Social Tourist, looks good so far, you should submit it to play-testing lobbies if you think it's ready.
Honestly don't even know where that is. Still feeling out the new site. Been a while since I was active in the community
Almost finished my map... I've accepted the fact that it will have some performance issues in some spots. Too many objects.
Max's lobby, however we just did this last night And a sticky with a bunch of resources, including lists of other lobbies Otherwise, you could just use the shoutbox to get a group together whenever, depending on the time of day. Looks interesting, might wanna grab some pics instead though, I don't know if everyone wants to watch a video. And shameless plug, bliss 1.0 is out, v2 will have adjusted spawns and include a "MM" version.
Huge thanks for link, You'll be seeing me more and more of me. I have a bit more time as of late and an addiction for creating maps. Also I will gladly help test other people's maps, it would be fun to get back into the community. Thanks for Xbox add as well. Enjoy your weekend.
Right now purely aesthetic set based on thoughts while at work. It's an amalgamation of one hangar here in my civilian career and Chinook bays from when I was Active Army. Though I have thought about turning a part of it into a grifball court because of my time up in Fort Drum. At least once a week for PT we would play ultimate frisbee outside our hangar on our ramp area. Our play area was from the hangar to the take off/landing pads and from one end of the hangar down to the other (which could hold 25 Blackhawks and 12 Chinooks comfortably) which was long for a ultimate frisbee court.
Damn, our leadership would have an aneurism if we did anything like that near our hangars or flightline. Would definitely be cool as a court though. Oh, and I guess I would go with the TACAN for it.
Hah. For a few years our company leadership would MAKE headquarters platoon join in every now and then. Battalion leadership didn't care because we kept play away from any virds that would be parked on the ramp. Airfield management didn't care 'cause we were nowhere near the actives. We were able to do it for about 4 years till we had a Brigade change of command, which the new commander had a hard on for the Army's new PT program and nixed sports PT across the brigade. (Which we found a way to skirt around his policy and played ultimate football halfway through a long distance run) I've thought about the TACAN because I can't make an outright VOR without cone pieces. I also like my VOR and want to keep it. I'm torn lol.