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=a Chunk#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_a Chunk_474a9bde-d79a-417c-9105-09f7291ef00a Gamertag: a Chunk Map Name: Gal (temporary name) Gametype Requested and Player Count: Slayer : 1v1 Short description: Room/Atrium based 1v1 map. Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/map-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=a Chunk#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_a Chunk_4a568c35-fad0-4243-b9e9-7b40b5d4bf8c If you can only test one map, please test the first one I listed.
GT: GrayishPoppy210 Map 1: Corrosion (I think this is already rolling over from last week but I'm submitting it anyway just so you can get to the link easier) Gametype: 1v1 Link:https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/...Poppy210_e5202f6a-a5bc-44f2-be46-1009d39cc822 Map 2: Freeze thaw Gametype: 1v1 Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/...Poppy210_fcb3188a-8c8b-42fb-83fb-65bb15f90e46
Thanks a lot for testing Cyan Tower on short notice the other night man, really appreciate it! Since it was too blue I've now made it gold and I've taken on some of the other feedback. Still in a relatively early encarnation... I present the temporarily named: Name: Golden Shower Tower HCS GT: BeardlessBen Player count: 1v1 Short description: wider catwalks, another level for combat above mid, snipes instead of damage boost. Open for new feedback and changes to be made. Still needs some aesthetic work. Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/...dlessBen_ff05fabf-d57d-44d9-ba98-7ff5c61146ce
Map name: Dark Abyss Gamertag: Mr Deliciousman Player count: 2 Gametype: 1v1 slayer no radar with pistol starts. Description: the outcasts have taken refuge near the ancient temples. They use the interference that the temples create to make it harder to find where they are hiding. Halowaypoint link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...ciousMan_188a72e9-8bf0-47a3-b8a5-4ae7b669de59 Notes: I feel that the map plays slower at first but gets faster as you play it due to map knowledge. I need to see if this is the case. Thanks for playtesting my maps.
UUUUU (1v1) https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/map-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=The Xzamplez#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_The Xzamplez_82caa73f-aa1c-4945-a361-1302b0b32dc2 I have it bookmarked if the link doesn't work.
Added path from bottom to throne room Removed 1 grenade launcher Attempted to fix spawns Probably other changes since last time you played this but i don't remember and you probably don't care GamerTag: L1MN0DR0MUS Map: Devotion Gametype: BTB Slayer Player Count: 16