Lmao I hope it said fail to that girl too and that dad. Who really gives a -Blam!- about what a video game says.Wow they take stuff way to seriously.
Lol I know but where I live people have been insulting eachother since birth.So here no even 5 year old girl would care.
Wow, this thing must really be broken, then. =P Just kidding. But damn, I've got to try this. It's going to call me the Jesus of Skinny.
Fat people need to stop acting like their fatness is a disease. Your fatness is your own responsibility. Stop ****ing eating so much and go exercise.
6 stone = 38.1017591 kilograms Yeah using the BMI is a bad thing, BMI is so inaccurate it's funny to even think people still use it. Seriously go to the wiki and have a look at just exactly how it came to be. Basically what you're looking for is this "measure of the weight of a person scaled according to height. As such, it is useful as a population measure only, and is not appropriate for diagnosing individuals. It was invented between 1830 and 1850 by the Belgian polymath Adolphe Quetelet during the course of developing "social physics" Yes because 1830-1850 bodies from Belgian are exactly the same as the bodies we have now. Also like it says, "it is useful as a population measure only, and is not appropriate for diagnosing individuals". I have never understood why people still use BMI... Except she clearly isn't fat
Lol, nintendo does it agian. Shoot themselves in the foot. The wii is so bad. How is wii fit supposed to tell how much you should way. They say that wii fit is for adults but they put it on a system pretty much advertised for kids(yet its more expensive than the 360). A ten year old girl who weighs 38 kilos is fat according to nintendo, lol.
no doubt, fat people need to deal with the fact that they're fat, not start crying when someone points out the obvious.
I don't understand you people, how is 38kgs/84lbs fat? You're all completely missing the point of this, the game uses an extremely flawed and archaic system to measure the healthy and unhealthy weight of a person. This flawed system has caused an average weighted 10 year old girl to feel like she is fat. So not only do models and TV shows tell women they are fat, games are too. How can you make fun of such a situation? To be honest I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Your anonymity is making you feel like you can say some very insulting comments without any sort of remorse, and these "jokes" are clouding the real story.
hey where in that OP does it say her weight? I'm american, 6 stones means nothing to me, literaly, I have never heard the weight measurement "stones" if this was in any way directed at me I would just like you to know I am talking about the fatties who are like over 200lbs while being under 10yrs old.
While you are right about the game being inaccurate for the 10 year old i bet that some people who the game called fat ARE fat.
If you don't know the measurement don't comment on it. Just because someone else does something wrong, doesn't mean you can join in too. Even if you were saying something about 10 year olds being 200lbs, that makes insulting someone right? That's not juststification at all, that just shows us that you're willing to insult people because of how they look. Doesn't make it at all more or less right. Also if you've never heard of the measurement then find out what it is, you have a computer right in front of you, google "6 stone in pounds" or "6 stone in kilograms" and it will tell you, it's not that hard. I was directing my comments at everyone who posted inappropriate comments, not just you. So that makes it okay for people to insult people? I'm sorry but there is absolutely no justification for cruelty to other people.