GT:Gsomekiller307 map name: battle bases gametype: big team ctf map name: jump rope gametype: jump rope map name: yellow submarine gametype: big team strongholds attending:maybe
Map: Carthage Alpha (It's in alpha) Gametype: BTB slayer or Infection (IDK) Gamertag: DeathRhinoAC130 (please do not refer to me as AC130) 16 players its in my files f links
GAMERTAG: Nachtveil MAP:Beacon 0.2 H5 GAMETYPE: Slayer first then CTF Attending (yes/no): Yes This is a map that ive made for every halo game thats had some sort of map tools, starting with H1 PC. This is the 6th iteration since forge was introduced into halo 5 and the one im most happy with to begin the tuning stages before i finish arting the map. So any feedback is welcome. The map is a precurser theme and is a medium map that is made for 4v4 but can support 6v6 squad matches if needed.
GTAG: SoldatDuChrist Map: Colonial GType: Slayer/ Strongholds Attending: I would love to! I'm especialy looking for weapon ballence feedback Link to OP:
Map Name: Vigil Gametype: 4v4 CTF UCC: Yes -- Map Name: Arktika Gametype: 8v8 Strongholds If you wouldn't mind running through these again, I've made several changes to these based on feedback from last time. Unfortunately I can't be there to play tonight because of work again :/ Thanks for testing them!
NewGAMERTAG: Duke of mearl MAP: Duke cast GAMETYPE: 4 v 4 slayer WIP or MAP post link (optional): n/a Consider for UCC (yes/no) yes Attending (yes/no): mayhaps
Gamertag: Rabid hogs Map 1 Map: canyon 0.5 Gametype: 8v8 ar/magnum CTF Map 2 Map: Tetrad 1.1 Gametype: 2v2 slayer Map thread: Attending: most likely not
Gamertag: Bromaniac35 Map 1: Aphelion Mode: 4v4 slayer Map 2: Kennecott Mode: 4v4 strongholds Map 3: Forsaken Mode: 4v4 strongholds Map 4: Replica Mode: 2v2 slayer Attending: Yes
I haven't been playing much halo recently but with the new update I would like to join back up and hopefully submit a map in the near future. No map just attending if you need bodies. GT: xXxMENTALxXx
Hey man sorry for the late submit. Didn't even realize it was Friday. Jarvik Strongholds Jarvik has a completely new building connecting yellow corner and the back waterfall. This also allows a path up to lookout to contest one of the more used places on the map and it allowed me to bring back the building portion of the map for location recognition. Kelvin Assault I changed this one a lot this week. All new scripting. Buttons are still in bases for toggle switch but an open switch is at bottom stairs. Now the cover in center is dynamic and changes with the doors. I am interested to see how this plays. If no one uses the switches this time I'm going to be dissapointed.
I have jarvik, on the list but you submitted the 35 and 36 and we cant go over 35 lol so Kelvin is on for next week and jarvik tonight
That makes me sad inside. ...By the way if you haven't played the new side scroller 'INSIDE' I'd highly recommend it. I'll tune in next week
Thanks for testing strongholds on Golden Grunt. Based on feedback I'm going to remove the game type altogether. I'm fine with it just being a slayer map if need be, but I'm open to other game type suggestions. By next Friday I'll have made several edits to the map based on all the awesome feedback I've received from these lobbies this past week. Thanks! For Friday, July 8th: GAMERTAG: Tom Cinder MAP: Golden Grunt GAMETYPE: 2v2 Slayer WIP or MAP post link (optional): Consider for UCC: Yes Attending: Maybe
For Friday, July 8th: GAMERTAG: Sikamikanico MAP: Cavernous 1.0 GAMETYPE: Slayer / CTF / Strongholds (4v4) (CTF was excellent in earlier playtests) ATTENDING: Nope. GAMERTAG: Sikamikanico MAP: Ethereal Max 1.0 GAMETYPE: Stronghold/Slayer 4v4 ATTENDING: Nope.
For July 8th, 2016 Gamertag: TimeDipper Map: Dispelled Gametype: BTB Slayer/ BTB CTF (8v8, AR & Mag Starts) Attending: Yes (If something comes up I will update this)
!Map Submission! GTag: SoldatDuChrist Map: Colonial GTypes: Slayer & Strongholds