GT: HerrMittmann Map: Gateway to Happieness Mode: BT Slayer AR + Mag Also I still need better feedback for this one :F Map: Room in my Heart Mode: 4v4 Strongholds
Map: Dutch 2v2 Slayer
GamerTag: Foge Map: Genome Gametype: Strongholds Player Count: 4v4 Map Link: Genome Description: Who left all this DNA all over the place?
Gamertag: KeeLoker Map: Chimera Labs Gametype: Project Chimera Player Count: 12-16 Changes: I added 2 new side objectives to both paths to make sure majority of the map isn't just the typical "run here and survive, then move on" sort of thing. So hopefully you can see the new features on both paths. I tested this the other day in Ascend's lobby and I realize scaling might be an issue. I plan on fixing that but I'd like to get some other perspectives before I go ahead and mess around with it. (This is also my first core map I've made. It's a remake from an old 007 game "Nightfire") Map: Snow Blind Gametype: 4v4 Slayer
GT: Ryouji Gunblade Map: Ikana Canyon Gametype: Garo Players: Up to 16. Description: A Majora's Mask region remade for linear infection. After yesterday's play I adjusted the map and gametype to give survivors better odds and direction for reaching the castle holdout. More player adjustments might be needed. Also, its maximum time is 4 rounds of 5 minutes each.
GT: Pat Sounds Map: Yggdrasil Mode: Extermination I recently made some changes to the weapons and power up in this map, and would love to get some more opinions on it. Sadly I won't be able to attend tonight, cause I'll be out of town but I will watch the stream later If you wanna look cool in the lobby and pronounce it right, the name is "IG - DRA - SILL"
NewExpiredEGGGNOG Desolate Slayer- 4v4 Small platform added above central courtyard, blockers over cave removed, new upper pathway added through the wall. Suppressor added.
Map: Pong v11 Gametype: Pong Player Count: 2 (1v1 Red vs Blue) Description: Does this even need one? First person to 9 points wins. The blue paddle is a little glitchy but it still works. Also, I'm aware that the scoring for blue stops at 8 and doesn't go to 9 but for the most part, the game is playable.
Map: Cold Storage Gametype: H3 Strongholds Player Count: 4v4 I still need to get some Objective games on it. Troll submission Super fiesta On everyone's favorite inkblot nightmare, Juxtaposition
Fixed Spawn Points colors so slayer spawning works Switched wraith with scorpion Re-Added Lifts in mid Added blockers boxing in entire map Made Phaeton start with 15% damage Replace Fuel Rod with Spartan Laser Added flight paths over middle with shield protecting throne room from air fire Removed tier 2 req weapons that weren't often used GamerTag: L1MN0DR0MUS Map: Devotion Gametype: BTB Slayer, BTB CTF Player Count: 16
GT: HerrMittmann Map: Gateway to Happieness Mode: BT Slayer AR + Mag GT: HerrMittmann Map: Attack on Friendship Bay Node: BT Strongholds AR + Mag
GamerTag: Portaleer Co-Forgers?: Map: Nyxium Gametype: Slayer, Assault, CTF- your choice Player Count: 8 Map Link*: GameType Link: Description: A...Forerunner map.
Map: Ursa Gametype: BTB CTF (ar+mag) Player count: 8v8 Link: Summary: Ursa blends an S and a U shape in protest of the Donuts running rampant these days (looking at you galleria). Also went with a traditional Snipe and shotty on each side mentality, it may be too easy to camp a base once a flag is capped so be on the lookout for sneaky beavers. There are multiple trick jumps with the worthogs to take advantage of, as well as a temple ghost to keep the gameplay quick. The vehicles are balanced by the snipes and plasma pistols on each side, as well as 3 plasma grenades (because I'm different!) spawning at each bases prime structure. Central Blood of Suban/Hydra combo as a power weapon after last night's feedback (let me know if it's still op!) and speed boost spawning on the top bridge. 2 brs and 2 dmrs on each side as well cuz peeps love them precision weapons. Sorry about the cameras in advance
ARC1T3CTZ Map name: arcane Game mode: slayer Map is on my bookmarks. 4v4 Link
Hey is there a chance you'll edit the calendar to show the date of the Troll Friday so the newbies aren't surprised?
I need a link to maps, or they dont get played. I should have caught this sooner (or you could have read the OP) if I dont get it this week I can put it in next week or if you update it before im done with 4v4 then we can play
Bulk Strongholds Link Pls, do 4v4 this time lol. Templar(WIP Name) Team Slayer Link This map is bery WIP, looking to test layout before going too far.