Nice map man, I like the contrast between metal and concrete textures. Looks like the perimeter gameplay of this map would be awesome.
I enjoyed KOTH on here. This map takes a while to grasp since each of the areas looks relatively similar, but once you do the movement options become very interesting. I'm curious to see how Camo works on here. I imagine it will be much more powerful than the Sniper. I think it should be a good fit. Here's a walkthrough to give everyone a first person look at the map:
Honeycomb 1.4 is uploaded and ready to play. I have added color coding to help with team callouts and fixed verious holes throughout the map. Top mid now has a hole with camo spawning in the center of it every 90 seconds.
@Xandrith - this map reworked to Halo 5 may actually play Exterm really well (scaling adjustments may be needed of course)