Ghost In The Shell - Forge Contest

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Agent Zero85, Feb 22, 2017.

By Agent Zero85 on Feb 22, 2017 at 1:18 PM
  1. Agent Zero85

    Agent Zero85 Legendary
    Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    From Halo Waypoint-

    With each month that passes, the Halo community continues to surprise us with the unique maps created in Halo 5’s Forge mode on both Xbox One and Windows 10. To celebrate the Halo World Championship, we’ve partnered with Paramount Pictures and the upcoming film Ghost in the Shell, and are excited to reveal the Forge community’s next challenge - the Ghost In the Shell Halo 5 Forge Contest!

    At the Halo World Championship Finals next month in sunny Southern California, audience members will be able to go hands-on with an awesome new Ghost in the Shell experience built with Forge. This is where you come in. The winner of this contest will not only have their map played by everyone at the event, but will also be flown out as a special guest and enjoy the show live!

    Based on creativity, originality, usability, and likeness to the ‘Ghost in the Shell’ description, a panel of judges – selected from the various Forge communities, the team here at 343 Industries, and Paramount Pictures – will choose the top three winners. The contest begins now and entries must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. PT on March 12, 2017 here on the Halo Waypoint Forums. To learn how to submit your entry, head here.

    The top 3 winners will receive:
    • 1st Prize – Paid trip to the Halo World Championship 2017 Finals in Burbank, California
    • 2nd Prize – Covenant Prize Pack – Replica Needler by NECA, Halo Wars 2 Brute Spike Rifle by BOOMco, Covenant Ghost
    • 3rd Prize – Spartan Prize Pack – Athlon and Master Chief customizable Spartans, and Mark V and Mark VI Art FX packs by Kotobukiya
    • Maps created must at a bare minimum support Slayer game mode
    • Maps must support 2-8 players
    • Maps must use the Active Camo powerup (On map pickups or traits)
    • Maps will be judged in part by how closely they recreate the look and feel from the Ghost in the Shell universe based on the reference material and description provided below:
    Location: The Lawless Zone

    Date: The Very Near Future

    The battle takes place in a section of the city that was once grand but has been neglected for some time. The ground is littered with debris. There is an abandoned car and towering dilapidated buildings are visible in the distance.

    A gnarled tree rises from the center of what might have been a busy traffic circle. Pillars surround the area and support a circular walkway/overpass 30 feet high that frames the arena.

    The Spider Tank is formidable. Standing 15-20 feet high with 6 legs and 2 heavy machine gun turrets. It shrugs off gun fire. It emerges unexpectedly and ready to do major damage. The Major will need to find a way to get close undetected to succeed…


    Additionally, you should feel free to use the Ghost In The Shell official trailers for extra inspiration. If you’re looking for a few more angles of this area specifically, you can find them at around the 2-minute mark in the trailer below.[​IMG]

    To see the full contest rules, head here:

    We can’t wait to see how Forge and Ghost in the Shell collide for this contest. Best of luck to all Forgers!

    *No Purchase Necessary. Open only to existing Xbox Live account holders with access to an Xbox One or Windows 10 PC and a copy of Halo 5: Guardians for Xbox One or Halo 5: Forge on Windows 10. Game ends 3/12/17. For details, see Official Rules.
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Agent Zero85, Feb 22, 2017.

    1. Agent Zero85
      Agent Zero85
      From the contest rules:
      Can i participate?
      • You are 18 years of age or older;
      All judging will be based on the following judging criteria:
      • 25.00% - Originality
      • 25.00% - Creativity
      • 25.00% - Usability
      • 25.00% - Likeness to ‘Ghost in the Shell’ description
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2017
    2. AceOfSpades
      Kind of a lame contest tbh. Just asking for one style of aesthetic is going to I'm sure be boring to judge, and doesn't really inspire creativity.
    3. Agent Zero85
      Agent Zero85
      Im surprised creativity is worth 25% in this.
    4. Foge
      This. And only 18 days to complete an arena map from scratch? I don't have high expectations for gameplay for this contest, still going to probably enter something but rather disappointing.
      ANCIENT TECHNIQ, Mags, Orzium and 2 others like this.
    5. Blaze
      Anyone looking for a blockout, send me a message. I have plenty and don't care for any of the prizes. :)
    6. NOKYARD
      "• Must implement Active Camp powerup in some fashion"

      Always wanted a Camp powerup.
    7. Pat Sounds
      Pat Sounds
      I wanna see somebody make this into a map.

    8. Portaleer
      In regards to this tank that is described; do we improvise on a whole gametype around this with Slayer as a minimum or are we just creating a scene on this map based on the given description?
    9. NOKYARD
      Is the scene in question from the Anime version as well?
    10. Preacher001
      Wow this contest got restrictive fast. Hey, our staff don't want to take responsibility for how bad of a map we might build in such a limited time, how about we source it out to the community and if their best sucks we can blame them.

      The limited timeframe and the importance of art style demands a co-forge but the prizes defeat the purpose of it. Hopefully there's a few people willing to co-forge who prefer fame to prizes. I'm assuming that if there was anyone willing to settle for a little name recognition, there would be no problem with prefab experts posting their themed wares for all to use?
    11. Pat Sounds
      Pat Sounds
      As far as I can tell it is. The detailed about the gnarled tree is something I don't remember, but it looks similar to the abandoned building area where she battles the spider tank in the anime:

      She enters the building around the 1 minute mark...The scene from the trailer seems to be a live action interpretation of that sequence. The lighting and color is almost exactly the same at least.
    12. Preacher001
      I think if your going to do it Halo style there should be no problem with the spider tank being turned into a baby Scarab ;)

      Anyone else feel like 343 should have provided the tank and the tree?
    13. S0UL FLAME
      S0UL FLAME
      I wonder who the judges are...
      ArturBloodshot likes this.
    14. Sitri
    15. Sikamikanico
      Crikey, lots of whinging in here... ;)

      Make stuff, have fun, watch @WyvernZu win 1st place.
      Mags, Orzium, WAR and 1 other person like this.
    16. Preacher001
      Wyverns a judge, so there is hope for the little people.
    17. Erk
      This is an interestingly specific contest. I really like the theme as well personally.

      If only there was a "gnarled tree" forge object. How do they expect that when the only non leaf bearing trees are oversized sticks/logs? It's gonna look unnatural as hell or have leaves on it.
    18. Dunco
      majority of the maps are gonna be an atrium with a tree in the center :/

      then someones gonna get crazy and do a double atrium with a tree in one center and a single car in the other

      then someone even crazier is gonna make a tiny play space with a wraith stuck in the center

      ..guess who the crazier one is :cool:
    19. HeX Reapers
      HeX Reapers
      At first I thought this was a 4v4 contest for HCS, then I was disappointed.
      Orzium, iKiwed and Vientus like this.

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