Big Team Battle Community Refresh

Discussion in 'Articles' started by WAR, Sep 16, 2016.

By WAR on Sep 16, 2016 at 8:55 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    The Big Team Battle Community Refresh is now live! With twelve updated maps and the addition of four brand new maps, this refresh is the largest update to a playlist in Halo 5 to date. Before we dive into each map, we’d like to provide a quick glimpse at how this update came to be.

    In order to pull off such a large task, we coordinated with two incredible parts of the Halo community - the Forge experts, and the diehard Big Team Battle players. These communities worked tirelessly to consistently host custom game lobbies in order to make sure each map was thoroughly tested. Specifically, we'd like to thank HaloCustoms, Creative Force,, and ForgeHub for helping us organize the test lobbies, which allow us to communicate feedback directly to the map creators. Members of our Community and Multiplayer Teams often attend many of these playlists, and also provide feedback that the creators can use to update their map and get it ready for matchmaking. The feedback provided in these online playtests would help bring all of the maps to the point where they were ready to be looked at internally.

    After pulling the new and refreshed maps internally, the Multiplayer Team is able to take a closer look at them and contribute even more input on layout, aesthetics, and the overall flow of the gameplay. At this point, the process becomes a very quick back-and-forth as the Forgers look to make the last few changes needed on their maps, such as improving player containment, quality intro and outro cameras, as well as fixing up name location placement. Then, after all of this is complete, the MP Team verifies the fixes and deems the maps ready for matchmaking. Ship it!

    Here are the new maps that have made their way into Big Team Battle!





    As mentioned earlier, we did not let these new maps enter matchmaking without giving the exisiting ones some love as well. That said, every existing map in the Big Team Battle playlist has not only received upgraded aesthetics, but also improvements to its gameplay. Here's a small glimpse at what you can expect from the twelve refreshed maps!













    You will be able to find all of these under the Featured section of the Halo 5 Content Browser, as well as bookmarked on our The343Favorites account. If you'd like to submit you're own maps for consideration in future playlist updates, you may do so in the Community Creations Forum here on Waypoint.

    We hope you all enjoy the Big Team Battle Community Refresh, and be sure to stay tuned for future playlist updates!
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Discussion in 'Articles' started by WAR, Sep 16, 2016.

    1. Goat
      I'm referring to Valhalla and Sandtrap which don't play well in Halo 5 in my opinion.
      ArturBloodshot likes this.
    2. ArturBloodshot
      Well, that would be another topic of discussion, although I was refering to the criticism in general. Sorry if I quoted you to stablish my point.
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
    3. VwS Executioner
      VwS Executioner
      Both of those remakes makes me cry as a sweaty BTB kid and those 2 maps only played one gametype properly and to the best possible for the maps layout. Exile played only KOTH Meltdown only played CTF on a variant that I made which cuts off the two connecting caves as there own separate cave tunnel routes and the caves leading from hut to mantis spawn were cut off aswell they weren't needed but besides that no....

      Perdition was ****ing great
      Shatter go ****ing die in a hole it's just a shittier version of fracture and by that I mean ( the mantises kill the gameplay)
      Wreckage people will complain it's just another scavenger because colson took that kind of art style
      Outcast highly doubt itll work well in h5 forge seems to framrateish & lighting issues
      Daybreak ONLY PLAYED KOTH everyone else was bad on that map assault was OK on it....

      It be nice to see a Harvest remake for h5 the map would work for AR mag start pretty well
      Goat likes this.
    4. Goat
      Yea I wasn't the biggest fan of Shatter but the Mantis is **** in this game now so maybe it'll work. But I guess Fracture does fill the niche.
    5. VwS Executioner
      VwS Executioner
      It'll still play like **** unless you fully change top mid area and the teleporter bases and make the two caves more usable
    6. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      All the negetive commentary has already been said, most of which i agree with.

      Recurve is great now! I don't have to dash board this map anymore. Unfortunetly it's been replaced by several other new maps. :C

      Solid Updates all around visualy.

