Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. Yumudas Beegbut
      Yumudas Beegbut
      Not sure if it helps, but the one thing I figured out was that the Game Settings that you see don't mean jack if you start to select a Game Mode, but don't end up selecting a game mode from the lists. The Game Settings will still show you the info from your last visit to that screen, but behind the scenes it has loaded some sort of default values.

      It definitely seems bad if you edit your custom file, but the Game Settings screen shows the "Save a copy" option but not "Save". "Save" should only be missing if you're in someone else's file, right?

      I would definitely be wary of hitting the Select button when "Mode" is highlighted in the "Custom Game" screen, or if you hit the Select button more than once on any screen. No clue about multiple files getting hosed.

      ----- programming comments/questions -----
      Not sure why it's coded to initialize default values (or something) into the Game Setting variables (the ones that end up getting saved) every time the user selects Mode from the Custom Game screen. The devs need to make sure the variables get loaded only when the user selects a file from the Game Mode screen.

      Also not sure why the info in the Game Settings screen isn't updated when the values are changed by this "load defaults" operation. Are there multiple sets of variables (one that gets serialized and one for display)? Or maybe since there's different sets of variables for each Game Mode, they're dynamically created and the Settings screen code still refers to the previous set while the Save code references the new set?

      The combination of these two items means that the game will save completely different settings than what it displays to the user. Which is awful.
    2. why
      Maybe I'm approaching this the wrong way but I can't seem to get my scripted drawbridge to lower without it getting crooked. I've tried making the bridge as simple as possible in this quick and dirty video that should get the point across The bridge lowers as expected in forge but when it comes to custom games it lowers unevenly. I've tried making it with different pieces but it continues to lay crooked when lowered. I don't know if this is a bug or a fault of my own but I'd appreciate any input on the issue.
    3. Yumudas Beegbut
      Yumudas Beegbut
      It's the game, not you. Move, rotate & position reset scripts rarely end up with the objects having moved the number of units specified. And object locations seem to be interpreted slightly differently in customs, so they can end up out of place.

      I guess I would try to make the bridge as a welded group and then set the physics to normal and try to lock it in place so that it rotates properly and stops when it hits the ground. A few objects kind of can be assembled to work as hinges. The 2' pipe works with the smallest light fixture. Pipes, cables and the golf ball might suffice.

      Getting the rotation movement to be smooth might be hopeless, but you can try using two rotate scripts that alternate or use other means like gravity or some linear movement that rotates a round object hidden away somewhere. The new gravity slides seem to produce pretty smooth motion, but they're not the easiest to work with.

      I've been testing out all kinds of stuff & I'll try to dump my notes into a thread soon. I guess some things have been usable, possibly.
      ExTerrestr1al and why like this.
    4. why
      Thanks for the advice Yumudas Beegbut; I'll toy around with some of the objects you mentioned and see if I can get something to work. I'll keep an eye out for your notes if you get round to making a thread.
      There is a Tidal rock hidden between the Asteroid ones.

    6. xDTx Kaos
      xDTx Kaos
      In forge mode, if you spawn any of the 3 covenant "cover" pieces and melee or destroy it with a grenade or other explosive, it will have some parts break off. It will also not be able to be interacted with and once it despawns, it will delete itself from the map. Idk if this happens with any other pieces.
    7. Sitri
      The 2x2x2 Covenant Pod Body, 8x8x6 Pod Full, and the 4x4x4 Pod Body don't cast light.

    8. Garrett757
      I apologize if this has already been addressed, I haven't found anyone talking about it. I keep encountering a bug where my maps I save revert their name to the first saved name. For example on my Coral Sea map it reverts to ABF2 (I use random letters at first) or a few times I've accidentally quick saved at first will save to "Alpine" or "Glacier", etc. I can rename them in lobby looking at my files but they always revert back to the first saved name if I go back and edit the map.
      @SaltyKoala explained it to me once. If you choose 'save as' and keep forging it saves it as the description. If you choose 'save as' and after naming the file stop forging, it will be named correctly.

      I also had many problems with naming almost every map. Chainging the name on waypoint can also help I guess.

      I can be wrong though. Maybe Salty can explain it better.
    10. Garrett757
      That makes sense. It's not a huge problem because I can change the name back to it, just thought it was interesting. I'll take yours/SaltyKoala's advice and save my maps as such.
    11. Rex Journey
      Rex Journey
      Issue with an object's collision budget consumption:
      Structures/accents/wall/ELBOW RIGHT
      Structure/accents/wall/ELBOW LEFT

      They consume around 0.4% collision budget while most objects consume around .05% collision.

