FRED lllll submitted a new map: Ascendence - A large open FFA/Team Slayer Map Read more about this map...
FRED lllll updated Ascendence with a new update entry: Strongholds Patch Read the rest of this update entry...
FRED lllll updated Ascendence with a new update entry: most minor of minor updates Read the rest of this update entry...
FRED lllll updated Ascendence with a new update entry: Weapons rebalance Read the rest of this update entry...
FRED lllll updated Ascendence with a new update entry: WEAPONS REBALANCE 2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
FRED lllll updated Ascendence with a new update entry: Major yet minor fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
FRED lllll updated Ascendence with a new update entry: ZIP-LINE PATCH 2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
FRED lllll updated Ascendence with a new update entry: Color Update! Read the rest of this update entry...
Two astehetic problems I have... - The marble columns holding up the rock roofs of the mini islands should be replaced with something thinner - That one broken plank really just breaks traversing flow, IMO it serves no purpose Other than those things this map feels and looks gorgeous.
If you're gonna spam updates like that, you could at least make your update posts have better quality. Maybe include pictures so people can see what the changes were. Some of the actual updates themselves are pretty pointless (minor color changes, weapons being removed/added). Try to update only when it's big and important so it doesn't look like you're just trying to keep your map on the front page. Right now, you're just clogging the maps section.
I would feel bad not telling anyone about new weapon changes and not keeping the map up to date. I am sorry if that is the way this came across I did not mean for that to be the way to interpreted. The aesthetic only updates I understand why they may be seen as helpful, but sometimes if I touch up the map I want the people who play it to be able to know about them. Thanks for the advice I will add photos in future updates and update less frequently.
FRED lllll updated Ascendence with a new update entry: Zipline Patch, Hidden walkways Read the rest of this update entry...
FRED lllll updated Ascendence with a new update entry: The "Hot Spawn" and Route update Read the rest of this update entry...