      Fracture has subtle but great improvements i love it even more now.
      MultiLockOn likes this.
    7. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      Fracture is actually the worst playing atm.
      Besides one team getting two mantis', the framerate, and completely shattered spawning, I now dashboard for this. Framerate isn't his fault but the spawning is a bloody train wreck.
    8. D4rkDeath
      Interesting how some of the maps people love and some people don't. Almost as if 343 was going for diversity or something. I'm sure if Ancestor still goes in, it will be the same thing. What is sad though, is that there is just too much hatred and slandering and not enough trying to help. I really applaud those that have made an honest effort. Way too many people feel the need to be a **** to get their point across. I read some of these replies like the person behind it is just balling and stomping their feet.
    9. ReclaimerX22
      IMO, with Unearthed, the Spartan Laser should be switched to an Arclight and moved down to where the over shield is, and the overshield put at the center of the of the drilling platform. As it is now the Red Team has immediate access to two out of the three power weapons, and the only point in venturing into the bottom middle is to grab the overshield that you're going to use up just trying to get back to a safe location. Or maybe turn bottom middle into some kind of building/structure with more cover, and possibly a hard route to the top. Respawning down there is absurd; it's disorienting and you're most likely going to die immediately.
      Last edited: Sep 19, 2016
    10. DC Valorstrike
      DC Valorstrike
      Thank you, some of these posters are acting like spoiled children
      TimeDipper and ArturBloodshot like this.
    11. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      There has always been controversial maps that have gone into matchmaking. It's pretty unfair to say people are acting "spoiled" or "ungrateful" when you realize how bad certain aspects are. Some maps in the BTB playlist have improved, but in the same sense, some have gotten much worse.

      There's nothing wrong with complaining as long as it's justified with evidence.
      MartianMallCop and MultiLockOn like this.
    12. ArturBloodshot
      I proposed a building/platform in bottom mid, but 343i MP Team told me it wasn't necessary, that's why we got the top platform. Power Weapons are fine because top mid is place for objectives on Strongholds and Assault. About the "unbalanced" rush in favor of red you are talking about, here is a proof that Blue Team can counter Red Team without any problems. Also, Blue Team has got plasma pistol on its side (symmetrical to Spartan Laser) which is a Tier-3 weapon and can be kinda compared to a Power weapon (shields and vehicles disabler? Damn!).

      I've seen a lot of gameplays and more than 80% of them are tight games. Even when a team tries to camp on the excavator or tries to get all power weapons, there is always a way to counter them. Even the Wasps can be countered. I hope this explains your concerns.

      EDIT: Also I proposed Railgun as a power weapon, MP Team said it was, and I'm quoting: "overkill".
      Last edited: Sep 19, 2016
      DC Valorstrike likes this.
    13. ReclaimerX22
      The fact that he managed to take out the one whole guy that went for it is "proof?" lol. My thought process was switching the Spartan laser out for an Arclight would make it more versatile and easier to use, as it can be used against infantry too, and as a potential counter to sniper. Putting it in bottom mid would create actual incentive to go there (while still giving Wasp pilots the opportunity to take them out before they get it), and would keep the people controlling the powerful top mid from having power weapons fall into their lap (especially if there's a stronghold up there). A structure in the center would break some lines of sight and make the spawns in bottom mid a little safer, rather than >Step outside base >Get shot from all directions >Respawn in bottom mid >Get shot from all directions.

      Idk, maybe I just need to play it more. But my first few experiences were definitely not fun. Congrats on getting a map into MM though. It looks great and is a pretty cool idea.
    14. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      I haven't gotten to test out Unearthed yet, but I strongly disagree with an arc light railgun. It is overly useful against infantry. There is a common misconception that Spartan Laser is only meant for vehicles, however, it is just as useful against infantry, (spartan) laser. If anything I would suggest an endgame, which is just a better laser. It gives a visual cue to the target something is about to happen which is much more balanced, and it is actually weaker than a normal laser just slightly while firing faster. Better player control, still effective vehicle control, more balanced gameplay. That is of course assuming the regular laser actually doesn't do the job well enough.
    15. VwS Executioner
      VwS Executioner
      The wasps on unearthed timers are ****ed up.... I just played a game and we had 8 wasps in the air GG blue team and also near the head of the machine on topmid the grav lift that throws you up there if you hit that wall you automatically die.... GG death spawns so never run on grav lift that's on the left hand side of your base that goes to top mid

      Like really how the **** does that go unnoticed about the wasps?
    16. MrGreenWithAGun
      But secret has changed.

      He told us so.

      Quit hating on him.
    17. Dunco
      Must have been that rigorous testing they spoke of
    18. ReclaimerX22
      I'd agree with that. I think I've only used the Endgame like once, so the Arclight was just more fresh in my mind, but now that you bring it up, I agree.
      ArturBloodshot and Given To Fly like this.
    19. CommanderColson
      yet ;)
      MultiLockOn likes this.
    20. CommanderColson
      I agree with this list however Alter is getting a pretty strong over haul (not just visually it seems) which makes it hard to judge until the new version is seen
      SecretSchnitzel likes this.

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