      These objects do appear to have a lot more geometry than most objects, so I'm not sure if that is the cause of the geometry consumption

      PS: collision budget can be broken using similar methods to break physics, I used weapon pads
    12. ExTerrestr1al
      imo that is a huge design flaw, not a good feature.

      the game is probably glitchy with scripting welded pieces specifically because of this "feature" (or a lack of forethought and testing by 343).

      each piece is trying to perform identical action, and tiny miscalculations by the game engine are cuasing things to vibrate and change their relative position In the welded group. this could be why.

      if you ungroup and have to create your scripts on the single welded piece again, no biggie.
    13. JurassicWeeMan
      So...can someone important please ask Tom French, the wizard, to #MakePalmTreesGreenAgain? They still glow on Tidal's meteor shower skybox, so people still tend to avoid using that skybox with any trees whatsoever...and they just look black/colorless on other skyboxes now. I'd rather see them return to their previous, life-like green days, and enjoy using them on other skyboxes. Please spread the message #MakePalmTreesGreenAgain if you agree

      EDIT: It appears The Wizard has made trees green again - look much better on other skyboxes now! (Not sure about nighttime setting)
      Beautiful trees, beautiful skybox...trees+this skybox? Not so beautiful.
      Last edited: Dec 13, 2016
    14. Preacher001
      I wonder if the update will make bookmarks work properly. I mean I like the last dozen maps I've bookmarked but I kinda wanna see the other 5-6 pages as well.
      JurassicWeeMan likes this.
    15. TurbTastic
      Scripting bug involving Boundary Checks:

      If you despawn 16 objects with a Boundary Check script on them, then the rest of the Boundary Checks on the map will no longer function (no matter what the Action is). Recreate the issue by placing 20 Script Brains, give them a shape and Show it, add Boundary Check with defaults for the Condition, and set the Action to despawn the Script Brain. Run through the boundaries and observe how the first 16 that you run into will despawn, but you will be left with 4 that won't despawn. This can be tested in forge and/or customs. If you change the script Action to something else like Color Set or Movement Offset then they all work.
    16. ExTerrestr1al
      please clarify turbtastic...

      is it 16 pieces being despawned via a boundary check, or 16 pieces, each with their own boundary, being despawned?

      That may be a limitation rather than a bug... but here's to hoping they can expand the number!
    17. TurbTastic
      16 pieces, each with their own boundary check condition, being despawned will cause the rest of the boundaries on the map to stop functioning. I tweeted Tom French about it early this morning. I'll make a quick video or example map file if he wants one.
      JurassicWeeMan likes this.
    18. Klong
      This issues are when damaging shields via scripting.

      I set up a covenant shield (the ones from the Truth map to be exact). When a player is inside of the covenant shield's boundary, a 1 second continuous boundary check triggers a damage ratio action to do 20% damage. So after 5 seconds, the shield should be destroyed. (I like the idea of a very slowing decaying shield)

      1st bug: The shield doesn't actually get destroyed. It will have like, 0.000001% damage left. A bounce of a grenade can finish it off.

      2nd bug: I believe this second bug is due to how these shields naturally recharge themselves. If I were to step in the boundary briefly to do 60% damage, then step out, the shield will recharge back to full health. Then, if I step in the boundary, it seems as though the shield will take ONLY an additional 40% damage (totaling 100% from the damage script action). Then any attempt step back in the boundary will inflict NO damage. This continues to stay broken until the shield is despawned and respawned.
      A work around is to trigger the shield to auto depawn after so many seconds once it starts to take damage, then respawn it, but I'd rather have it just work the way it should.
    19. culturesh0ck
      Is it just me or are some of the 64x64 (detailed) blocks the wrong size. I swear some of them are actually 64x63...
    20. Keven0045
      Have any of you noticed that you can't select how many Spare Clips you want in most/almost all REQ weapons? The only way to avoid it, is to spawn them into Weapon Pads, but I don't want to use a Weapon Pad for a SMG with Extended Mags. Every weapon that have Extended Mags have that glitch and MANY more. There is 36 REQ weapons that have that glitch. And the glitch have been there since the REQs came into Forge! :mad::(
      Preacher001 likes this.

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