2v2 Throwdown Tournament

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Aug 27, 2017.

By WAR on Aug 27, 2017 at 8:17 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

    Likes Received:
    ForgeHub is proud to announce the 2v2 Throwdown Tournament with a $1000 total prize pool on the line. This is the first tournament we've hosted since 2012 and will featuring maps created by the ForgeHub community. This marks the beginning of many events to come in the future where tournaments will be hosted using top maps from Forge contests. We envision a future in which the Forge community and competitive community support each other with their respective talents and bond over their shared passion for Halo.

    For this tournament, we've selected a few of our favorite 2v2 maps made by some of the most notorious designers on ForgeHub. While we're presenting a wide variety of experiences to players through the diversity of our map pool, we wanted to provide some familiarity as well, so we've included one of the community's favorite remakes. Sanctuary is one of the most iconic maps in the franchise and we thought it would stand out in this setting as its the only map in our pool that will support capture the flag. This map pool casts a wide range of interesting engagements that will keep players moving, learning and strategizing.

    BattlePro is a new project created by ForgeHub's admin and owner, Nicholas Alexander (Warholic). We're pleased to utilize the software for the first time and hope that you enjoy your experience. Please note that the platform is currently in beta. In the event that you find yourself unable to perform certain tasks please contact our staff and let us know so we can resolve them as soon as possible.

    1st Place: $600
    2nd Place: $300
    3rd Place: $100

    - 25 Kills To Win
    - No Radar
    - Time Limit: 10 Minutes

    Official Settings:
    - Download Maps
    - Download Modes

    - Official ForgeHub gametypes and maps can be found on the “ForgeHub LIVE” gamertag.


    Arcanum - Aerocrest - Storm Peaks

    BEST OF 5 MAPS (Finals)

    Aerocrest - Arcanum - High Guard - Sanctuary - Storm Peaks

    Saturday, September 2nd

    1PM EST - 10AM PST

    1AM EST - 10PM PST

    Sept 2nd at 1PM EST

    - Your match must be completed unless both teams agree to cancel the match. Under certain circumstances, ForgeHub staff holds the right to force a match result if a team violates rules or causes further issues.

    - The higher ranked/seeded team will host the entire match for Tournaments/Ladders held for Halo 5: Guardians. Dedicated servers will remove host advantage. For titles such as the Master Chief Collection, the highest seeded team will host the first game/round; from there, the teams will alternate host until the match is over.

    - The team that is not hosting have the option of choosing which team to play on.

    - A connection test is highly recommended to avoid issues during your scheduled match. Simply load a map that is not in your schedule. If you are having issues connecting to dedicated servers in Halo 5: Guardians, attempt to resolve your connection issues before your match begins. If the match is unplayable, please contact a ForgeHub Staff member by filing a dispute on your Match Details page.

    - Each team is given a maximum of five minutes in between games in their match. Whether you’re taking a break, going to the restroom, or discussing strategy, after 5 minutes, the next game must be started, otherwise the team that is not ready to begin will forfeit that game. For every five minutes that a team is not present to play in between games, they will forfeit an additional game.


    - All rules are subject to change at any time. All players must read and understand the rules before competing. Disputes will be resolved by ForgeHub staff members.

    - You must use your own gamertag. If you are caught sharing your account with another player, you will be banned from participating in future tournaments.

    - Teams with inappropriate or vulgar names will be disqualified. Intentionally evading the filter will result in disqualification.

    - Any spam or disrespectful messages towards ForgeHub staff may result in disqualification.

    - Brackets will be generated at 15 minutes before the official start time. At this time incomplete teams will be automatically removed.

    - Official ForgeHub gametypes can be found on the “ForgeHub LIVE” gamertag.

    - ForgeHub settings are not allowed to be altered in any way unless specified by ForgeHub.

    - Tampering with rules or settings will result in an automatic forfeit for the current game

    - If a player disconnects during a Team Slayer match, their team forfeits the game, unless both teams agree to replay the same game. If a player disconnects before the first kill (Slayer) or point of the game is scored, the game is restarted.

    - If a player disconnects during an Objective game mode such as CTF or Strongholds, the game will continue with the current amount of players (4v3, etc.), unless both teams agree to restart the match. If a player disconnects within the first 30 seconds of the match, the game is restarted.

    - If both parties cannot connect to each other, you must submit a dispute ticket so ForgeHub staff members can resolve the issue. Rulings will be handled on a case by case basis.

    - Abusing these rules by deliberately leaving matches or manipulating connections will lead to a ban.

    - All gamertags on the roster must be valid and must be owned by the respective player. Caught playing on another gamertag will lead to a ban.

    - Ineligible players on a roster will lead to automatic forfeit.

    - Players are only permitted to have one team per tournament. If you are caught evading this rule, you will be banned.


    - Each team has a total of 15 minutes to show up for their match. After 10 minutes, the first round is lost. After 5 more minutes, the entire match is forfeited.

    - If a team doesn't show up, this must be reported through the dispute system.

