The Thursday Thirteen, Map Testing Lobby

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ascend Hyperion, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    "Now that's better."

    The Thursday Thirteen
    Start Time: 7pm Central Standard Time
    Twitch: Ascend_Hyperion
    XBL Gamertag: Ascend Hyperion
    Xbox Club: The Thursday 13 Customs Lobby
    [Map List/Feedback Archive]

    What Do We Test?

    - BTB -
    - Infection -
    - Mini-Games -

    - Non-Standard Team Size Maps -
    (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, 6v6, 7v7)
    - Core Maps -

    How The Lobby Works
    Each week, up to 13 different maps will be tested. The tests will be live streamed via Twitch on my account. The maps will be submitted to this thread using the given format below. Once all the submissions for the week have been received, an official list will be released as well as the play order for the stream. In the event that the map cap has not been reached, I may allow impromptu tests to fill spots.

    We will start with the larger stuff first and then wok our way down. Player count will be given priority in this order, 16>12>10>8>6>4>2.

    After each test, the lobby will provide feedback for the author. It is recommended that the author attend the test so they may receive feedback in real time. If they cannot play in-game, watching the stream is a good alternative. Feedback is also recorded on the map archive and can be accessed using the link provided above.

    Rules and Requests

    -Those in the lobby must be able to provide constructive feedback
    -No excessive raging
    -A Mic is preferred
    -If you must leave the lobby, it is appreciated if you can find a replacement before hand or give some warning first
    -Only one submission per person per week unless you speak with me ahead of time

    How To Submit

    Submitting a map is simple! Just post the information for your map using the format below:

    Map Name:
    Gametype Requested and Player Count:
    Short description:
    Link to Map:
    Gametype Link (If needed):

    The Xbox Club
    The lobby has it's own Xbox Club titled, The Thursday 13 Customs Lobby. This is the best platform to communicate, share and meet up with other Thursday 13 players. I post news inside the club in addition to other things. Club members are given priority invites when the lobby is starting up as well. To join in, you can request an invite from the club page or have any current member invite you. Come join in on the fun!
    #1 Ascend Hyperion, Aug 1, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2016
  2. Tom Cinder

    Tom Cinder Legendary
    Forge Critic

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: Tom Cinder
    Map Name: Dark Research
    Gametype Requested and Player Count: 1v1 Slayer, No Radar
    Description: A micro map featuring rotating power ups every 90 seconds
    brusky0086 and Ascend Hyperion like this.

    Senior Member

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    Hey man nice idea. My maps are crap and so is my timezone but if I you need a spot filled sometime I'm happy to help out.
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  4. Dunco

    Dunco Troll Whisperer
    Forge Critic

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    GT: el Dunco
    Map Name: Cesspool
    Gametype: Infection (12 standard)

    Its a stinky sewer.
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  5. OutlawSkot33

    OutlawSkot33 Legendary

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    You need to rename it to Turtle Lair and build a room based off of the TMNT living room area
    Kmancal8 likes this.
  6. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  7. Limeyy

    Limeyy King of the Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Map: Bliss MM
    Gametype: Default 2v2 Slayer
    A 2v2 vex inspired map
    Link to original, still working on the MM version with updated spawns
    I'll also be able to help test, GT the same as my forum name.
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  8. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like it. I can provide feedback and I'm generally pretty quiet on the mic. I can't say I should be a permanent testing member but add me (Rethal Sepsis) and if I'm on I'll gladly help out for as long as I can. This reminds me of the H3 test days...
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  9. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Gamertag: I am Aschur
    Map Name: Snake pit
    Gametype Requested and Player Count: Slayer doubles
    Short description: Rats nest themed 2v2 with tons of verticality.

    I will be at work during the test, so I won't be able to attend. Will the stream be archived so I can view it later?
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  10. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    The stream will be archived
    a Chunk and Aschur like this.
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    sweet, thanks man.
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  12. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    I'm glad to hear you're up for it! I'll be sure to send you an invite!
    Rethal likes this.
  13. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! I think I'd be best used as a sort of replacement for people who have to quit early or whatever. Actually I think a lot of people would probably be that way, if you made a sort of "reserves" list and invited them (if they're on) when committed testers had to leave or something in the hopes that you can fill out the group. That way they don't have to commit to 13 tests in the middle of the week
  14. Tom Cinder

    Tom Cinder Legendary
    Forge Critic

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    I've got another 1v1 map I'm working on, but only play this if you don't get 13 other submissions since this is my second map post to this thread.

    Map: Skullus
    Game: 1v1 No Radar
    Description: A bare-bones duel. Current power set is Fuel Rod and Overshield. Recommendations appreciated.
  15. Drizzy_Dan

    Drizzy_Dan Legendary

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    Great idea Ascend. I don't have any maps but if you need a player, just inv me.
  16. Vorked

    Vorked Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Gamertag: Vorked Manback
    Co-Forged: BaconMedia and Cyan
    Map Name: Mombasa Streets
    Gametype Requested and Player Count: 4v4 Slayer or CTF
    Short description: An Arena 4v4 map based around the events of New Mombasa, after the events of the Battle of Mombasa. An Assymetrical map in a war-torn section of the massive city.
    Forgehub Link to Map:
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  17. OhReddSenpai

    OhReddSenpai Legendary

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    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  18. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Gamertag: Max Extra
    Map Name: Hot Spring
    Gametype Requested and Player Count: Infection(12)
    Short description: A natural hot spring in the frozen mountain pass. Come relax and stay forever.
    Forgehub Link to Map: Not up yet nor do I have a WIP :(
    Gametype Link (If needed): vanilla infection

    Posting this in the hopes it will motivate me to finish this map so you can get to it. Looks like you're backed up already so I can wait :) good luck testing
    Ascend Hyperion and Dunco like this.
  19. Limeyy

    Limeyy King of the Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Might i suggest using Max's model of having a linked google document with dates and maps being tested? I doubt he would mind (that much).
    Ascend Hyperion and Max Extra like this.
  20. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    Hey there everyone! So while we still technically have 3 openings, here is the list for our first ever Thursday 13 stream! If no other submissions are received by start time, I will allow impromptu tests for those open slots.

    It goes without saying that I'll need testers. I'd appreciate those that submitted to play for a couple tests if possible. If you have or know others that would be willing to help, that is also great!

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