Named Location Volumes are a bad addition to the game. People suddenly can't figure out how to communicate without them. A lot of the fun of playing on new forge maps was coming up with (sometimes ridiculous) callouts. That part of the experience is mostly lost now.
i'd like them if they didn't count for the object limit and we could type in our own names. but neither of those are a thing and they're required for matchmaking, so **** em
I find campaign the biggest waste of time on the developers side... So much time and effort into something that is only a played a hand full of times. Imagine if they removed campaign, how much extra time and resources they could put into the game eg/. user interface, armour, game types, forge, map design.
I don't think campaign is a waste of time for the developers, but I'd be perfectly happy with a Multiplayer only Halo game.
Josh Holmes had a post on beyond right before Halo 5 where he said that based on data Microsoft collects through XBL some 70% of people only play the campaign and then maybe ~5 games or less of multiplayer.
I have often thought similarly along this same line, but more due to lack of resources. So only 30% of all halo 5 purchases played six or more mp matches? No wonder they didn't want population counters.
WTF! that is crazy... I can happily say that they aren't die hard halo fans... Probably kids who just play a plethora of games and don't delve into one title specifically.
Maybe 343 should get out of their way and let the community take halo to the next level. 343 provides the infrastructure but not the game.
Or maybe people who don't enjoy multiplayer. Arguing over who is the 'true' diehard fan is childish. From what I remember Bungie games had about the same split. The same as actually a lot popular AAA games that have both singleplayer and multiplayer. Everybody always massively overestimates the amount of people that even touch multiplayer. Hell, even finishing the campaign is a thing that isn't achieved by a large portion of the players.
I miss being able to look through peoples files. I felt like it helped the forge community progress faster in H5 than it did in previous games. In many ways, learning and innovation are community efforts, and having files visible increased the speed at which learning and innovation happened. I understand why people want the ability to hide their files, but I think the community would be better off overall if they couldn't be hidden. At the very least, forge files should be visible to others by default.
A lot of people see their maps as a product and likes as currency. There also seems to be a land grab rush on game types.
Yea I feel like once we could hide files, the community stopped challenging each other. Now I don't now what anyone is working on, if they're even working on anything.
Do I understand this correctly? H5 forge maps you create were automatically in a file share mode that just recently could be turned off and you don't like the new ability to turn off sharing? If this is true then it sounds like the population is melting away and you are desperate to see anything novel by anyone else. If that's true then the real problem is population.
I know, and I get it too. I don't think there's anything really wrong with enjoying the recognition that comes when a person creates something cool. I think that the important thing is that the original authors name is permanently attached to a file. That alone prevents the stealing of content that some people are concerned about. But even without that I think from a community perspective the positives of having all files visible outweigh the negatives. I guess this is basically a plea to others to be more open with their content. I personally don't hide anything. I had a hidden map at one point, and then realized how counterproductive it actually was, and have had everything public ever since (as long as I remember to change it after every time I save). Yeah, I noticed a shift almost immediately. People were feeding off of each others ideas, and then things stalled pretty much instantly.