    - Both opponents are required to report their match results. Failure to submit results in time will lead to an automatic loss.

    - Deliberately not submitting results or submitting false reports will lead to a ban or team lock.

    - Cheating or deliberately breaking rules in any way is strictly prohibited. If caught cheating, you will be permanently banned from entering ForgeHub contests or tournaments.

    - Exploits may be disputed, but ForgeHub staff reserve the right to have final say in the matter.

    - If you believe an opponent is cheating, you must provide proof with your claim. The accused cheating is innocent until proven guilty. If you submit a deliberate false report, you may be banned from events.


    - If you have any problems with your match, you must submit a dispute through the Beyond website. Messages on Xbox Live, Twitter, and other social media is prohibited.

    - Both teams are responsible for having valid proof in case of a dispute. This can be a screenshot of the match score or a video recording of the issue through Xbox DVR.

    - Proof must be submitted through the dispute system.

    - Any disputes or proof you send through the dispute system must be clearly visible and understandable. You must include all of the relevant information. Failure to do this will lead to an invalid claim that will be dismissed.

    - Any video and photo evidence must be available on an easily accessed website such as YouTube, Imgur, or XboxDVR. Any links to file downloads will be ignored.

    - Losing a dispute in regards to cheating or tampering of any kind may lead to a ban.

    - Submitting a false report will lead to a ban.

    #1 WAR, Aug 27, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Aug 27, 2017.

    1. Foge
      Why is 2v2 CTF on Sanc even going to be a thing? You literally just have to kill the other team once then pull flag and its an easy cap once it gets into ring. CTF is NOT a 2v2 gametype.
    2. HeX Reapers
    3. MultiLockOn
      Yeah that's why I hate obj 2s
    4. Foge
      If we want objective why dont we do an objective gamemode that supports 2s better like oddball or KoTH?
    5. HeX Reapers
      HeX Reapers
      Also maps and game types are not up
      WAR likes this.
    6. MultiLockOn
      My man
      HeX Reapers likes this.
    7. HeX Reapers
      HeX Reapers
      After those matches I don't think I can turn it down. I'm sure it's not here for "creator variation", kind of gay. Also really, why is Sanc a thing? Can we please use anything else? I'm fine with the rest honestly. No flag, either just slayer or a mix of slayer, ball, and king.
      MultiLockOn likes this.
    8. Foge
      Also can we not use that sanc? Nothing against mynx , but its pretty outdated now, and if I recall correctly it had some framerate and also made it so clambers pretty much dont work anywhere you couldn't jump up in halo 2. Which is super misleading and annoying. A lot of players not from forgehub are going to think the forge map is broken and that we didnt pay attention to this ahead of time. Just my two cents.
    9. WAR
      The tac jumps are all there, they are just interpreted for Halo 5 settings. So getting to ring 3 will require map knowledge rather than a simple clamber. I love Sanc, its one of my favorites, it was either that or Nemesis since I wanted to introduce a symmetrical CTF experience into the 2v2 realm. I know CTF gets a lot of hate for doubles but I think it has potential. Just need to reduce the respawn timers for players so its not as long as 4v4. This whole thing is a test to be honest, the software, the settings, etc. If CTF turns out to be absolute garbage for doubles then we'll drop it, but lets see what happens.
      Soldat Du Christ likes this.
    10. Foge
      Its just super frustrating that you cant clamber onto something that looks like you can clearly clamber onto. Its super misleading, and I can see a lot of people not practicing sanc for the reason of its already a known map, but what people wont know is what ledges they can and cant clamber. I also dont think we should be testing settings in a place where there is money on the line, imagine the last game of the finals being CTF and it plays terribly. It would make Forgehub look like we dont know what we are doing. I just want whats best here for everyone involved, I can pretty confidently say most people dont want to play 2v2 CTF.
    11. TheLunarRaptor
      A weekday at 1PM? Can't imagine most people can make that.
      KeeLoker and HeX Reapers like this.
    12. HeX Reapers
      HeX Reapers
      Ball and King could use some exposure since we can technically play those now.
    13. KeeLoker
      Blah I'm mad it's on a Friday. Sucks being in school still... :(
    14. WAR
      Yeah, thats a good point, we'll make sure to set tournaments on the weekends from now on. I was setting the date in accordance with some other legal deadlines but I could have extended it a day further. Hmmmm...should we?
      GreyMuffinBass and HeX Reapers like this.
    15. HeX Reapers
      HeX Reapers
      I'm free either way, but yes, a weekend would be much better.
    16. TheLunarRaptor
      Absolutely, its college time for most people and most adults hold jobs as well. Don't get me wrong people will join on friday but the numbers will be far lower.
    17. WAR
      Okay, I moved the tournament forward by one day so you can all play over the weekend. It still works for my deadlines so I'm glad we were able to make this quick fix for you all.
    18. The Grim Dealer
      The Grim Dealer
      How long does it usually take to send a verification email for a new account? Been waiting for a while for one to show up in my inbox.
    19. KeeLoker
      It didn't take that long for me...

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