Love playing with all these newly available pieces. I'm just adding fun visual stuff on all of my maps aha. I love forge.
Haters gone hate homie, brush ya shoulders off. Just think about how bad their MM map is, oh wait that's right, they didn't get there. Nor did they win cash for their maps. Boo! To the motha ******* ya!
Download and play my 3 maps it's called UAC needs UNSC ep 1 and there 2 more they are infection maps and puzzles are included into them as well but I give u 2 hints computers and numbers/letters good luck GT: Spartan s0007
attempting to make a remake of the map "Temple" from Aliens vs Predator 3 on Tidal (gotta have that little bit of water down the bottom middle of the map), got the vast majority of the main structures done (central temple and the four surrounding buildings), i dont really know what im going to do to really improve the aesthetics though, i want it to look and feel natural and realistic to the same feel that the map has on AVP, granted aesthetics wont really be focused on until ive finished all the structures and architecture, then ill start trying to pick colours and such. currently everything is set to "Stone". considering doing two versions, one where the temple is intact, and another where it is in ruins with broken walls and such like on the actual map in AVP. want it to work for FFA slayer, Team Slayer and Infection as top priority, but should work well for CTF and Strongholds too. i wish the lights could be destructible so for infection the zombies could destroy the lights so they could make it harder for the humans to see, just like what the aliens do in AVP.
I don't check the waywo that much friend Anyways, the last night of Halo has inspired me. Between looking at the new spellbound (which is immaculate) and messing around with the new stuff... I'm tempted to forge again. I've always looked at the glacier mountains and thought of storm peaks from wow, and I've always wanted to replicate that atmosphere, so I might try it. Here's a picture if you don't know what that looks like. Anyways, don't hug me.
Get the physics to 99% and start to rapidly spawn a warthog, Generate lighting first though. And make sure the map is freshly loaded up as well. I have only had luck when the map has just been opened and the lighting has been generated. So if you're on Tidal....Good luck my friend, we will see you again some day...
I hope that too, this is an ambitious and important project for me. Anyways I can't resist, I have to post other images of my progress. I mean, the physics budget has to break, I can't sacrifice this skybox
From someone who is going on 12 years of playing World of Warcraft, I straight crapped my pants when you shared this. If you can capture that, you will be my hero.
Just wanted to show off some teaser images for my new BTB WIP "Troll Island" Complex(H4)+Relic(H2)+Hanian Resort(BF4) and a little splash of dead island for good measure. The main goal for this map was to create a sandbox expirence for BTB unlike anything we have seen yet in Halo 5. I haven't been this excited about a project for ages and since I am a BTB kid at heart I figured I'd post my first wip pics ever. Hope you guys enjoy!
i jjust made some wicked updates in the map Amitayus , I have been working on it on and off for the last couple months. AMITAYUS - MORE PICS