
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Linubidix, May 31, 2008.

  1. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    After seized by the UNSC for classified purposes, this once friendly suburban land lost all of its hospitality. 4-10 players.



    Ratings on would be highly appreciated.

    I started making this map a few days before the Legendary Map Pack was released. But ceased work on for a couple weeks. The main construction was made, overall, in a few days, but there has been like almost two months of tweaking. The map was originally designed for elimination but as construction went along, it worked well for all gametypes, I havent tested infection though. This map in no way is a remake, reimagination or successor to any previous map, it is my own original map. I remember a while ago when playing Halo 2 I was playing elimination on Turf and I found it great, I can remember many hiding spots and such and I wanted to make a map that played like that. I incorporated many camping spots on this map, but none that are overpowered, that is that they dont provide an enormous view of the map, but the one that does leaves you open.

    It was originally supposed to be a vague U shape, similar to how Avalanche is set out but during creation it was changed. The Foundry bases are blocked off from Boulevard. The defenders' half of the map, is a bit larger than the attackers' half. Like most maps, it is hard to describe with words so I'll let the pics do the talking. Everything has been placed for a reason, to assist gameplay, this map plays excellently.

    x 4 - Battle Rifle. Spare Clips - 2, Respawn Rate - 20 Seconds
    x 4 - Carbine. Spare Clips - 2, Respawn Rate - 45 Seconds
    x 1 - Shotgun. Spare Clips - 0, Respawn Rate - 120 Seconds
    x 1 - Sniper Rifle. Spare Clips - 2, Respawn Rate - 180 Seconds
    x 1 - Rocket Launcher. Spare Clips - 1, Respawn Rate -180 Seconds
    x 1 - Brute Shot. Spare Clips - 1, Respawn Rate - 90 Seconds
    x 1 - Spartan Laser. Respawn Rate - 150 Seconds
    x 1 - Machine Gun Turret. Respawn Rate -150 Seconds
    x 4 - Frag Grenades. Respawn Rate - 10 Seconds
    x 8 - Plasma Grenades. Respawn Rate - 30 Seconds
    x 1 - Bubble Sheild. Respawn Rate - 90 Seconds
    x 1 - Power Drain. Respawn Rate - 60 Seconds
    x 1 - Regenerator. Respawn Rate - 60 Seconds
    x 1 - Active Camo. Respawn Rate - 180 Seconds
    x 1 - Oversheild. Respawn Rate - 180 Seconds
    x 1 - Ghost. Respawn Rate - 180 Seconds
    x 1 - Warthog. Respawn Rate - 150 Seconds

    Gametype - Elimation
    Its very basic here are the settings.
    - 5 Rounds
    - Rounds last 5 minutes
    - 3 Lives per round
    - Death = -1 Point
    - Kill = +1 Point
    It is set for FFA but this also works for Team.

    This is just what works best for Boulevard, it works very well with other gametypes.

    Screenshots -

    Attackers area

    A ground view of the Attackers area

    Looking out from the back of the Attackers spawn

    A bit of a closer look of the previous pic, that double box could've been pushed into the wall but it wasnt to allow the player to be able to throw nades down the side.

    The intersection/cross over of the attackers and defenders spawn

    You saw the open box in the previous pic, this is the room it leads to.
    The teleporter setout - The one in the Attckers base sends you to one at the defenders and that same one sends you to the one in the picture below.

    Looking from above the cross over area. and incase your wondering, yes it is easily accessible via skilled jumping

    Another look at the cross over, peeking into the defenders half.

    Large overview of the defenders's area.

    One corner of the defenders area, the rocket spawn.

    Looking into the middle lane, in between each base.

    Looking into the Middle lane, the shotty is directly behind where the pic is taken from. PS the camo spawn behind the forklift

    Looking down at the middle lane.

    The defenders teleporter, it looks a little more green because it is a sender and receiver on the one spot. Brute shot is atop that open box

    The defenders base, holds, turret, regen, carbine. and oversheild is next to the stairs.

    Another overview of the map

    Well thats my map, everyone who has played on it has loved it and had a blast playing it.

    Oh BTW: 1000 POST, HELLZ YEAH!!!
    Its also my 16th birthday today, go me.

    If you didnt see it up top here is the link.

    Click here to download the map - Boulevard, created by Linubidix

    Click here to Download the Gametype - Elimination

    Let me know what you think, as always, critisism is welcome.

    Cheers, Linubidix.

    Also considering I havent posted for the past 18 hours, and that this is my 1000th post, you should get that this is pretty awesome.
    #1 Linubidix, May 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
  2. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hmmm... looks nice, the fence walls that are used as a floor really get me interested (on any map) and the touch of French in the name is cool.
    the bridge building thing looks like it has some interlocking glitching (when the pixels glitch and it gets really annoying) which could possibly have been avoided by turning the bridges upside down but i'm sure that there's a reason behind your decision.
    it seems like a very open/airy urban map, which has not been done before (at least that i can think of now) which is always a plus, and normally i'm not a fan of urban maps, but this one has me interested...

    PS. told you that your 1000th post wasn't going to be as great as you thought it was lol.
  3. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    AHA! I remember this map, it was great! The inside bit with the shotgun was REALLY cool.
  4. man this is a great mep
  5. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    This map looks so sweet. As previously mentioned the only thing that looks out of place is the building with the bridges as floors, maybe flip those over so we don't have to see all the crap on the top side. Other than that, it looks like an excellent map, I'll be sure to download.
  6. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    I can't tell whether i like it or not, it's well made and planned out but it's very square and angle-ish. Even though it is supposed to be urban environment.
  7. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    happy birthday + excellent map ill dl :)
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thought of having the bridges upside down but I finally decided on right side up. They had been upside down but i didnt like it that way. I wanted the defenders base to look they way it turned out.
  9. Markkus

    Markkus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice Map Linubidix! Excellent work!
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Looks very well-forged. I'll have to give it a closer look, but definitely looks like my kind of map. strategic, with many options at any given time. I'll be back with some more feedback after I give it a go.
  11. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Happy birthday!
    The map looks extremely well made, amazing forging job on your part. Tons of seamless interlocking, and jumping options, I can't wait to play.
    Congrats on 1000 posts, too.
  12. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    looks great, i love the entire layout, keep up the good work
  13. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, this map looks amazing. nice interlocking and planning. I'll have to play and give a review then.

  14. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Looks really nice and I agree with Ivory, it does feel like an urbany kind of map. Some of the interlocking looks rushed and the fences interlocked with the double all over the map I think is why it looks rush to me.
  15. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Trust me, nothing in this map was rushed.
    Its been on my hard drive since early April
  16. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks really good and it seems it could be a great assault or flag map
  17. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That looks pretty good, well done old boy.
  18. eskychess

    eskychess Ancient
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    looks very nice i will leave some feedback after i test it out. also did u use all of foundry or did you block off the 2 mini bases and the long hallway?
  19. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I said that in the post but yes they are blocked off. And the map is almost unbreakable. YOu need team jumping to escape, and it would be incredibly hard to coordinate over live and in the middle of a game.
  20. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool. This looks like it would be really fun to play on.

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