Side note: I personally hate that prefabs are taking over the "map" tab in forgehub now and bumping all the good map sh*^ away ... and I don't really like the whole new prefab industry in general. I think people's maps will lose a lot of their novel appeal now as I can't tell who made what... There I said it and I'm not ashamed. As for the main subject at hand. I'm not a fan of mongoose sumo as you just sit there trying to bump people off the the square, which gets old by the 2nd time for me. Tankworld is kinda fun strategically, yet its gameplay is slower than molasses rolling down a hill. Mantis Breakout gets old as well as I feel claustrophobic in the hallways. Husky raid is simply a standstill death pit where i feel like I'm continuously pushing the subtract button on my KD. Honestly all the other action sack modes are reasonably entertaining and re-playable for me, though I hope 343 diversifies their selection. Ok. Feel free to attack my maps as I love a good deathblow and it tends to make me strive to build better designs. Obviously I'm no competitive forger, as I tend to be drawn towards making novel minigames so take that as you will. Some maps to be lit up: - BlackFlags - Moby D - Podracer: Boonta Eve - Poke' Battle - The Last Crusade
Remakes are stupid. Given is bad with layouts. The whole "woe is me, I'm not a known forger" stuff has really gotten old. I've only ever sorta liked 1 minigame so far, and that was Squad BTB. I've always thought Spellbound to be really boring to play. It's nothing to do with balance, so I never mentioned it, but since we're here... The map plays like a race track. Every path is equally wide, and there are hardly ever any long range engagements. I think it's less a problem with Spellbound and more a problem with solo maps in general, but spellbound is especially boring for me because terrain makes it much harder to implement small scale pathing, and I don't care to have the same fight from the same distance for the entire match. Hangar sucks.
Damage Boost and Speed Boost are super lazy alternatives to actually placing a weapon worth picking up or building in a shortcut(s). Any time you use either of these powerups in place of something more well thought out I get the feeling that you're actually wanting to build a map for a different game entirely, but get hung up on Halo's game flow which just doesn't mesh well with these two. I've literally never played a map in any Halo game where I would think that Damage or Speed Boosts would make it better. Want to improve a player's damage output? There's a weapon sandbox for this very purpose and weapons don't immediately go out of play if the wielder is killed, making them much more interesting over the course of an entire match. Want to expedite player movement? This is Halo 5. If your players have reasonable motor skills and game knowledge they can get around plenty quick enough on their own. If the map is big enough that the Spartan Abilities don't allow for this, then that's what the Mongoose/appropriate vehicle was invented for. Seriously; there's no need for players to be getting around any faster and less predictably on any 4v4 or smaller scaled map in H5. If your player counts are higher, then vehicles are your friends.
Damage boost gives a player the ability to be aggressive while still operating under the merit of their own skill instead of some bullshit hitscan power weapon in h5. Not to mention it's limited window of utility actuality forces you to push and use it before it degrades. Not to mention it's super complementary with a lot of weapons. It's probably one of the best objects you place on a forge map.
I strongly disagree. It's a shoddy attempt at making the game do something you want it to do that it's not really meant to do and I've yet to play any map with either of the new powerups on it that leaves me feeling like I played a Halo game instead of some sad attempt to halfheartedly copy what proper arena shooter have done infinitely better in their genre. Camo and OS work specifically because they only alter your passive properties. They're all on decaying timers, but camo allows you express your game smarts more (see: Ryanoob or bubu dubu) and still functions as an offensive tool by letting you flank more easily. OS on the other hand draws attention to you and temporarily gives you the ability to tank damage in order to let your team mates exploit the disrupted focus of your opponents. Whereas Damage boost is the huge "shoot me" sign that OS is but without any of the defensive buffering to open a window for your allies to do anything. Being marginally more powerful mean jack **** when a 2-man teamshot will still drop you faster than you can drop one opponent. and speed boost just makes you annoying like an insect. Lets you harass and escape more easily but doesn't really let you make any successful aggressive plays against an observant team. Essentially these two offer much more if you're already in control of the game than they do to a team trying to find a way back in, whereas the standard pair of Halo powerups are arguably more potent for focusing a comeback play around.
So because it doesn't give you defensive traits or lasting power it's bad? Lmao if anything it's the single powerup that rewards nothing but pure offensive actions, there's no way to abuse DB like you can OS and Camo, and of course it's not as potent as an arena shooter quad damage, Halo doesn't have the movement speed, health stack, or weapon sandbox to make that remotely sensible, it'd just be bullshit. It makes sense as a 25% increase, which also gives you the ability to place two of them per map for stacking possibilities. So what if two people can still melt you lol that's irrelevant. Outside of a-2v2 environment of course it's utility diminishes, so would OS. But 4v4 is a stupid player count anyways, I'm referring to doubles normally. We can agree the current interpretation of speed boost is awful. Should increase rof and melee speed.
Even in doubles there's literally nothing that can't be accomplished with 1 Camo and 1 OS per map. Watching/using damage boost bores the hell out of me because you don't do anything with it that's different to how you'd play normally except that you get a slightly higher DPS. It doesn't cause your playstyle to change at all unless you decide to go full irritation mode and just peek shoot with it for as long as the timer lasts. It just doesn't add anything to the game. At least with a power weapon when you get taken down whatever is left in the weapon is still in play and becomes a quasi-objective on the map and continues to affect the state of play. With damage boost it's like picking up a H2BR with one reload. You're marginally more powerful (just on the edge of being unfair) for a short period of time, but after that there's no lingering effect on the game. It's detached, boring, and as far as I'm concerned just doesn't make for good Halo.
