Halo 4 had some good moments, but it's pretty clear that every facet of development (and being a ragtag bunch of people under new management as a first-party company of MS) was fighting it every step of the way. We got the Rogue and Orbital helmets, the soundtrack, Spartan Ops Season 1.5, the Composer moment at the end of the titular level, the Didact's intro cutscene, and the final Terminal out of it, so it can't be 100% garbage. It had some good story moments and some of the better character moments we had seen in the franchise up to that point, though obviously requiring the terminals and three prior novels - one of which wasn't even out at the time of release to fully understand the story are some pretty big strikes against it, though.
The Halo 4's campaign wasn't bad. It was great compared to halo 5, but just okay compared to Halo 1-3. It had some pretty cool moments, like the Didact monologues. I think that's because of the incredible voice acting more than story-writing, though. As for the multiplayer... If Halo 4 didn't have create a class, it would have been a much better multiplayer that Halo 5 IMO, especially if the maps weren't hot trash to boot. Even with all of its issues, I still played it more than I play Halo 5. Halo 5, while being an attempt to "spice up" Halo, has been one of the most overall boring games I've ever played. Even with the most powerful forge by far, it just doesn't excite me. Not even like Halo 4 did. It's the combination of a boring ass sandbox where every power weapon is an easy kill, and the god-awful utility weapon/overall aiming. Not to mention the worst art Halo has ever seen.
IMO Halo 4 wasn't terrible, but it was far from good. Coming from someone who is notoriously bad at halo, I was actually good at multiplayer in 4... and that isn't right. It isn't right that someone could spawn with two pulse grenades, an AR and a jetpack and just mow down everyone. In 4 I felt the campaign, while different and wonky in parts, was still the games strong part; and found the multiplayer lacking until a bunch of modded gametypes came out like gungame. Whereas I feel the opposite for 5. Both games suck in overall comparison to Reach and 3 though. Just my two cents.
So we can all agree that as a game it was still awful but better than 5? Campaign and story are two different things, I should've clarified. The level design and enemies of the campaign were both awful in their own regards. Long linear uninspired level design, no vehicle levels that I can even remember, no scenic vistas that are iconic to Halo, just the same hallways and bullet sponge enemies as always. Even the plot was hot generic sci fi trash I thought. The Bungie games were simple but beautifully so, I thought 4 had lots of questionable plot decisions and art choices. I read the link you provided, while I agree with everything that guy says I think he's over complicating a rather simple dialogue and plot. Chiefs relationship and banter with Cortana was passable but I don't think it was brilliant writing by any means. The didact had a good monologue and voice actor but outside of that I find little about the story above average. Especially the ending. Still, compared to Halo 5 it's the work of God I'll give you that. Im probably being overy critical, i just still vastly prefer the original Halo's.
A bit early for game screenshots but i want to nail down the layout. Thoughts and feedback on this layout? First map in a few years so maybe a bit rusty. So feedback would be greatly appreciated
If halo 4 had good maps it would of been a good game. Create a class didn't hurt it nearly as much as its map selection IMO. Haven , skyline, or the that city dlc asym(forgot name) the best maps?
halo 4 was an ugly halo game that squandered every opportunity to be good because 343's top priority was to make it different.
Wtf. That lighting system is terrible. Why are the lights pointing at the sides of the plants and not overhead so the Ganjas fan leaves can use the light? 0/10
Also, stop stealing my map ideas blaze http://www.forgehub.com/threads/medical-growing-facility.135361/
I may not play Halo 5 much anymore, but I probably have 10x the playtime of Halo 4. My opinion of that game is why I never purchased MCC, and almost didn't purchase 5. I never finished the campaign of a Halo game since Reach, so I can't speak on that.
This is what it feels like to have my brain vomit. I seriously wish the worst upon whoever did this video.
Hopefully no. 343's involvement in the last contest was just a whole shitstorm that we don't need to deal with again.
Cmon Multi, you’ve got to be misremembering here. You want vehicle sections? How about the slow and smooth Warthog section as you explore Requiem, or the tense Ghost escape where your shields are down the entire time, or the Broadsword section on the final level. And don’t tell there’s lack of scenic vistas. From when you first exit the cave on Requiem and see the monolithic towers stretching to the sky to the vast rocky deserts on Reclaimer, there’s plenty in the skybox to look at.