Map: Bad Blood Author: Deflated Tire Primary Gametype: Multi-Flag CTF File Share: Reborn Stellar Link:
Map: Headless Author(s): IMAROLLINGSTONE Gametype: Squad One Flag CTF File-share holder: IMAROLLINGSTONE Map link: Map images: Check the link!
Map: Precipice Author: Foxy Papa Smurf Gametype: Squad Neutral Flag CTF Gamertag: Foxy Papa Smurf Link: The link provides 8 images and a video walkthrough --- Double Post Merged, Aug 15, 2015 --- Map: Convex Author: Foxy Papa Smurf Gametype: Squad Multiflag CTF Gamertag: Foxy Papa Smurf Link: The link provides 8 images and a video walkthrough
Map name: Fortera Author: TymeLapse Gametype: Multi-Flag CTF Gamertag: TymeLapse URL: Please see images in the URL, I'm not skilled enough to post them with this post.
Submission deadline has officially ended for the Meet Your Maker contest. Some really promising work , good luck to all participants! Can't wait to jump into more testing sessions with the other judges soon!
Map name: As below so above Author: Peyton Gametype: Big team CTF Gamertag: ZeroGravity284