Waypoint still isn't finding my files. Sorry Max. GT: ExpiredEGGGNOG Map: Exilium Gametype: Slayer Player Count: 4v4
GamerTag:IIICLAESSICIII Co-Forgers?: Map: KRAKEN 7.0 Gametype: BTB CTF Player Count: 8 v 8 https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...ESSICIII_879bbd0e-5d76-48f1-a25f-581694bd03cd
STray Morais Map: Cybermaglev Gametype: 4 v 4 CTF or Stronghold Link Description: Revised red base and basement has been condensed. Top drop to blue has been closed off as well as the long stairway leading to blue base.
Any room for tonight? If so, a very WIP 2v2: Elixir Link Just Slayer. There's no camera set up or anything.
STray Morais Map: REGGIE Gametype: 5 v 5 Fiesta or 4 v 4 stronghold / slayer depending on the # ppl in party. Link Description: WIP
Max, contrary to your wants i will have a map for this lobby: GT: Agent Zero85 Map: World Domination Gametype: World Domination Player Count: 16 Players Map link: waypoint Gametype: waypoint busted Description: Kill Balls will stop nothing short of world domination. Avoid being killed until the round ends. They will chase you.
HOLY KILL BALLS. This forge update has made linear infection forging SO MUCH EASIER. I've gotten so much motivation to start forging again and I'm going to fine tune my older maps that have been tested previously so this will be a nice blast from the past. Obviously this will be for next week's lobby (12/16) just making sure. And hopefully the following week I'll have the sequel to The Labs ready for testing. GT: KeeLoker Map: Shipment Gametype: Disturbed Player Count: 12 players Map link: Shipment Gametype: Disturbed Description: Shipment is a linear style infection map based around an infested shipping yard along the shores of an ocean. You and your group must escape the shipping yard and reach the tunnel past the parking garage and seal away a threat no man should ever face. Map: The Labs Gametype: Project Chimera Player Count: 12 players Map Link: The Labs Gametype Link: Project Chimera Description: The Labs is a linear style infection map based in an infested laboratory due to a failed genetic mutation getting out of hand. You and your group must reach a safe room on the opposite side of the facility.
Gamertag: Taitou1 Map: Weekend Getaway Gametype: Infection Player count: 12 Map Link: Here ya go! Description: A secluded farmhouse in a box canyon. The question is, what happened to the owners? This is essentially the finalized version of the map, but I figured you might want to see how it's turned out after. . . I think it's four times I've run it through the grinder that is Forged Friday?
Gamertag: GrayishPoppy210 Map: Ariandel Gametype: btb strongholds Player count: 16 Map link: Description: a rotting village in the cold dark and no longer gentle painted world of Ariandel...
Standard Submission Form GamerTag: Qrrbrbirbei Co-Forgers?: Erbody Map: Reconciled v4 Gametype: CTF Player Count: 4v4 Map Link*: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...brbirbeI_8fc66c53-f31c-4de0-b4b1-f37171bd755a Description: Reconciled with a larger slice of space. Readjusted the FX distributed on map to make room for THE KICKASS OPEN PHANTOM THAT CREATES MORE KICKASS PATHING! Overshield was moved inside said phantom with a destructible cover to allow you to shoot it down. Minor changes throughout pending playtest.
GamerTag:IIICLAESSICIII Co-Forgers?: Map: KRAKEN 7.0 Gametype: BTB CTF Player Count: 8 v 8 https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...ESSICIII_879bbd0e-5d76-48f1-a25f-581694bd03cd