Been working on all of my projects, but put a bunch of effort into getting this one closer to being testable. For now it is a semi-asymm 2v2, but after testing I may just make it fully asymm. The hanging human lighting is just a placeholder until I find something that looks better, but the areas those are in desperately needed light. Also working on consolidating some objects because I'm nearing the limit, surprisingly. Oh, yeah. Working ladders. That don't go WOOOSH when you use them. I'll probably try and get a few tests in later this week to see how it is and what needs changed.
Holy ****, @Aschur that looks sick. I haven't been here too much lately. How's the new forge canvas? sneak edit
The new terrain is the best terrain we've had, but the canvas has all sorts of lighting issues. It should all be fixed eventually, though.
Sorry if this is in wrong thread - I wanted to prolong sharing any pics until further along in progress, but it seems possible (not certain for sure so sorry if it turns out to be a false accusation) that this guy named ykcor on reddit is using my work in progress files to re-publish his own map for BTB. He posted an image on reddit here about an hour ago and the structure seems to be just about what I, without further ado, here is my (very early/unpolished) work:
I hate how you guys make the ivy look so good. It looks like **** on parallax with the exosphere skybox
@A 3 Legged Goat That is the exact situation I am using it in, lol. With the ivy, less is better in a lot of cases. And keeping it in sunlight helps make it look better since it doesn't accept shadows very well.
Looks like Firelink Shrine. Very cool, although I'm not sure it will translate very well to any real sort of gameplay.
Okay I can't wait any longer, I'm sharing screenshots of my new WIP. Just kidding I'm tired af. Tomorrow tho...