Really? Try you're only spawning in the open if the game designers were short sighted and didn't realize how unfairly a player can be punished because his teammate is a moron. Spawn kills due to an ignorant teammate is too extreme for something out of the player's control. People who praise it enjoy exploitative game play.
I realize you didn't directly refer to the spawning system as an exploit, but it's inferred in the post. If you're referring to the term exploit as taking advantage of a flaw, then it doesn't apply in this situation. The spawning system was intentionally built that way, and it works as intended. It's not even like you're automatically going to be punished if your teammate doesn't understand how the spawning works. You'll really only get punished heavily if the other team has an extensive understanding of how it works. This is how a game should work. The team that understands the game more fully should be at an advantage. If you have a 'moron' on your team, you should lose. This notion that ignorance shouldn't be punished in a game is just pure nonsense. It literally makes no sense to me at all. In a competitive Halo match, the objective is to win. Everyone is usually attempting to get any advantage they can. If they're not, then I guess that's their decision, but it doesn't make any sense. As far as I'm concerned using any and every exploit at your disposal is fair. If you don't appreciate or agree with 'exploitative gameplay', you're doing it wrong (imo).
You realize Halo is a team game, correct? Individual performance should be irrelevant, the only outcome that matters is which team wins.
The spawn system isn't broken. The location of spawn points is broken. Argue this any way you want. There is a fundamental reason all modern fps designers work to eliminate spawn killing. It's obvious for most people why. --- Double Post Merged, Dec 7, 2016 --- You can talk extreme here it won't change the point I made.
Believe me, I'm not a fan of spawn killing either. The only reason I'm generally okay with it in Halo 1 is because I think the alternative would be worse. What you're advocating for sounds logical, but would affect the way the game plays negatively overall by slightly increasing how frequently players spawn safely, but hurting the overall pace of play (obligatory imo). The obvious fix would be to either add cover or expand the maps to allow players to spawn safely more often. I feel like both of those options would hurt the way the game plays more than it would help it overall. To a certain extent, spawning in the open is unavoidable sometimes with how the spawn system works. Even if the maps were larger players would sometimes end up spawning in the open due to their teammates positioning. Having said that, there are some maps in Halo 1 that just aren't really compatible with the spawning system. The two that jump out at me are Rat Race and Hang em High. Both can be brutal if your opponents are smart enough to keep one player on your team alive long enough to make sure the other person spawns in the same area. I consider this just as much a failure in level design as it is a failure of the spawn system. If the designers had fully understood how the spawn system for their game worked, they would've recognized how easily those particular designs could be exploited. It's just not as simple as saying that the spawn system or the spawn point placements are to blame. It's all interconnected. I think understanding how the spawn system works as a player also has a big impact on a persons experience. I personally got super annoyed with getting spawn killed in H1...until I learned how the system worked. Once I understood that the spawn killing generally wasn't just 'bad luck', or 'the game ****ing me over', but was actually predictable and controllable to a large degree, I stopped getting irritated by it. H1 is the only Halo game where spawn killing doesn't piss me off because understanding, and being able to predict and control, the spawning in it is literally a skill set. If your stance is that it shouldn't be, that's an entirely different discussion.
I don't think you can ever truly eliminate spawn killing, not without severely handicapping unique map design. But some FPS developers these days have just have more overcomplicated, still exploitable spawn engines, except the enemy mostly is controlling your spawning, not your team (343 and Halo 5 as a prrrrrriiiiimmmmeeeee example) While I strongly appreciate the team empowering emphasis the CE spawning provides, I also think individual empowerment is still important, just not AS important. In that vein, I think punishing an individual on a team with an unsafe spawn which winds up in a quick death for them is something that, in a hypothetical CE "sequel" could be mitigated in a number of ways. 1st avoid Hang Em High out in the open spawns. 2nd Have something in place so that the game detects when your teammate is in danger and gives you either A) A random spawn B) Sets the distance parameters as further out so the game spawns you "as close" to a teammate as possible, but at "safe distance" But one or the other, not a hybrid of both of A and B
Some people just need to learn that on Hang Em y'all need to give up a life sometimes if you wanna get a better spawn. Not to start a debate or anything but my boy Multi is right - if you continuously spawn in nades or in the same place, blame that melvin of a teammate instead. If you're playing as you should that won't be happening. As for unpopular opinion I think reach's HAZOP is a sick looking helmet and definitely deserves a place in the next Halo : )
When it comes to playing, I don't really mind HeH too much. I just think the design doesn't mesh well with the spawn system. The fact that random spawns can sometimes force you to sacrifice several lives per game is pretty shitty, and even when you do sacrifice a life there's no guarantee it'll improve your position. The fact that you're frequently better off with a random spawn is pretty dumb. The spawn system being predictable and controllable a large percentage of the time is the main thing I like about it. Spawns on HeH are less predictable and controllable than the other maps, and it's detrimental to the map, imo. The map HAS to be setup the way it is, and I think the spawning is pretty well optimized for the layout. Like I said, it's just much less compatible with the spawning system than the other maps. It relies upon the weakest aspects of the spawn system to make the map functional.
That's an unpopular opinion? --- Double Post Merged, Dec 20, 2016 --- Minimalistic Perfection > Artistic Detail.
After looking at how many times these are played on the customs browser I feel like this opinion is unpopular. Survive the ___ maps are mostly uninspired trash, I think only a few are decent at best.
Breaking the spawn doesn't fix the game pace. It mere breaks the game further. Just fix the game pace. Yes I am confident it could be fixed.
What do you guys think of shifting the control of spawn location to the spawning player exclusively? Specifically he can choose from around a dozen places on a map even those directly behind the guy who killed him? Thoughts? Concerns?