The Fitness/Healthy Eating Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Doju, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. ScaredHitman086

    ScaredHitman086 Legendary
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    Oh ok I thought that's what you meant, now Im confused as well
    Soldat Du Christ likes this.
  2. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    It was a figure of speech. I have never used tobacco products, haven't had caffeine in 4 year, I don't eat fast food, haven't had a sip of alcohol in almost 2 year, and I exercise as much as I can.

    Yet I have been sick with an undiagnosed illness for over a year. Doctors can't figure it out but yet my health has been deteriorating. Granted the past few months I have been doing better and I am not glued to my couch. I'm actually able to start exercising everyday again. The point is, I was at a point that I, and those around me, considered me to be on my death bed and I'm not even 25.

    My brothers drink, eat disgusting and unhealthy foods, drink caffeine and don't exercise yet they're as healthy as your average person in their 20s should be.

    I have a grandfather who has been unhealthy his whole life, smokes 2 packs everyday, just went through radiation for throat cancer and is back to his old self. He is in his 70s and it took smoking that long to catch up with him.

    I agree with a healthy lifestyle. The more healthy you try to be the better you feel. That doesn't mean you will achieve a long and healthy life because you aren't unhealthy. You could die being hit by a car on your way to the gym.

    My point is, I try my best to live a healthy lifestyle and try to encourage my family to do the same. I've been trying to get my parents to stop smoking for 10 years. That doesn't mean the day they finally quit they won't fall down our porch stairs and break their neck on the pavement.

    -after re-reading my post I must be in a really pessimistic mood this morning or something. **** man sorry if I made anyone depressed lol.
  3. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    Amen brother, and no you good.
    Yevah likes this.
  4. ScaredHitman086

    ScaredHitman086 Legendary
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    Yeah if anything eating healthy and living drug free just lowers your chances of developing heart disease or other problems. I hope you continue to get better man it sounds very serious.
    Yevah and Soldat Du Christ like this.
  5. Doju

    Doju Promethean
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    Nobody in this thread is saying that a healthy life automatically = a happy life

    As mentioned above, just because visible effects arent showing yet doesnt mean its fine. Eventually that catches up on them.
    #85 Doju, Jul 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016
    ScaredHitman086 likes this.
  6. Doju

    Doju Promethean
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    merged threads
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  7. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    Sooo... How 'bout dat veganism doe
  8. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    Yeah, I saw the word 'health' and kind of just went on a rant lol. Like I said I must be in a pessimistic mood today, I'm just gonna go back to sleep now.

    Thanks, things are looking much better not worse.
  9. Doju

    Doju Promethean
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    All in moderation folks at the end of the day (says the guys who drank stupid amounts for a long time/still does)
  10. ScaredHitman086

    ScaredHitman086 Legendary
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    Be smart about being stupid? Is that a good saying here? Anyway getting absolutely wasted is just not a good idea in my eyes. I dont want to do something stupid while im drunk and change the course of my life forever as well as others lives.
  11. Doju

    Doju Promethean
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    A bit over dramatic. It's moderation.

    Pizzas are awful for you. Have one every 2weeks and eat healthy in between. Fine .

    Perfectly understand why you don't drink. Admirable and respectable, but I'd refrain from telling people they should either. All I'm doing is going to the pub, having a laugh, an ale, then going home. Nobody's getting harmed there.
    ScaredHitman086 likes this.
  12. ScaredHitman086

    ScaredHitman086 Legendary
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    When I was talking about getting wasted, I was not talking about moderation. I was talking about my fear of what could happen when that moderation gets out of hand. My dad drinks a beer once or twice a week and I dont mind.

    I am not so much trying to tell people not to drink, but more importantly is just letting people know what can happen when it gets out of hand. There's nothing dramatic about what can happen.

    Hope that clears that up for you
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 20, 2016 ---
    I am actually curious how many of us here drink i could make a poll
    Soldat Du Christ likes this.
  13. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    When i first turned 21 i was having 2-3 beers consistantly every day for months, now i have a beer a week maybe
    ScaredHitman086 likes this.
  14. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    So I guess this is now the fitness thread? Great! I've got a place to post about the gym in!

    Today was an interesting experience... I have a couple of different pullup intensive routines I do, and I work at least 2 of them in each week. Today was my delightful Pyramid routine. It is as follows:

    1 pullup; 10 pushups
    2 pullups; 10 pushups
    3 pullups; 10 pushups
    4 pullups; 10 pushups
    5 pullups; 10 pushups
    6 pullups; 10 pushups
    7 pullups; 10 pushups
    8 pullups; 10 pushups
    9 pullups; 10 pushups
    10 pullups; 10 pushups
    11 pullups; 10 pushups
    12 pullups; 10 pushups
    13 pullups; 10 pushups
    14 pullups; 10 pushups
    15 pullups; 10 pushups
    16 pullups; 10 pushups
    17 pullups; 10 pushups
    17 pullups; 10 pushups
    16 pullups; 10 pushups
    15 pullups; 10 pushups

    You surely get the point. It goes all the way back down to 1. For rep counts up to 6, 10 second rest between sets. Fro 7 through 10, 20 seconds rest between sets. From 11 through 13, a minute rest. From 14 to 17, two to three minutes rest (this is where it starts to get hard).

    Anyhow, I'm weighing in a solid 200lbs at this point, but my diet is pretty **** as I honestly don't eat enough. Well, as I'm making my way back down from 17 reps at the peak of my pyramid, I just finished the 11 rep rung and boom! I break out in nasty sweats, everything starts spinning, I felt sick and my stomach started feeling upset like it tends to when I haven't eaten enough. Kind of threw me off, as I've never really been hit by an assault of nasty feelings like that mid workout.

