Any chance the art style was inspired by Reflection (Halo Reach's Ivory Tower remake)? I see some resemblance. Looks cool. Also, Demption, your map looks dope.
I was looking at the blocks in the bottom right wondering what was going on with the geometry. It took me far longer than I am proud of to work it out. Looks cool.
Alright, @Sn1p3r C mentioned in Knell's WIP Thread that I would post the Aesthetics I'm working on for this. I know how much you guys love Breakout (bring it, I can take a hit), so I tried to bring it back to it's supposed roots! In 343's Halo 5 Multiplayer Trailer, we got a taste of what this Breakout gametype was supposed to be. Looked like a badass Sci-fi Paint Ball Sport with some gritty, metal looking arena and working TVs. What we got in the final game was a controversial game mode with interesting but ultimately watered down aesthetics. And the TVs look like they were filled with concrete. Here is what I used for reference: Breakout Reference 1 Breakout Reference 2 And finally, here are a few screenshots. All feedback is appreciated!
Do I even finish my maps? Like I feel like I could make an H5 equivalent Damnation, and 343 would say "Yeah that's pretty coo... HEY LOOK A GIANT FORGE TOILET MINIGAME" Especially discouraged when people who don't even play this game anymore, or put little to no effort in their map gets into matchmaking.
This is exactly how I feel. There is an over saturation of good looking maps and corky minigames that when you watch/look at them, that enough. This leads to people not caring about how replayable, how deep the map is or anything really gameplay wise. The first impressions are the only things that matter and even then, no one plays them after a game or 2. Mostly probably because they aren't designed too but partly because of the over saturation.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up and when you do get a map done what's the chances people will ever ask to play it. Most of my friends don't play halo anymore for this reason. --- Double Post Merged, Jun 18, 2016 --- I wish I still had 360 to play red dead redemption. Infected just doesn't feel the same. Missed it so bad I made a spin off of fort mercer with swinging gates.
Halo 5 is not the greatest Halo game (or the worst, @MultiLockOn ), but it's decent enough that if people want to play on their maps, all they have to do is get online and get a lobby together to play on it. I always see you nerds in full parties - why not join up and play ****? (It's sad that I even have to say this, but I'm thankful we can even join lobbies again after the shitstain that was MCC.) If you're forging because you enjoy Forge or like playing custom games, there's no reason your maps should be sitting around. There are weekly custom lobbies and usually somebody online who will play something, even if it's not peak hours. I wish I could sit down and go through a playlist of fun maps all the time, but there are definitely people who do. If you're forging for matchmaking though, you're always going to be at the mercy of 343 and their own schedule. But at the very least, posting the map across Halo communities frequently and early on will help generate interest in it this way. There are always people in the greater Halo community looking for maps to play in custom games. That number will naturally diminish as the game ages; fortunately however, Forge is releasing on PC soon. It should hopefully help stimulate interest and revitalize those who may have put it aside.
I'm wondering if I should wait for the update and rebuild a couple maps on the tidal canvas, or just finish them now on alpine using that water. Decisions.
I'd wait tbh. I'm also in the process of deciding whether i should finish some of mine or wait to see what Tidal is capable of.
The only reason I'm waiting is for a nice beach with actual sand and not the muddy stain the terrain turns into near the water on alpine
Your map sucks, break your fingers. ~Now that I got that out of the way~ Interesting Halo CE vibe, keep going