the bloody hallway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Sheogorath, Jun 2, 2008.


how would you rate this map(play it first or your opinion is based off looks )=)

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  1. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ^ignore the poll i screwed it up -_- A short story to go with my map. also please not that this map is not 'omg 100% epic interlocking perfectionz lulz' now that that point is out of the way onto the story. Searge what is that stucture up ahead? asked a puzzeled soldier freezing in the snow
    'I dont know soldier but i have a feeling were much safer in there than out here' replied the seargent 'good point' exclaimed several people in the back of the company and so they left a scout outside while they marched in to make sure the structure was safe. when they entered they found a small hallway and weapons at that moment they heard a ear splitting scream outside. the company barred off the doors and hastily moved to there battle positions. it was going to be a long night.....

    Basicly this is a less problematic version of my first map i posted the interlocking has stopped you from becoming stuck on the floor and dieing
    it also comes with a much more quality hallway than the last one without stubs coming out of the walls for you to become stuck on in general
    also some light ammo adjustments hve been made including two zombies spawning at start anyway you spawn in a room you cannot escape from
    with a hallway leading to the zombie spawn the zombies do not spawn until 20 seconds into the game so you have time to grab some weapons before the inevitable comes. from the zombies point of veiw they spawn within a small tunnel which will eventually kill them so they can spawn within the map here they must blindly charge straight at the humans or right into the siderooms of the map which will provide some shelter(unless someone is occupying them) the humans will eventually one run out of ammo or two die by the oncoming onslaught of zombies. i really have tryed my hardest to make it fair for both the zombies and the humans(no infinite ammo ect). reccomended for 6-16 players will acomidate any amount(i think) anyway enough of that because that really sums the map up in a nutshell not much to it so good luck! lets post some screenshots *im new ill do the best i can*

    zombie spawn after the tunnel[​IMG]
    overveiw of level(roof removed for screenshot don't worry there is a roof)
    the hallway [​IMG][​IMG]
    the oh so hospitital place the zombie spends his first 20 seconds in [​IMG]
    the pit in the middle of the human hold out room [​IMG]
    human hold out room[​IMG]

    linky to map
    linky to gametype

    if two zombies do not spawn send me a pm and ill try to fix what is wrong if the map does not look like the one above i will again try to fix it just pm me if you have any issues and enjoy the map!(hopefully) rules for posting a concern it must not be one of the*put a ^ in your post if you have read this far* following concerns

    1.the map is sloppy
    2. you can probably get out
    3. needs to be straighter
    as i am aware of all of these and you cannot get out so please do not post that. the other things will not be fixed because they are kind of there on purpose to make it harder to get a headshot on the zombies if they jump making rounds go faster due to humans wasting more bullets if it was flat the balance issues would be sustantial.(headshots being too easy would be a complaint in high quantities)

    but other than that all positive feedback is appreciated! (=
    #1 Sheogorath, Jun 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2008
  2. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    some of the pictures are small, you should use photobucket to get some good quality large pictures
  3. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i dun have cell so cant sign up )= (funny they didnt need my cell two years ago when i signed up on my long forgotten photobucket account) that and i think it downsized them because i ran out of post space so that really would not matter
    #3 Sheogorath, Jun 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  4. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this thread is now reopened for buisness
  5. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thsi is a good map and I wish I could odwnloadec it but, I don't have Legendary map pack - also what I would of done better is to make the map straighter.
  6. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is impossible to do due to avalanches hard rough terrain if i could i would but i cant so im very sorry. i tried to componsate with ramps to help smooth things out
  7. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well you could of put he objects in the air and save and reloded the map tirck that wqould make it straighter,ever think of that?
  8. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i am truly sorry but i have no idea what you are talking about i was out of anything to do that by the time the map was done i am really sorry im not trying to start an argument so please drop it
  9. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    it looks really escapeable and a bit messy..
  10. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    there is a roof -_- read things in() and no it may look escapable but it is not and yes i know its messy it regards that in the first two sentunces but yes i agree it is messy please stop posting this as im aware of it i dont have enough objects to fix it im sorry ill try in a bit with a version 2.0
  11. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OK chill out but, were trying to tell you way to make the map so when you make a secound version you'll know what to do so itv isn't sloppy.
  12. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im just saying i know after looking back it does look escapable only in the starting point for the zombies but one it is pointless to do this as your already a zombie snd two there is a easter egg outside you can use to suicide it is also unfixable due to how the zombies die i am sorry i will try and work on a solution if it becomes a real problem
  13. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    looks great, a little sloppy as your aware of, but in the V2 i suggest making it cleaner with more interlocking, but its still good. i like the hold out room, but it looks too easy to get out of the map
  14. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok - he's asked yo not to comment on the sloppyness he gets it LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!
  15. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    trust me it is 100% impossible! i can not stress this enough so i will say it again! it cannot be done! if you are really having doubts please try it yourself im kinda bad at handling feedback due to my aspergers autism but i cannot stress that enough. edit i need to go get gobbles jesus displaying that will get them off my back(partialy)
    #15 Sheogorath, Jun 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2008
  16. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I dind't sy anthing- didi you hear my suggetio nof the save with object in mid air and get flat surface.
  17. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is a serious question can your browser not display quote boxes????

    as of now i will stop the posting all concerns i hear will be shot down on the first page(unless it is a real concern)
  18. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Look at all the warned? Is that coming from or just by random?
    Anyway, you double posted Java9Script9. That'sa no-no. *shakes head*

    The map is sloppy, and yes, I know, the terrain is not flat, but if the map is meant to be flat, make it float in the air, use the save and quit method to make it flat if you really care about how the map looks.

    Edit: You know very well that it is not impossible to make it flat, but you DO know that it would take effort I'm guessing.

    Edit 2: Remove the ()'s in your title, it is a rule that the title is the name of the map that is being showed, nothing else.
    #18 Kronos, Jun 7, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2008
  19. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i think its pretty cool. its a little sloppy but i like that about his map!
  20. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow you re the only person on this whole site i guess that LIKES sloppyness.....but thank you

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