Community Doubles Playlist

Discussion in 'Articles' started by Doju, Jun 17, 2016.

By Doju on Jun 17, 2016 at 12:24 PM
  1. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    community doubles.jpg

    We're always keeping an eye on what's going on in the passionate and creative Forge community, and lately, we've been keeping a particularly close eye on ForgeHub's 2v2 Map Contest. When the contest submission period came to a close earlier this Spring, a total of 145 maps had been entered for consideration. After months of playtesting and looking at the maps details in Forge, the organizers finally had their top ten. When we heard that they had narrowed it down to the best submissions, our curiosity got the best of us, and we reached out to take a peek at them. After extensive playtesting, and with loving feedback from our Multiplayer, Art, and Pro Teams, they were deemed ready for the open ocean we call matchmaking.

    We're pretty excited about involving the talented community yet again in the Halo 5 experience, and can't wait for you to try out these playspaces for yourself. Without further ado, here are the maps you’ll be playing this week in Community Doubles:

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    You can read up on the winners of the ForgeHub Map Contest here, and you can find these maps on our The343Favorites gamertag.

    Grab a partner, jump into Community Doubles, and let us know what you think of the maps!

    source: halowaypoint
    #1 Doju, Jun 17, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2016
    Nitro, REMkings, Chase Odle and 13 others like this.
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Discussion in 'Articles' started by Doju, Jun 17, 2016.

    1. PharmaGangsta1
      Time to talk some sense into these creatively-blind waypoint children
      HeX Reapers, DazeJet and MultiLockOn like this.
    2. purely fat
      purely fat
      lol 4 DIFFERENT power ups is redundant smh
    3. Goat
      Probably trolling. It's Waypoint after all
      MultiLockOn likes this.
    4. Zombievillan
      @purely fat

      Like I said, don't take offense because I am going off of personal preference. I don't like all 4 power ups on the map & that's not an unpopular opinion. Also optic is hurt just as much by radar. All I did was grab camo & then chill up at speed boost & pick people off until the speed boost spawned then I'd assassinate the enemy who went to grab it every single time because my camo was still active & I could see them coming with radar & id be camping, crouching, in camo. I pretty much crouch around the upper level of camo room as well & it's pretty easy to hold down. Maybe it's because none of you play like a punk a$$ camper crouching around & abusing radar but radar is definitely not helping any of these maps.
    5. Goat
      I don't understand why Radar is still in Halo. It is a fundamentally broken mechanic that ruins the game in any competitive setting. It simply does not belong in competitive Halo, let alone in Doubles.

      That's not to defend whatever problems these maps may have, but when it comes to Radar you can't really work around it unless you make your maps ridiculously boring.
    6. MultiLockOn
      I hope all of Halo waypoint falls into a gorilla pit.
    7. purely fat
      purely fat
      Radar ruins eevery map. Optic has a giant opEn middle Ann's enough power on the map to be aggressive. Also I play like a punk ass ***** just ask anyone who has ever 1v1'd me.
      Last edited: Jun 19, 2016
      MultiLockOn, Xandrith and Goat like this.
    8. xdemption
      Haters be hating, watcha goin to do when they come for you! HATERS! HATERS!
    9. SimmonsZore
      where's my diet dr.kelp?!
      K a n t a l o p e and Xandrith like this.
    10. Xandrith
      But... you didn't order any...
      HeX Reapers and SimmonsZore like this.
    11. SgtSlaphead
      This is what happens when you try and make a Halo map in Halo 5.
    12. purely fat
      purely fat
      if this actually happens. blue can contest it so if red doesn't go for it with both they have disadvantage. also blue has the advantage in grabbing every other power up and has more options. obviously the pro team didn't mind after playing the map for a month. os was not originally there. it was where camo is but the problem was blue team got it at start every time nearly uncontested. i have probably spent more time balancing asyms. more than anyone else involved with halo at this point devs included. i am just arguing your point that i know better than you. I will also say the map because of this stuff has put people off but a good amount of them converted their opinion over time.
      Last edited: Jun 19, 2016
      no god anywhere and MultiLockOn like this.
    13. SaltyKoala
      Optic prison is a bad MM forge map purely, stop defending it and deal with it. Beyond shitty astheitic on top of an extremely questionable weapon/powerup set on a decent geometric layout equals a mediocre map at best ;)

      Cobalt is just uninspired. Thanks for building the most unoriginal map on the planet xandrith.