I could literally apply your logic to any other powerup. None of come back into play with the weilder dies lol and it's not like it's not a broadcasted advantage, your spartan is on fire. All I can tell you is that I've personally had times where I've felt more obliged to push when I've had DB, more likely to challenge. Pistol becomes 4sk, hydra is 1sk, pc is 1sk, etc and that's only with a single stack. How is watching someone become more aggressive less entertaining to watch than someone soaking shots with os?
Agreed. Very fun to create but I would never use one, no way. Those small pieces put together for details and aethetics are a huge part of the fun for me.
Nah. More like I've just been disappointed by maps that use it too many times. To me it shows a lack of interest in making maps for Halo gameplay. Yeah, all powerups decay and leave play when the user dies. But OS and Camo specifically encourage the player to adjust their playstyle to maximise the efficiency of the advantages they're given. Damage just augments your already standard gameplay approach by making it easier to kill people. Damage boost is plenty fun when you're running around killing people who wouldn't be able to fight back anyway, but I always try to imagine how I'd play with it in a close TS game where anyone holding a sniper would be pro level. Just try to replace camo as a powerup that facilitates offensive play with a 125% damage modifier in any classic Halo map and the map would immediately become significantly worse. Damage on Chilly? Derelict? Dammy? Warlock? Guardian? Countdown? Eden? The Rig? On absolutely none of those maps with the possible exception of Warlock (even then camo leads to way more interesting and exciting plays) would I feel better in nailbitingly close game knowing that there was a damage boost instead of either OS or camo about to come up because as these games are frequently locked into endgame stalemates one team will have a sniper rifle. Camo and OS let you approach fighting a sniper differently whereas damage really doesn't. You can't break a stalemate as the team without weapon control with a damage buff short of getting a lucky grenade kill, whereas the team with weapon control has to be extra vigilant if they let their opponents get camo or be prepared to shut down an OS player immediately. There's literally nothing that damage boost does well that something else in the sandbox doesn't do better and in a less one dimensional way.
You're trying to replace other powerups with damage boost, it's not a matter of replacing them. Its just a completely different powerup. Of course it's not as potent as camo, I never said it was, but it has a good spot in the Halo sandbox. Again, with your logic would I rather fight against a grenade launcher or a Rocket launcher? Of course the rocket is stronger, so the grenade launcher has no place in the sandbox..right? It's not even something I'd place on a map to facilitate movement, it's just complementary (a single DB that is). What's wrong with that? Grenades and plasma rifles placed on maps don't promote cycling but they can aid combat nonetheless. Also, again. Hydra is 1sk with damage boost. Pistol is 4sk. Grenades 1sk. Plasma rifles shred. Two damage boosts makes pistol a 3sk. Those can all make a difference in changing a game, you keep saying it doesn't change anyone's play style but if you're consciously challenging someone to pistol duels knowing they kill you 25% faster you're probably going to lose a LOT of those fights.
I like the "race track" design because I like thrust sliding. It's one of the few fun mechanics in this game and the map has ample space to let me do it everywhere. Whereas other maps often tell you not to move until you are being shot. I already plan to descale the whole map to bring the paths in closer, so that will let me experiment with variation in the size of the areas. The rocks I was using before were not forgiving with size and that makes it difficult to wall the map off. I disagree that there are no long range fights - i's quite the opposite in fact and I've never liked that about the map. You can argue that those encounters don't finish until you come in close, but I prefer those battles to cross mapping to begin with. I don't think long range engagements need to end in kills because they aren't fun - and they have never been fun in Halo. For example, I can't stand the cross mapping on Storm Peaks, but being able to quickly move around the map and find a new sightline to challenge from makes up for it. Lastly, I disagree that terrain makes it more difficult to do small scale pathing. If you saw a place you felt the map needed it, you should have said something. Speed Boost was better in Halo 4 when we could Sprint like Usain Bolt. It's useless in this game now. Damage Boost on the other hand is meant to be complimentary to another weapon on the map. It's a mid tier upgrade that turns an ordinary weapon into a power weapon. If it's being utilized properly on a fast timer then it regulates pace and promotes movement seeking out that combination. If it isn't, then it's just "there" for the sake of being "not anything else". I agree with that. But I'd still rather challenge a Damage Boost than a Camo or Overshield. I personally don't think Camo belongs on 2v2 maps in this game and neither do 90% of the other power weapons. Damage Boost is a far more interesting alternative. Now if someone wants to start pushing REQ weapons for core maps then we can experiment with what works as a mid tier power weapon that would be used instead of a Damage Boost. I'd be down for that. Vehicles belong in BTB because Squad Halo is dead. These are my opinions not Multis or Solos
I dislike the prefab invasion on the map page as well and i'm sure the staff will be looking into a way to filter them from the maps. As for the system itself, I honestly don't care. I love prefabbing my own **** and moving it across maps, and it makes building something for a friend and giving it to them a million times easier than it would have been. As far as sharing the prefabs between the community goes, I recognize that there is an audience that will benefit from that. Core Forgers however will most likely continue to build their own structures. I don't see it being used much beyond the occasional prop, and in that case, so what if you want to paste a generic lantern on your map?