Goals for 2017 Bench 250 Squat 335 Deadlift 365 40 - 4.6 Box jump - 56 inches Current Bench 230 Squat 275 Deadlift - finding out today 40 - 4.8 Box jump - 54 inches I'm smaller 5 foot 8 160 pounds So yeah bump
2 sets of 15 mile bike rides and 5 miles of walking, 5 days a week. That's about it, unless you count a fast metabolism
My lack of motivation allows my small amount of pudge to say visable. So my logic is to fatten up to the point where I realize something is wrong in turn giving me motivation to work out. Beat that logic, science.
I did that. After busting my ass for about the last year, I've reduced my gut back down to...a small amount of pudge.
This thread needs a bump. I've been running 5/3/1 since the beginning of the year. Making more progress than I have on any other program, hitting weight and rep PR's (personal records) almost every workout. I squatted 200 for the first time ever last week, which was a huge milestone for me. It took me almost 2 years to learn how to squat properly, and now I'm making really good progress. Had my deadlift day today. Lifted 315 for 3 reps. It moved smooth and easy. I think my one rep max is around 345 right now, though I haven't maxed out in a long time. I video myself pretty regularly, because it helps me see how my body is moving, and figure out what I need to do differently. I'll start posting those occasionally. Here's today's (280x3/315x3):
Yesterdays Workout Overhead Press - 85x5/95x3/100x3/115x1 Z Press - 65x5,5,5,5,5 Chin Up - BWx8,8,7 T-Bar Row - 75x12,12,12 Lunge - 3x13,13,13 Leg Raise - BWx30 Spoiler: Overhead Press Video
This was pretty much me walking in off the streets without previous gym experience at 19. I could only dream of being so casual about it now. Probably didn't hurt that I ran through life at a full sprint leaping onto everything I passed while backflipping mid sentence. I would get out of headlocks by just standing up and throwing people off. Now my neck is herniated and my delicate little feet get blisters when I go for a moderate fast paced walk. Did I mention that I ****ing hate time.
Eww my goals have changed so much wow Haha Just by doing calisthenics I went to the gym with my friend and squatted double my Bodyweight But I don’t care about any of those anymore. Sorry to hear about those though. Wanting to be able to workout and not being able to due to an injury is the worst feeling
So, Monday is recognized by lifters around the world as International Bench Press day. That's why I bench on Tuesday (benches are all empty). Bench Press: 110x3 / 130x3 / 145x5 (3+Set) Spoto Press: 5 Sets of 90x5 Kroc Row: 3 Sets of 60x12 Single Leg Curl: 3 Sets of 55x15 Hanging Leg Raise: 3 Sets of BWx8 I've been benching for a couple of years now, and feel like I've finally just learned how to bench over the last month (not that this is a demonstration of expert benching, lol, but it's a big improvement for me). Spoiler: Bench Press Video
I always hated the gym. Anytime you put work in the title I don't want to do it. Now if play is the descriptor I'm down. Currently trying to find people to play squash with. Sadly all my buddies are too old and broken. One of my best friends who is a year older than me has now been asked by 3 different people if he is my dad, lol. The herniated disc in my neck is just something that I have to alter parts of my life for. As long as I don't sit or lie in awkward positions I'm typically okay. One of the misconceptions is that you should do less physical activities when you have a herniated disc. You have to be careful but you actually want to do plenty of exercises to build up the muscle around the disc to alleviate the stress on it, also to create healthy blood flow. In other words I shouldn't be sitting on my ass playing video games.
Also, three meals a day - just a banana in the morning is fine. Never use the AC or heat during the summer or winter to strengthen your mind.
I have been doing upper body days recently rather than splitting pushing and pulling. I feel working in super sets is better IMO. Im still working in 3-5 rep range to build strength rather than just size. Im trying to stay as light as possible. Here is one of my favorite leg exercises to do: (50) Spoiler https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=OZmm7irR4KQ/SPOILER]