
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Matty, May 31, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. fencerman333

    fencerman333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is really cool, and a very unique map indeed!!!!! I think it DEFINITELY deserved the feature, its really hard to find good sky base maps!!!! By the way, check my sig.
  2. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    LIGHTS...Great map, don't get me wrong with what I'm about to say...BUT...

    In approx. the first 10 posts, these were some of the comments...

    (as for Plagues, that was a rather lame comment, i wanted to see which map, but his sig has like 10 in there, so i said fblamck it...)

    ALSO, Matty himself rated 4/5, the man who put this up, though, I'm assuming a higher-up told him to do so...meh, not my debate...

    Thirdly, since this comment was posted by TDF:
    There hasn't been a single complaint yet...I'm guessing people are afraid to stand up to an admin, but this is how i really feel:

    What I'm trying to get at here, is TDF, please don't NOT update the front page, it is crucial to FH...but in MY opinion, as well as quite a few out there...the maps that get featured, are either really good or really okay...please get rid of the okay, look through the maps, i know that can take time, but there are some amazing maps in there, at least in competitive i know i've seen some killer maps with great aesthetics & gameplay (hard to find...), which imo, deserve featured SLIGHTLY more then this, saucers, etc...

    As for the actual map itself, this does have some really good floating, that can be really annoying save quitting, as you had to of considering you made this on standoff, a non-flat map...

    Also, as for the feature factor, I am quite pleased to see a map other then foundry get on the feature menu...
  3. Jwguy

    Jwguy Ancient
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    As far being elegant goes, I think the map makes a severe miss. It's not eye-candy or subtle, but it scores some points in being a silly map to play on ^^. I still wish it had a little more function as a map, though. Good job!

    I also think Tex has a very good idea, there. I would also think that a little more care should be placed in the selection of featured maps. Not to say a good job hasn't been done, but when I just recently joined up, I noticed a heavy, heavy difference between renegade and the other maps in question, and especially this one. I wasn't a fan of renegade, but it was well-done, and suprisingly amazing in it's aesthetic design, and it provided nice gameplay. I think featured maps should be like that, period, fulfilling multiple standards of gameplay. However, if that's impossible to do, then look for something that can at least be looked upon with some impressive nature. The map is alright, but I could truly only give it a 2.5/5. We need more 4s and 5s! ^^
    #23 Jwguy, May 31, 2008
    Last edited: May 31, 2008

    Senior Member

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    your statements show me youve never even set foot in the map... as such, they don't mean a thing.
  5. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No, see everyone takes it the rong way when someone says the word " Feature" . What i ment was that other maps are better then this ( no offence at all ) and that they should be featured, there is a AMAZING map by brute captin that should be featured, i knew the moment i posted that people would jump to the conclusion im saying it sucks.... also are we only soposed to say good things about maps? no constructive critasim..
    #25 Mr Pokephile, May 31, 2008
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  6. tuf jaho

    tuf jaho Ancient
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    this looks like one of the greatest featured maps yet. keep up the great forging.
  7. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Looks very nice.
    While yes to all you whiners it is a floating base,
    a two second glance will show you its not the same craptcular glorified box of a "base" you usually see in these things.
    I like the look of it (the forge-itecture so to speak) and hope to play it in a proper party soon.
    Naturally once i do,ill post some proper feedback ^^
    (incidently if anyone is every playing a decent sized party,throw me and invite
    supa midget000)

    I honestly dont understand why all you people get your knickers in twist when they feature something,that while being in a common genre is the best inside of said genre.

    The lost chamber-the best of the mazes ive seen...you all blew a fuse
    A mini-game map pack-a harmless fun update... you all complained :S
    This-the best sky castle ive seen to date...your already warming up the waaahbulances.

    I dont get it.
    Personelly id prefer an active site where many different things are featured,where new people think they might actually have a shot at getting featured even if their map isnt quite
    to a site thats completely static and only updates every blue moon.
    #27 Supa Midget, May 31, 2008
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  8. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    ok everyone, contrary to noobish belief this IS a good map, hell, it's a ****ing amazing map. i play it in every TGIF i host and there are always people asking to play it again, sometimes three times.
    this is not your average floating base, it is complex, yet understandable, and although the mancannon doesn't always get you up there, it works the majority of the time.
    it's different from the usual foundry features, but that doesn't mean that it's not good, it's still the best non-foundry map and one of the best one-flag maps i've ever played.
    so who cares if it's a floating base, it still works as intended and is completely balanced, the fact that it's genre has a bad wrap for being nooby does not mean that every map from that genre is crap.
    as for how maps are being featured, i have explained this before on the UFO map thread.

    now i wonder if anyone will read all that...
    #28 Iv0rY Snak3, May 31, 2008
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  9. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Congrats, never played here though. I dled a long time ago but never played an intense game on it
  10. Jwguy

    Jwguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like how the maker of this map is attacking people who disagree with him through PMs despite the fact that he doesn't understand what he's saying or talking about in them.
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I played this for the first time yesterday during the TGIF event and I can easily see why this was featured. The sky base was wonderfully designed and it was a great twist on Standoff. Congrats on another feature!
  12. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pics or it didnt happen :p
  13. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    Why do people like to pick on/attack LIGHTSOUT? You make some of the best Asymmetrical maps to date and all what people say is it's a boring map. It function better then any sky base out there and plays wonderfully. I under stand people who don't like the map after playing it, but bashing it and not even trying it out is what gets me mad.
  14. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    i tried it out iron, n i enjoyed it, though i didn't feel it was feature worthy.

    When i previously posted (whether or not you read my post, I'm not sure) I was more noting the fact that since TDF had posted his comment, everyone shutup like they got spanked or something. So i had pointed that out...Anyways what ever happened to free-speech n all that jazz? I mean, some people don't agree that flying saucers deserved feature, so should the 20+ people that said that just not post? Well then, if noone posted there opinion, then the people who select the features, might not gain any knowledge of how to please this community (and it is understandable that not everyone can be pleased all at once...someone always has to whine about something). BUT you can get closer to making everyone happy then that. Renegade, well deserved. Pallet Parade, very well deserved. End of the Line, very well deserved. If need be, re-evaluate what it is about maps, that got the greatest ones featured, then put that concept into future ones. I know Furious was there to help, but you're all big kids, you know what to do...

    Much love to the admins/mods/journeys, as TDF said, do we not want you to update the front page? Well, ofcourse we want you to, if you didn't we wouldn't know what to choose from when we want quality maps, n have to waste 2 hours before playing a good map, looking for one in the competitive maps section....

  15. AcidChris

    AcidChris Ancient
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    I can't wait to get back on Xbox Live and download this. It looks pretty cool. Like some sort of ship.
  16. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I respect your view on the map Tex because you played through a round or two on the map itself. and yes it was a rant
  17. charliezulublue

    charliezulublue Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good 5/5
  18. Phantom Bowser

    Phantom Bowser Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Heatwave is a good map it neat even though it is a sky base, probly the neatest sky base ive seen yet great job!

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im sorry but to me this looks like just another Standoff map where there is a floating base or 2....
  20. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gz on being a douche,read others comments and actually play the map before judging.
    Sorry but i really hate those one sentance "reviews"

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