This. Mostly small changes, but initial spawns were moved, and (hopefully) fixed. Planned to be released very soon.
Gamertag: Portaleer Map Name: Pyro Update (Pyromancer) Gametype Requested and Player Count: Slayer, 4 (Doubles) Short description: small hardlight bridge now spans top midsection Link to Map:
Gamer Tag: BarrenFatal Map: The Catacombs Link: Game Type: RY9 Outbreak Link: Mask_2b0abda8-4e37-4fa4-ba8a-12c784477db2 Player Count: 12 I have made some huge and drastic changes for phases 1 and 2 to allow for more variety of choices to allow infected to move wherever they want. Gameplay will also be more fun for the humans as the new designs for each room requires good teamwork to cover multiple routes. As per the objective in the first phase, I removed the whole randomized barrel search objective as it was the leading cause of death amongst the survivors (was also confusing) and now, all that has to be done is to holdout in that phase until the detonator is ready to be detonated. Thanks
Lemme know if this is too many maps. I've put them in order of what I want to test if you wanna omit one. GT: Pat Sounds Map: Throne of Blood Mode: 1v1 Worked on spawns so you guys hopefully won't get stuck outside the whole match GT: Pat Sounds Map: Heorot Mode: Extermination Fixed up the lifts a bit, adjusted the spawns and made some minor geometry changes. GT: Pat Sounds Map: Ecalos Mode: Extermination This is Duke's map, which I am doing an visual "re-master" of. I've also changed the power weapon to a Railgun, and modified some of the geometry on the outside. I'm sure you've played the old version several times, let me know what you think of the changes.
oh man everyone has multiple maps - two (three?) versions of 'Gravitas' Gravitas v8 1v1 updated weapons and some pathing based on last week's comments and complaints - also does not feature the gornball, so don't worry about that :^) however, there is a version of it that features the gornball, though that is suited for 2v2 - if you want, you can test it >>here<< with its updated mechanics (nav placed on holder, effective area is reduced, respawn time lengthened, fire effect shortened, and some other bugs have been ironed out) Gravrescaled 1v1 radical re-tune of Gravitas - rescaled, pathing 'simplified' for extreme flow and neat encounters I'll update this post with the link when it's ready, not quite time yet (needs weapons, spawns, lighting)
GT: GrayishPoppy210 Map 1: Corrosion Gametype: 1v1 Link: Map 2: Freeze thaw Gametype: 1v1 Link:
GT: Sikamikanico Rampart: 1v1 - literally first test - all feedback needed.
Gt: Qrrbrbirbei Map: Eletemphantle 1v1 Summary: Temple dedicated to our favorite unforgettable mammal. Weapons feature an invisible inducing laser and a speed boosting shotgun turret. Layout is open atrium with a loose figure 8 path.
so looks like you guys tested the Gornball variant, but the ball didn't spawn so... oops Anyway, thanks for feedback, wish I'd been able to fix up the rescaled one on time, but ' life ' (other people) gets in the way sometimes
Map name: Dark Abyss Gamertag: Mr Deliciousman Player count: 2 Gametype: 1v1 slayer no radar with pistol starts. Description: the outcasts have taken refuge near the ancient temples. They use the interference that the temples create to make it harder to find where they are hiding. Halowaypoint link: Notes: more testing needed. I need to know if the map is playing slower because of the way the map was played or because it really is too big. I feel the map takes a little longer to be understood and as a result plays slower initially.
I have a blockout for testing. The version is changing frequently, breaking the link, but the latest version will be the only one visible and the only one in my bookmarks. GamerTag: MythicFritz Map: Icebox (tentative) Map Link: Game type 1: 1v1 using the 1v1 Forgehub contest gametype (slayer, no radar, pistol only starts)(waypoint not showing No God Anywhere's file) Game type 2: 1v1 using the 1v1 Forgehub contest gametype Description: One big messy atrium Would love to see two unique players play the map but I'm usually on in the evenings if I have to be present. Thanks!
Map: Heorot Mode: Extermination Added a LoS blocker in mid, switched weapon set to Grenade Launcher / Speed boost. Just trying out an alternate set. Put gravity slides on the exploitable spots and removed the bad spawns. "Heyo-rot" is how I pronounce the name.
Added path from bottom to throne room Removed 1 grenade launcher Attempted to fix spawns Probably other changes since last time you played this but i don't remember and you probably don't care GamerTag: L1MN0DR0MUS Map: Devotion Gametype: BTB Slayer Player Count: 16
Gamertag - InvokingTexan. Map Name - Foundry. Gametypes - H3 Scaling: Team Magnums; H3 Scaling: Free-For-All; and/or H3 Scaling: CTF (in my bookmarks). Player count - Eight total players (i.e. 4 vs 4). Short description - Remake of the map Foundry from Halo 3. Map link: Game type links - (1) (2) (3)
Who? The Brrble Where? Eletemphantle What? 1v1 When? Today baby Why? I took the danger aspect out of the whole map, splash away. ROUTES MARKED BY FOLIAGE ARE THE ONLY WAY TO CLAMBER! YOUR SPARTAN HAS OILY HANDS AND NEEDS THE VINES FOR PURCHASE! This helps create different route options and more critical thinking out of the player. Invisible laser turned out to be too powerful, so I switched it out with a HYDRA that shoots half bursts of PLASMA PISTOL goo. The lock on function does nothing unfortunately, a side effect of meddling with technology beyond our grasp. How?
Gamer Tag: BarrenFatal Map: The Catacombs Link: Game Type: RY9 Outbreak Link: Mask_2b0abda8-4e37-4fa4-ba8a-12c784477db2 Player Count: 12 Layout and gameplay should not change too much, all I really did was make the area were infected spawn inaccessible to survivors and fix up the spawning of the infected within the map. Thanks.
So, Gravrescaled this time, please. For 1v1, obviously - count is 2. Weapons are customs - one is BR/plasmapistol - one is shotgun/plasmacaster - both with one clip and 200 second respawns also features a couple gunfighters, a DMR threatmarker, and a damage boost Two things to focus on re feedback pls: sightlines/spawns and geometry (smoothness) - anywhere you notice something jaggy, please let me know on the stream if you can - thank you!
Gamertag: PharmaGangsta1 Map Name: Ad Nauseam Gametype Requested and Player Count: 1v1 (4chub contest gametype) Short description: Roman-themed, pretty open-air and focuses on cool, crazy movement. I'm aware of the framerate in some places which can be a little sudden, but I would like to focus on general feel/flow of movement and thoughts on the weapon palette first. Considering dropping in a damage boost somewhere, either adding to the scattershot/speed boost or just replacing the speed boost. Link to Map: