Sandbox Alt Drei

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Urban Myth, May 24, 2010.

  1. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Actually there is a huge resemblance. While the architecture of pretty much everything was changed, the general layout is still there. The only thing that had really been redesigned that much was the center piece, and it plays sooooooo much better than anything else we could've hoped for. And no, MultiMythOn was not posted here.
  2. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Alt Drei comes close to being fun, just something doesn’t click. It has some interesting parts with some impressive aesthetics but it just doesn’t flow well. Players are often left wondering what to do next, or where to go. Even in objective games there just doesn’t feel like there is much direction. Moving around is rough and getting on top can be tricky, meaning most of the play happens on the ground level. The flag is difficult to get to and once it’s out of the base it’s even more difficult to defend. Overall, it was an interesting map to see once, but then once the initial game is over there isn’t much desire to ever play on it again.



    I wouldn’t say Alt Drei is unbalanced, because it does have some good cross map balancing. However, it does suffer from some serious camping issue. It’s fairly obvious that the creators intended for there to be some cross map battles, but I don’t think they anticipated how incredibly easy it would be to defend the flag with only a shotgun. Due to the long ramps, poorly designed grav lift, and a long hallway, a player with a BR and shotgun can effectively defend the flag on their own. Design flaw at best, poor planning at worst. The red sniper was also a strange placement. I can understand it in theory but the blue sniper definitely has the upper hand and with a fusion coil right behind it, it was often a death trap to pick it up in the beginning. Not only did it have this problem but having it spawn up high meant that it was easy for the player to camp their base once they picked it up with little reason to leave.

    A few areas of the map were seldom used to the point where the only reason players would ever be in the area was due to the teleporters. The rocket launcher just sat in the middle very open. While it did seem to encourage use by being so open, it tended to mean the person who picked it up would get spotted and killed rather quickly. The spawning was… bad. Players continually spawned in the same area, especially on red team where there was a cluster of 3 in one area and single spawns elsewhere. This would make it incredibly easy for the blue to guess where the opposition would spawn. Along with this a vast majority of the spawns were on ground level, and when you took into account that there was only two mid-long range weapons available, it often ended with a few players sitting up high with their BR picking off the poor saps who spawn down low.

    To say the man cannon is unreliable would be a gross understatement. It just plain didn’t work consistently to the point where it was avoided. Even in cases where it did work, some other player was already sitting up top with the sniper in hand waiting for you to pop your head up after hearing the sound of the cannon go off. The only other option was an incredibly long ramp which could easily be camped by the same sniper, and a very difficult crouch jump which often ended with the player falling to the bottom in despair. The red grav lift was definitely an after thought, and played like such. If you tried to jump in it you would fall helplessly and float around the lift. If you didn’t know to keep moving through the lift you’d bob up and then back down without ever accomplishing what you thought you had set out to do. A simple notch would have helped to direct the player once they entered the lift and lowering the landing would have increased reliability greatly.



    While it seemed at first that the map was durable, after a quick inspection a set of grenade jumps was found that allows the player to get up top of the blue base. Granted the second grenade jump is very difficult and doesn’t provide the player with any benefit the fault is still there.



    If aesthetics made a map, this would be a great map. It’s a shame they don’t because it seemed like Alt Drei had so much potential. It’s easy to distract the general populous with fancy pictures and a quality post, unfortunately true design skill shines through it all. The surfaces are all very smooth and well forged, though a few jumps seemed random and unnecessary when a ramp would have benefited gameplay and flow. While it was rather obvious that this map was forged by several people due to the very different and unconnected areas, it did help the player to orient themselves quickly. Definitely an interesting map, but the lack of continuity and connectedness makes you feel like you’re in 3 different maps, and not just one.



    Overall it’s safe to say Alt Drei has some original features. They definitely took a challenge by building a 3 story structure, but it seems to have cost them some points in the long run. It seemed refreshing and somewhat unique, though still familiar and not really making any huge improvements from what we’ve seen in crypt maps so far. It would be nice to see a revamped version of this where more thought was put into the overall flow and less on how to make it look pretty.


    Enjoyment: 3/10
    Balance: 2/10
    Durability: 7/10
    Aesthetics: 8/10
    Originality: 7/10


    #22 Vincent Torre, May 31, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2010
  3. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Vincent, althought the comments weren't the most flattering, I must agree with most, if not all, of your comments. I don't want to ruin the map's popularity by agreeing with what your saying but there is no reason to deny. Thank you so much for taking the time to thoroughly analyze our map and for being extra critical.
  4. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    And this children, is why Forgehub doesn't and shouldn't, have an official review team.

    You did make a lot of good points, but your scores were altogether ridiculous.
    With all due respect, I really don't think you could define flow. I don't know what you're trying to say when you claim that there's no 'direction' in objective games, it's pretty obvious you played minimal games here, and most likely with in a lobby filled with other challenged members. Yes. Challenged.

    There's no direction, if the other players in your team don't feel like attacking said objective. It's a team effort, in any objective game if no one is cooperating and just running around as if it was slayer, than there would be no direction. That or the other team defending the flag did a good enough job just killing you over and over that it felt like a Slayer game. Other claims that you've made in that small portion alone such as 'most of the fighting happens on the ground level' just shows that once again, either that was just you, or you didn't play the map enough.

    Wouldn't longer ramps only make it easier to kill someone with a shotgun since there's a greater LOS? I can't tell you how easy it is to dispatch someone who's attempting to camp. There's more than enough entrances to the base, all of which have some sort of vantage point that'll prove effective and random scenarios.

    You contradicted yourself again. Saying it's at an awkward placement alone would be opinion based to put it nicely. Every reason you pointed out that made it seem 'awkward' was only there for balancing purposes. The blue sniper didn't have nearly the same view that the Red Sniper spawn held, and it took a good few seconds extra to reach it off the spawn of the game. The reason there's a fusion coil is so that it's easier to get rid of anyone who may be attempting to camp with it, which is the incentive to leave. You obviously didn't look this through.

    I don't argue with your claim that some parts of the map are underused. However to what extent all depends on the gametype you're playing. In One Flag the shotgun base with the receiver node has much more traffic than it does in One Flag. So on so on. I do admit the spawns aren't the best, but they certainly aren't terrible. And it looks like you didn't play with BR starts, which was intended.
    Bahaha, agreed mate. The gravity lifts/mancannons were unreliable. Courtesy of Ace/Urban. :p
    Which were more than aware of the breakability. We didn't bother fixing it because we realized that there was nothing to break out of. You're more than open any time you're on top of architecture that someone isn't intended to get on top of.
    Yup. Agreed.
    Once again I obviously don't agree with a good bit of what you said, and I'm sure many others will side with me. But along with them I'm willing to bet you'll have your own group of whores to back you up. Thanks for the review....I think.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I never had any issues with the base being too easy to defend, except one game that involved me and three other guys verse ONE player and three afk people. The shotgun, i agree is overkill and is too powerful, and should be replaced with something much more effective. I would suggest a brute shot, because they are somewhat difficult to use at any real distance and they are not super powerful, while still retaining the ability for a one-shot-melee combo that qualifies it as a power weapon. I checked the little glitch to get out of the map, and as multilockon said, during a real game it might as well be suicide.
    However, unfortunatly i have to agree with the rest of the review no matter how harsh it was. I think almost 70% of all issues are with the weapon placement, something i didnt get to test during my first couple posts. However this could EASILY be adjusted, along with the several grav lift issues, and therefore the rating given of 5.4 is a slight understatement of the actual value of this map. BUT, the majority of what was mentioned is true. It may have very pretty pictures, but its not a perfect map. The gameplay does tend to get stale after a bit of time, and almost all of the gametypes played with the same style.

    I think that makes me a *****......... Ive been called worse things before, but never any that are so close to the truth!
    #25 Jex Yoyo, Jun 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2010
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Woah there buddy. Calm your britches. As the map maker, getting a review that you don't agree with obviously seems a lot more absurd. That isn't a result of a flawed review team. Also, I'm no *****, I just distribute sexual favors for a monetary reward.

    After playing another full game in this map with the actual amount of people needed, I found the map to have flawed cover. The map consists mainly of open walkways and areas. When you try to take cover anywhere, there is almost nowhere that is very safe. The cover is only greatly concentrated in the base which makes a game of CTF normally result in a draw.

    Im my personal opinion, the map has a great aesthetic touch, but the gameplay is more important.
  7. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I agree with Mick, YoYo and me are going to make him some money tonight so he doesn't hit us again, I love you daddy.

    You haven't learned to take critisism like a man since you started forging? Read what he said without tears in your eyes, get your crew and go back into Forge, then present me a better 'Alt Vier' or something.
    Just because you are three 'known' guys, your Map don't have to be godly, I personally didn't like it at all, but that's personal preference, it seems like Mick thinks the same, I don't see a problem wit that, because like you said, a lot of people will side with you.
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Hahahaha you just got signitured. Made my day ;)
    Edit: --censored-- Yikes that was uncalled for.... sorry Multi :(
    #28 Jex Yoyo, Jun 8, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2010
  9. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh calm down Multi.

    I agree with most of what Vincent said. While I do think his ratings are a little low, I respect the ratings he gave.
  10. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I'm telling you Multi, you should have had a Longshore-esque bridge so the attackers can drop on to the defenders (but isn't switch activated). I can almost guarantee doing this would remove whole 'defenders camping their base from the high ground' problem.

    However, I will agree that Alt Drei did get a lower score than it deserved.
  11. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow you were a **** back then Christian. Nothing's changed I see.
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  12. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Yeah I was a gigantic prick in H3.

    Edit: it was a shitty review though
    Xandrith likes this.
  13. Buddy Jumps

    Buddy Jumps Jumpmaster
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    I didn't get the name until I reached the end of the thread. LUL I wanna hear your pronunciation of it at some point, haha.

    Alt Drei = Old Three
    Die Alten Drei = The Old Three

    Alt = Old
    Uralt = Ancient

    Sorry to be that guy. Kappa.png
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  14. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Google translate my man aha
    Buddy Jumps likes this.
  15. Kurismic

    Kurismic Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your edginess @MultiLockOn is hilarious. It follows a pattern, something like this:

    1.) Recieve feedback that counters your views or you consider illogical.

    2.) Proceed to type a thesis on why the feedback is incorrect.

    3.) Throw in personal and professional insults ranging from slight to severe, based upon past relations and encounters with person.

    4.) Paste in witty remark and winky faces so viewers don't think you are /badguy.jpeg

    5.) Receive a reply that you still consider stupid and illogical.

    6.) Drop all winky faces and proceed to be edgier than a Rhombicosidodecahedron.

    7.) Garner support from friends.

    8.) Have a good laugh m8.

    9.) Profit ;)

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