Lol, idk if I need it though. I can try replacing it to see what it looks like, but I'm not sure if it's really necessary. Let's do it!
I have to agree with weeeeemann. I would certainly move it to Tidal. The lighting is better, you get water and sand, and also the proper backdrop... I know it would be a major pain in the ass, but it's very much worth it because it would perfect the map.
It is not about needs, it is about desire. And the community has great desire for this map, and it is one of the best remakes of one of the best Halo maps of all time.
I did move the map from Alpine to Tidal for update 2.0, so it has water now, but I think weeeeemann is saying I should use the Tidal natural pieces rather then Alpine pieces. Seems like others want it too so I'll change it up when I have time and see what it looks like
Oh, my bad. I just checked it out and it looks great. I definitely would replace the terrain with Tidal's sand... and also Tidal's grass is a much better color than Alpine's as well. EDIT: I'd also recommend changing the stone color on the walls to a more brown or tan like Last Resort. That would look better, imo.
You're right, it did lol. I figured it would be broken after hearing from everyone else how much timing scripts messed up after the update. I'll look into a new method for it sometime soon
xXBarthXx updated TURBINE with a new update entry: The Wheel is Offline (For Now) Read the rest of this update entry...
xXBarthXx updated TURBINE with a new update entry: Version 2.1 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
YES! Barth finally added Tidal terrain pieces and Territories game mode! I'm playing a game on this TODAY #nostalgiaIsReal
Update: I played on Barth's newly updated Turbine (with the tidal terrain pieces), and had a blast. I loaded up the game in customs by myself, and within three minutes I had a full lobby. One or two of the players went to the beach and just stood there looking at the awesome backdrop for a minute (srs). Great success (Borat voice)