Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. JurassicWeeMan
      I've had that same issue and had to go back a save file. If rotation scripting was used at all, I would log back into the forge file and other unscripted, totally random pieces would start rotating. So, I've had to avoid just about all rotation scripting whatsoever. Also, even after deleting the scripted objects, the scripting bar would show like 63 scripts still being used (even after a "delete all" action was taken). The problem would not resolve with leaving and going back into forge mode either.
      SimmonsZore likes this.
    2. Littlemonk5
      This is a known game breaking glitch with all scripted objects. If you are going to touch your delete key, save before if you are at a major completion point of the project and more importantly check the object for scripts. If you delete it without checking and removing, your scripts become phantom and ruin your map. No solution has been found.
      JurassicWeeMan likes this.
    3. Aranore
      I posted a "fix" I found hut holy cow haven't seen that many objects infected by the bug o. O rough.
    4. TurbTastic
      Objects on Phased physics set to move on a message received will only move with every other message. Objects set to Fixed physics do not have this problem. Here's how to recreate it:

      Phased Object : Phased physics, Message Received Alpha --> Move (non-invisible object)
      Fixed Object: Fixed physics, Message Received Alpha --> Move (non-invisible object)
      Terminal: On Interaction, Send Message Alpha

      Keep pressing the Terminal and observe how the Phased Object moves every other time you use the Terminal and the Fixed Object moves every time you use the terminal.
      Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
    5. SaLoT
      After rebuilding my map, I cam across a bug, unless you guys have heard this already and know a fix. Grenades causing no damage. Parts of the map works with no issues, other parts you are immune to grenades
    6. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      If you have somewhere around 98 or so invisible lights (regardless of lightmap percentage), you can no longer generate lighting. In fact, you can almost instantly switch skyboxes (though it will be the default lighting, as if you had just started Forge).

      I discovered this when I was experimenting with an aesthetic effect.
      ThisIsNotTheNSA likes this.
    7. JurassicWeeMan
      On Tidal, the new canvas, in the skybox for the nighttime setting (Meteor Shower), palm trees appear glowing, very bright, and very unnatural. There are a few palm trees in the skybox background seen in this screenshot. In addition, any palm trees you spawn in appear to be this light green/glowing/unnatural color, which honestly renders this skybox unusable for tropical themes. It is a really beautiful map and nighttime setting, but currently those trees are making that skybox almost unforgeable due to how off it looks. :(
      ThisIsNotTheNSA likes this.
    8. SaLoT
      Has anyone heard when a fix for generating light will be out
    9. Littlemonk5
      I wish I would have seen that fixed worked. I had to use a work around for a scoring mechanic using rotation instead. Thanks for recreating and posting.
    10. DrWilsonPhD
      Has anyone else noticed their objects randomly rotating by a couple of hundredths of a degree after this update? It used to be that grouping objects and then ungrouping objects would cause this to happen a lot, but now all I have to do is turn my back and objects are rotating ever so slightly.
    11. OutlawSkot33
      Also happens to any placed Palm trees.
      JurassicWeeMan likes this.
    12. Wally12

      Pistons are very glitchy.
    13. Wally12
      I found a glitch where if you place too many of the largest gravity slides, they will cease to work.
    14. Larry Tanng
      Larry Tanng
      My map on Tidal freezes when baking the lights in Forge and doesn't even load in Custom games. Everything is within budget with the lighting at exactly 100%. Colors are default too and no lights, just building blocks. The spawns and stuff were left alone as default as well. Tidal is broken and needs a serious fix.

      Update: I tested the map on a different console and it still freezes. Saving over it with a different account didn't fix it either. Tidal has to be the problem. The map is named A9C in my files if any devs want to test it out.
      Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
    15. SaLoT
      This is known 343i is working on a fix
      Larry Tanng likes this.
    16. Littlemonk5
      Wasps can't teleport using the flying vehicle setting. Really ridiculous oversight.
      Wally12 and TurbTastic like this.
    17. Wally12

      A small thing that needs fixing.
      CommanderColson likes this.
    18. Littlemonk5
      It is possible to have your gametypes totally reset to default without even touching them. It really negatively impacts those that have downloaded your gametypes especially when that number is in the thousands and tens of thousands. What really makes it malicious is that it can give one gametype the settings of a completely different base gametype (e.g. infection can acquire a phantom 'score to win' property that you cannot change which means anytime someone gets that score your round just ends).

      I did find one thing that causes this glitch and used it to fix my gametypes that got this phantom 'score to win'. I saved my broken gametype then saved a copy of the base gametype. Then, I changed the name and description of the base game copy, and then the same for the broken game. This reverts the gametype totally back to default setting without the broken phantom settings that you can't fix. Change your settings back to the correct settings and this way no one will have to download a v2.0 which we all know no one will do. This also means don't change descriptions of your gametypes if they aren't at the top of your gamemode list or they could reset to default or worse like for me.
      Erupt likes this.
    19. TurbTastic
      A few months ago I had an issue where ALL of my game modes ended up with the settings for my new game mode, and it took several hours to rebuild them from scratch. At the time, the "Balancing Only" option for Team Changing was introduced and I decided to use that setting for most of my game modes. As I'm sure you know this game is super buggy when you are trying to select a custom game mode. There can be delays and sometimes you have to pick it several times. I recommend against trying to modify multiple game modes in the same session due to my experience. If you need to make changes, then focus on one game mode, and fully reset Halo 5 if you need to make changes on another. Does my experience have any overlap with yours? I was thinking about trying to recreate the issue one day but I never got to it.
    20. Littlemonk5
      Not a ton. I do the same deal making sure to only mess with one gametype a load because it is so bugged. What happened to me was I played my testing game mode that I always use and all the gametypes above it got some really wonky settings along with their defaults without even touching the settings of any games. Definitely really annoying and more so when you can't use the base game modes like for the minigames we make. I would try to recreate it too if I didn't have that solution. Now it's too much of a risk.

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