    I'm assuming what this really means is that I should just eat more food, and more frequently. Which sucks, because I'm on such a blaaaaaaaaand diet at the moment. Meh. *shrugs*
    Xandrith and a Chunk like this.
  15. AnonomissX

    AnonomissX Ancient
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    Are you eating small children, Schnitz?
    Given To Fly and SecretSchnitzel like this.
  16. Dezert Fuze

    Dezert Fuze Legendary
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    Nice I do pyramid too, but with the weight on a machine instead of changing the reps. I guess since your body weight can't be changed instantly, reps are the medium for pyramid with pushups and pullups. I honestly have that stomach-sick feeling when I eat before working out, even if it's a few hours before. My first day with squats was on a smith machine, and man, my stomach got slaughtered. I came home feeling so sick. I usually stuff myself after my workout, after chugging a nice cold protein shake, chugging my whole bottle of water, and eating a banana. Then, I have whatever dinner it is for the day, which a lot of times includes whole-grain bread and all-organic food full of meat and other protein. You really have to pay attention to diet more than your routine if you're looking to make gains, I guess. :/ A lot of the **** I'm stating here is pretty obvious, but I'm doing it anyway just to reflect on it, it's more for myself I guess. xD

    Do you do any weightlifting tho Schnitzel? Or is it just using your own body xD
    a Chunk and SecretSchnitzel like this.
  17. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    I also do weights. Nothing with my legs unfortunately, as I had a pretty nasty leg injury back in 2009 (broke my tibia plateau in half), and the naval surgeon that operated on me did a pretty **** job. :/

    So I do a Shoulders day, a Chest day, an Arms day, and 2 Back days a week.

    One of my back routines is Weighted Pullups to failure. Start with 80lb dumbbell that I hold with my feet, keep knocking out sets of 6+ till I can't do that rep count anymore. Then I drop to 60lbs, repeat to failure. Then 40lbs, repeat to failure. Afterwards I'll do 45lb 1-arm rows, and cable machine lat pulldowns.

    Shoulders, Chest, and Arms all have their own weight routines as well.
    a Chunk and Dezert Fuze like this.
  18. Dezert Fuze

    Dezert Fuze Legendary
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    Oh okay I get it. That sounds like a good routine. Right now I'm just in weight-gaining phase, so it's a lot of protein-gorging and squats lol, I also do a one on, one off, one on, two off, type of routine and I try to skip a day or add a day to schock my body occasionally. Shocking is one of the best things about the human body, it's so cool how much of a difference it makes.

    Sorry about your leg though, man. :( I actually saw something really inspiring the other day, it was a Paralympics athlete (I think) who was actually doing squats with one leg, and the other one having its lower part being a plank of wood or something of the sort. That's what the gym is about, it's about always pushing yourself to new heights. It's about doing so may reps that it feels your blood is acid and makes you scream, but keep pushing to the very last you can. It's a whole culture, and a really inspiring one too. I hope some how your leg gets better, I'm not sure what your injury is, but just know anything really is possible. :)
    a Chunk likes this.
  19. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
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    I've been lifting pretty much 5 days a week. I know that's more than is typically recommended, but being a weightlifting noob, I'm lifting pretty light weights overall, so it's not too hard on my body yet.
    I do 1 or 2 'Core' lifts, followed by 3 or 4 supplemental lifts.

    On the Core lifts, I cycle through the following setups:
    Cycle 1: 3 Sets at 8 Reps @60% of 1RM (3rd Set=As Many Reps As Possible)
    Cycle 2: 3 Sets at 6 Reps @70% of 1RM (3rd Set=AMRAP)
    Cycle 3: 3 Sets at 3 Reps @80% of 1RM (1st Set=AMRAP)
    Cycle 4: 3 Sets at 1-2 Reps @90% of 1RM (1st Set=AMRAP)

    My supplemental lifts are rotated through on a separate cycle:
    Supplemental Scheme #1: 2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
    Supplemental Scheme #2: 3 Sets X 8-10 Reps
    Supplemental Scheme #3: 4 Sets X 4-6 Reps

    Today's session looked like this:

    Core Lift @70% of 1RM
    Deadlift - 195lbs X 6 Reps/6 Reps/12 Reps (AMRAP)

    Supplemental Lifts - Scheme #1
    Front Squat - 65 X 20/20
    Romanian Deadlift - 115 X 20/20
    Leg Curl - 75 X 20/20

    Those 20 rep sets kick my ass every time. :salty:
  20. Dezert Fuze

    Dezert Fuze Legendary
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    Damn lol ass kicking is a guarantee with these things. From your routine, be careful you're not overtraining man! That literally is like when you cook something and you burn it in the oven or something, yannao? Just a suggestion! For all I know you're not, but I'm just saying that as a precaution.

    I mean, I'm a noob too lol My dad was a bodybuilder back in the day, that's the only reason I can know how to do anything. One thing he tells me is that if cuts and definition are what you're going for, then lighter weights with lots of reps are good. And if muscle mass is what you're goal is, then 8-10 reps of a really heavy weight, one that you're uncomfortable with of course (otherwise weightlifting is useless) is what you should do. From what I can see, your Core lift is for weight gaining, and then the supplemental ones are for your definition (of course, you do gain weight, but a lot slower than it is with the heavy weights with low reps).

    I hear that front squats are terrible tho. I'm not ready for those yet lol but I think my dad said we'd be doing em soon which scares me haha.

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