Uh, duh? That's not the point. The Halo population is conditioned to run around clambering everything and they'll complain if they can't.
Whats stopping you from making your own game mode which disables clamber and balances everything to the way you see fit? I don't see clamber leaving any time soon. A MLG style perfectly balance gamemode setup for slayer would go very well if advertised well.
No, obviously clamber isn't leaving. So if we don't like it, we shouldn't point out its flaws and instead go make our own gametypes to play with 3 other people.
I'm sure Unyshek and friends thoroughly read complaint threads on forgehub. A formal well thought out video or post linked to reddit would do you much more. If extermination can spread to more than 3 people, than so can your gametype.
implying i can't work on that while i post on forgehub in the thread i made for sharing those kinds of opinions and the whole point of extermination is that it uses default settings. nobody is going to download halo 5 1/2
If you post ANYTHING of your own on Reddit (maps,game types,ideas) you get down voted beyond repair. If somebody else finds it, you become president.
Teleporters/vertical lifts are best used as checks and balances to the dominant power positions instead of traversal routes. Since invisible blockers and projectile blockers are separate thing, Forgers should be phasing out grenadeable staircases. If you want to throw a grenade up a staircase, put slopes or flat walls nearby instead. Players shouldn't be expected to be able to greande steps just because they are "ramps" when it realistically doesn't make any sense anyway. The DMR shouldn't be on any map ever for any reason whatsoever and needs to be phased out of Halo due to its gross redundancy.
The Halo 3 AR was the most balanced AR and was a great back up weapon when paired with the BR. And I will go as far to say it should have been the secondary weapon in MLG.
If a weapon takes more than half of a magazine to kill someone under perfect conditions, it is not a weapon worth using. 4's AR was better.
Depends on how fast said weapon burns through half a magazine and total magazine size. TTK takes priority over arbitrary weapon constraints like capacity or aim assist, as these do not matter much when compared to individual skill with a weapon. Sure, they help a weapon be more powerful if tuned correctly, but my point stands. Give me the hardest to use weapon ever, but make it a have the fastest ttk and it's worth using - you put yourself at a disadvantage if you don't :]
Exactly my point, it's acts as a clean up crew for when you run out of BR ammo. (How all secondary starts should act IMO)
Like The Last Word in Destiny. It has 8 rounds and the thing used to kill in 2 shots (when it was broken). After they nerfed the **** out if it, it kills in 3-4 shots now, but you're probably going to use 5-6 in most 1v1s and if you have a fast reload, that goes by quick.
WAYWO and other non-site related threads (looking at you Music/PPC in off-topic) shouldn't be stickied. If they're popular they'll continue to get bumped. Otherwise let them die. Whats up with **** like this resource thread? https://www.forgehub.com/threads/testing-lobbies-forge-guides-other-resources.148358/ ...Hasn't been updated in 7 MONTHS, features pointless and out of date material (Schnitzel lobby map testing/ rain and snow effect tutorials/ etc...), and accomplishes the same thing as the weekly forge cast reports which may as well be a copy paste of the previous week with a new fancy picture.
I was basically the only person who ever updated the resources thread. I think resources like that are extremely valuable, especially to newer forgers. It's definitely not an ideal way of organizing/sharing the info though. I'd love to see a separate section on the site dedicated to resources. I know that's been discussed as a possibility before, and I hope it happens at some point. I agree with your main point though. A lot of the stickied threads are unnecessary.
-Rocketrace is still not a thing on social playlist:/ (Warthog rocketrace was horrible) i miss good ol rocketrace -Sticky detanator is not in halo 5. I miss being able to allhu akbar my enemies on doubles. your freind sticks you and when you give the signal BOOM. -matchmaking isnt fun