@Limeyy Who designed the original map? I'm pretty sure it's what Relapse by Korlash was inspired by. The map looks really nice btw. Might have to walk around on that one.
Thanks, it was designed by Nicka, phuria originally forged it and we teamed up for this one. More pics once we put a few more touches on. If anyone wants to look, its in my files as bliss v.2, and phuria's files as bliss
That reminds me that we really should get a framerate counter at some point. That way we can just specifically say what part has framerate issues, how bad they are, and with actual proof. None of this vague nonsense with some people being more susceptible to dropped frames than others.
Absolutely this. I have a higher tolerance for dropped frames than most people I know, so its sometimes hard for me to notice it in maps, but ask Given and he notices if a spot drops like 2 frames. An actual framerate counter something like what fraps does would be great, even if it was only in forge pc.
Well on PC you'll be able to check the fps regardless, but it'll be hard to compare your framerate on PC with varying specs and the Xbox One which has set specs.
I seriously hate our current grass pieces. The grass on Alpine looks good and doesn’t cause any framerate drops, while the Forge grass is ugly and laggy.
not if the issues are tied to the engine itself and not the hardwares inability to keep up, which I honestly think most of the current frame drop issues are from.
Which UED UED 3 was a beauty when it didn't crash during lighting rebuild. I can't wait to upgrade my pc so I can abuse UT4's editor like I did 3's.
I think this may be a little small for 4v4, but I'll test that out today. The map is currently playable and is set up for Strongholds. I currently have Beam Rifle and Hydra on the map along with OS. Map Name: Missionary
Now that I'm done with Avenue, which focused on turning up the impact of lanes, I wanted to see what how Breakout would handle an atrium style design. @Blaze helped me brainstorm an early version of the layout and @Randy 355 is killing it with the Molten skybox. I'm also trying a super-aggressive flag, some REQ variants that seem to fit well in the sandbox. Main concern right now is controlling flow... Anybody who knows atriums and can offer feedback, I'd give you forge cookies =)
Fudged up a quick tornado! Still gotta make it look better aesthetically, but after that I'll be working on trying to make the thing controllable so that players can use it to kill other spartans. http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Yusgoda Beegbut/video/19894648 http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Yusgoda Beegbut/video/19894791