This was intenended to inform new members to the Forging community how to make cleaner and neater maps. Another tip for this would be if you are making an interlock such as this [--] [--] In a straight line You should use respawn points as well as double walls on either side of the box you are fusing into such as this. The _ representing double walls, the * as re-spawn points and the [--] as double boxes. _________ *[--]* *[--]* *________* Just helping out.
Thanks yeah if you could get pictures i would edit it and put it in. I can't get pics because of evil microsoft and their red rings of death.
Another thing that should be noted is precision interlocking, where you use the markings on the wall, or even better, a double box as reference points for where you want the merge to end up. This technique can create some epic interlocking, save as much space as possible, and can create perfectly symmetrical interlocks across the map from each other. Example: No bumps there.
Yes ,and hopefully we will be seeing neater interlocks in the future so no more saying sloppy about soemones map Hopefully.
I like to take a double wall and put the very middle on the end of the double box I want to merge, then I start new round and put the other one the same way but on the other side of the wall, most of the merges are so close, it's hard to look at :3
Yes you can interlock with any immovable items (all the new items that foundry brought besides trucks ,dumpsters ,etc.)
I knew how to interlock but the run-time minimum that you mentioned will surely save me time waiting for the object to respawn thanks
Question... Whenever i interlock stuff after i save and go back into the map i cant move or access any of the options for anything i've interlocked. (spawn time, start spawn, etc.) The retical doesn't even turn green. But when i go into forge on other peoples maps with lots of interlocking, theirs can be accessed. What am i missing?
What you have to do is put the run time minium and placed on map as the same number ,then start a new round and then you can.The reason for this happening is because that object wouldn't really appear if playing it on custom games ,but when you first start forge with any thing at place at start no it still puts it there but its non-editable.
Thanks! I got it to work and i'm working on my first map now. But i got pretty far into the map yesterday (after like 6 hours) and i can't save.. I have a recent version saved so its not like i missed anything but now i can only save as a new map. I can't just overwrite it. The only reason this is a problem is because i don't have anymore space to save it as a new map. It saved fine yesterday, so whats the deal now?
I'd like to add a small tip of my own. When placing multiple boxes vertically, it is very important to make sure they are all facing the same direction. This may sound odd, but each end of the box floats off of the floor of foundry at a different height. If you don't place the boxes all facing the same direction, you'll notice a small annoying height difference between two boxes. Some people don't notice, but for perfectionists its a very important thing to know.
DTL thanks I added that in. Um you hit the 100 custom content limit.It really sucks to hit it right as you saved it but theres nothing you can do about it.The only thing I can think of is getting a friend to join and let him save it for you.Then make some room ,delete the old version ,and name the map as the deleted old version.