This was actual game play on the map Avalanche. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Original Location: Bungie enjoy lol.
the timing was too amazing. someone stuck a guy and right when the stick exploded, someone shot him with a spartan laser. boom.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Awesome, but that pic looks too small for my tastes, I gotta check the bigger one.
well. Bungies got a bigger one. I should start making em a litte bigger. people seem to complain alot about em being small.
You can make the pitcure bigger in different ways. You can expand it in your phot hosting website, or you can download the bigger version that bungie also supplies you with, by clicking on the + sign when you click on the picture. Save it, then upload it to one of those sites, and then post it here when you're done. =]
This is my favorite pic of yours! I put it on my fileshare a while ago so that you can has mega uber number of dowloads.
Second Account much?! If you didn't get it, look at both their names, and the suspicious Brown-Nosing post by Scorpulus.
Look up my GT and then look up his. I'm a general, he's a colonel grade 2. I'm pretty sure that he couldn't play that much matchmaking at the rate that he puts out his maps. And also, I joined Forgehub because Scopulus told me that there was a 2v2 tournament or something, but then I found out that there was a screenshots section. Yes I do know Scopulus, but I also like his screenshots.
I live in Veblen, South Dakota. He lives in Monticello Florida. How do I know this? Because we're as close as you can get over a video game. We're friends. I commented on this because I love this picture.
looks really good i cant believ this is on avalanche i wonder wat every1 was thunking wen it happened.
E93, yes we do have the same name. Why? Here's the story. 1 year ago. I got halo 2. I played around in matchmaking, and found this guy named z e 66 I N. He said he was making a clan for machinima type things. He asked if I'd like to join I said hells ya. We got soem new members and I met this guy named Freshty M. He was a cool kid. After the clan split up, we didn't talk much. When Halo 3 came out he added me again. I played with him him in matchmaking, and then we started messin around with foundry stuff and he asked what he should change his GT to. I said make it Scorpulus. Why? Because in halo 2 I got called Scorpulus alllll the time. Where is the r in my name? So now Ty is Scorpulus and I remain Scopulus. And here we are today. Conclusion. Do some research on the two names, before you claim to know what you are talking about. Thank you.
I swear you can get that look with a combination of filters and a conveniently placed explosion. Still, looks great.
Wow Sco-pulus. lol I guess I was kinda of a apologies. But step into my shoes for a bit, and look at it the way I did. Two kids with almost the same name come in the same thread in the same website, and the other one is very (for lack of a better term) suck up-pish to the other. Wouldn't it be a bit suspicious?
If Scopulus made a new account, do you really think that he would name them so similar? There, I just stepped into your shoes, but I added some reasoning.