Hey guys, to anyone who's seen my WIP pics I posted back like a page ago. Should I keep the skybox green, or is that too Guardian feeling? Like I feel people would go in expecting a remake or remix of Guardian, and this map is nothing like it, apart from theme. More like much smaller and modified Hang Em' High than anything, gameplay wise. Anyone have thoughts on the skybox color? Also, any suggestions for the areas outside the map? Should I keep the open air ceiling, or enclose it some how? I dunno. I'm still trying to figure out the lore behind the map, but I'm pretty sure its some sort of forerunner greenhouse.
I like the green. It fits the theme well and I wouldn't have expected guardian. It's different and I like that. But that's just me.
It's a cool idea visually, its just that alot of the aspects of it (the spiral stairs) don't translate well to halo gameplay, which is why I'm not surprised you're scrapping it.
I'm not scrapping it for any game-play reasons. If the spiral stairs were forged smoothly it would be totally fine, but 99% of the Halo fan base is too stupid to look up and down while using stairs anyways, so I guess you're right in that way.
I honestly think you could keep going on with it, but just make that spiral stair inaccessible or not usable so as to skirt both the issue of forging it cleanly enough for use, and the gameplay issues it may have.
My current project, a doubles map. I actually just finished placing and scripting a skull on the map as a sort of throwback to halo 3, doesn't do anything game changing but it can only be activated once. Still working on the lighting in some areas so that objects aren't so damn dark, but I can't place much more in terms of detail without getting frame drops in the corners right now.
Yes. --- Double Post Merged, Jul 31, 2016 --- I'm really glad you shook your head at the teleporter. I was really confused as to what that big ass red X meant
This is a really shitty screenshot of Highguard, complete offense. I suggest you all go look at it in game and bask in its majesty.