Stealin' Your Flags

Discussion in 'Map Discussion' started by RPAL, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    RPAL submitted a new map:

    Stealin' Your Flags - The classic Halo: Reach minigame is back for Halo 5! Remade by original creator RPAL.

    Read more about this map...
  2. Gabotron ES

    Gabotron ES Recruit

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    Very nice RPAL
  3. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Remade it first gg kid

    For real though, this looks niiiiice. Gonna save it a spot in my lobby this weekend

    EDIT: Did you forget the gametype download link?

    EDIT EDIT: Either waypoint's dumb or you have no gametypes in your file share at all.
  4. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    There is a glitch associated with the Anvil's Legacy update that is preventing variants of Neutral Flag from appearing online in the Waypoint browser. I tried to mention this everywhere I posted the map and I made a thread on Waypoint asking them to fix it. It's out of my control and sadly I doubt it will ever be fixed. :(

    The gametype is in both my files and my bookmarks--you just have to grab it in-game. I look forward to hearing what you think!
    #4 RPAL, Oct 25, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
  5. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Played this in my lobby today and it was ****ing fun. Like seriously fun. Couldn't find anything to fault. Good job m8
    RPAL likes this.
  6. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    RPAL updated Stealin' Your Flags with a new update entry:

    Post Release Patch

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. CertifiedChamp

    CertifiedChamp Legendary
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    I had alot of fun testing this, looking forward to playing some more.
    RPAL likes this.
  8. Dorque_Fu

    Dorque_Fu Legendary
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    RPAL - This has been up two months and I just now effing noticed this?! I've been waiting for this for so long!! Thank you! I must play this. I loved this mode. How...when...Thank you!
  9. Dorque_Fu

    Dorque_Fu Legendary
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    Do you think you'll rework this with the new mini-game custom settings?
  10. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    I knew I recognized your name when you sent me that REQ pack! :D
    I apologize for forgetting to notify you when I released it. I knew I forgot to tell a few people but couldn't remember who!

    Sadly the map broke from the most recent update, but I am working on it as I type this and hope to be testing a new version as soon as this weekend!
  11. IC Entropy

    IC Entropy Forerunner

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    Can't wait till this is fixed. I loved the original and was trying to play it in customs a very days ago and couldn't get it to work. Glad to hear I'm not just crazy (but sad that it is broken).
  12. Dorque_Fu

    Dorque_Fu Legendary
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    Hey no worries about notifying me, that's not your obligation. I'm just stoked your updating it for Halo 5. Seriously love this map. Not like have a huge crew for customs to play it with.

    When you get it fixed, if you ever need a buddy to join your customs crew to play it. I'm in! So stoked for this mini-game.
  13. Dorque_Fu

    Dorque_Fu Legendary
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    How are things going in your attempts to update this map. Would love to roll this thing hard in Custom Games browser as I think folks would dig it.

    I looked at your map and was trying to figure out how all the scripting came together. I've got a general idea of how it played out, but would using the Mini-Games setup be a little easier to setup this kind of game. Looking forward to when you get a chance to update this one.
  14. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    I fixed the map for use with the original gametype a couple of weeks ago after removing all of the scripts and starting from scratch. The map used to have max scripts (255?) and now it is running smoothly with less than 60. You'll see that the map version now says 2.0 and it is the exact same file as before.

    Even though I started work with the minigame gametype, I haven't had a whole lot of time to finish it nor have I had the time to publish any updates anywhere. The good thing is that both modes are completely separate from one another, so you can play the original Neutral Flag "In Your Base" in my bookmarks on v2.0 of the map and it will only implement the scripts required for that gametype. You do not need to wait for me to finish editing the map for the minigame gametype because those objects and scripts will not load in during Neutral Flag.

    To be completely honest with you the minigame mode itself has some serious flaws that take some of the fun out of the game and this custom map; for example, you don't get an individual score for the number of flags you've captured nor are there any medals for anything flag related. That is why I haven't been rushing to work on it because I personally feel like it loses some of the excitement when you cannot see who has captured flags and you do not get a medal for capturing them.

    Just to reiterate, the map (v2.0) once again works with the exact same gametype file I released it with, so go right ahead and give it a try! I can't wait to hear what you think!

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