this is a vip map with a base that takes up most of the size of foundry. you can download the map here defense the team that defends the vip has to hide the vip in the base. vip has lower gravity and starts out with a br and regular shields. there are an assortment of weapons in the base, including sentinel beams, magnums, snipers, turrets, etc. pictures of the defensive base can be found here: offense the attacking side also starts out with brs. their "bases" (as shown in my fileshare pictures) are not meant to be where the fighting occurs. the weapons on the attacking side are mostly offensive weapons, such as brute shots, a low ammunition fuel rod, and a low ammunition rockets. the door the main feature to this map is the openable door. to open the door, go to the right side of the map (if u r looking from offense) and enter the open single box, shoot the fusion "reactor" and the door will open. a picture of the fusion "reactor and the door can be found here: thanks to anyone who has/will download this map and a special thanks to many popes for showing me how to post this map
your pics aren't wor....NO KIDDING!! People, he has already been informed of the issues with his need to keep telling him...Anyway, From what can be seen it looks pretty cool... I will DL and check it out and get back with you...
i love the maze look to this. i don't really get the door from these pics but i guess i'll just have to download to find out. i really like this it looks great, good job!
the map looks as if it could be a good SWAT map because if you play multi flag on this map people will be racking up the points because it will be hard to find the carrier
Looks like incredible fun! What the guy above me said sounds cool too. A maze to find the VIP in.. awesome!
yeah, i had a few difficulties earlier. thanks to all for your comments! dont forget that this map was also made by Elzara.
wow, i dont think ive ever seen a single map in foundry built around VIP might be a nice change, you got my DL
Whoa, so you had the Pope himself help with this map... Wait you had Popes thats plural. More than one Pope helped you!! Nah, just messing with you. This map looks spectacular. The idea of the opening door is very well executed. Great job.
the map part was just for fun. i mainly created this map for the door. im currently working on a v2 with friends and it has a bit more interlocking, and by a bit i mean a lot.