      Purple Regin should be renamed Purple Lame. A boring layout with a visually appealing astheitic a good map does not make.
    14. purely fat
      purely fat
      what do you know you make race maps
    15. Goat
      No that's what happens when an ignorant idiot sits behind a keyboard.
      MultiLockOn and purely fat like this.
    16. SoloXIII
      @nogodanywhere Great, all-inclusive feedback for the playlist lineup. You've obviously thought about all the maps, and I agree with most of what you are saying.

      However, I think Heads Up deserves a lot more credit than you're giving it. While I think you're absolutely correct about the weapon layout being uninspired, the vertical emphasis and teleporter layout are both very refreshing. I've spoken with both Slaphead and Karbyy, and I'm looking forward to seeing some pretty big improvements to the map in the near future. I think the two of them have the skeleton of a very memorable map on their hands.

      PS, I wanted to also address your opinion of Optic Prison.

      I will be the first to say that I view the use of all four powerups as a gimmick. I think that the layout could have easily been set around an OS, Camo, and a Power Weapon or two. However, Fat went a different route, and the gameplay is growing on me: It's hard to knock a map that consistently plays so differently. Prison has staying power, keeping fresh from one game to the next, and while it's definitely not a perfect map, I absolutely love the constant "Objective Dilemma" presented when two or more powerups are spawning at the same time. The proximity of Camo and Overshield is something I agree Purely ought to consider addressing, as those are 100% the most dangerous tools on the map. Placing them on opposite sides of the chasm would force teams to choose which one they want to concede, as grabbing both will simply be too difficult.
    17. Doju
      We've seen multiple 2 v 2 tournies from BE, the dev maps are awful for doubles. Maps and sandbox both designed primarly with 4 v 4 in mind.

      Couldnt disagree about radar more, its always been worse in doubles. Its a mechanic that punishes movement, and if its reason for inclusion is because of shite movement abilities, then address the first problem, the abilities. Going back to BE, they even had to remove radar (when they pretty much always stick to the dev settings) because it was awful in their intial doubles tournies.
      a Chunk, Goat and MultiLockOn like this.
    18. MultiLockOn
      No God anywhere your opinions are so bad I'm actually going to get on the computer to type out a proper response instead of just leaving a trolly reply like usual.
      Xandrith, Overdoziz and Goat like this.
    19. Goat
      Everyone is on a different subject so I'll just respond here to the whole "professional vs amateur" thing.

      The only differences between you and me and 343 is that they have resources and they're getting paid. Also, they don't get butthurt when they get feedback on their map and they don't push agendas around internally.

      But that has little to do with design aptitude. Yes you can take classes on level design and learn some science and behavioral things, but nobody agrees on any of that **** anyway. Furthermore, the developers don't exactly have a spotless track record; being a professional level designer doesn't automatically mean that you will make good maps.

      What it does mean is that you aren't doing this in your spare time, but as your job. And a job comes with access to a feedback loop, testing resources, and development tools to make the necessary iterations to your design. It also means you have deadlines, and you have an audience to design for. The majority of the upper echelon of the Forge community is already doing this on a smaller scale, but I'd argue they have a greater potential to produce quality content than the developers.

      Optic Prison for example may not be the greatest map, but you'd never see anything like that out of the developers because they aren't willing to take those risks. But had it gone through their iterative pipeline and testing, it'd have been no different from a developer map.

      Layouts come and go. Anyone can **** out a design like Overgrowth or Fathom and call it a day. But those maps were put through millions of dollars of resources before they hit the disc. If the community is already producing content on par with or in many cases better than some developer maps, imagine what they'd do with access to that.
      Last edited: Jun 19, 2016
      DazeJet likes this.
    20. Yevah
      I've played several games of 1v1 on Shurmia, Hazard and Cobalt. I loved playing these maps as 1v1. With that said there is no way any of them can work as 2v2. The matches I played as 1v1s were fast paced now it's just ridiculous as 2v2. Spawn, encounter. Spawn, encounter. Over and over, where's the strategy? What happened to the good 'ole days when maps were actually a decent size? Like I said these maps are great for 1v1s but utter **** for 2v2s.
      Blaze likes this.

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