Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. NOKYARD
      I believe you have to go all the way down to 12x4 to completely avoid framerate on Grass.

      Item 1.
      I can't get Cinematic Animation Locations to show the player/team on new maps in Forge or Customs. You can hear their armor and weapons rattling about but you can't see them. They work fine on maps made prior to the last update using exactly the same settings.

      Item 2.
      I get a Save Error while trying to Save, or Save As, Custom Game settings. This has been happening for at least as long as the last update.
      JurassicWeeMan and REMkings like this.
    2. TurbTastic
      Item #2: Recently I had an issue where all of my game mode settings ended up being overwritten with settings from one of my game modes. Possibly related. I made 1 change to all of them back-to-back, and I suspect when I loaded the game mode file it loaded the file but not the settings, so I kept overwriting the settings with the same stuff. I'm going to try and recreate the issue soon and get a game clip of it. It's not cool when this stuff happens. It took me a few hours to rebuild the game modes, and it impacted thousands of players that had these modes bookmarked.
    3. Agent Zero85
      Agent Zero85
      Or, a welded object instructed to move multiplies the scripts it hold by the number of blocks, welded should allow the game to count it as one script, not hundreds,
    4. TurbTastic
      That might make sense if welding was permanent. What would happen when you unwelded the group if it worked that way? I don't really see that as a bug, and it's probably for the best that it works the way that it does.
    5. Agent Zero85
      Agent Zero85
      Well more or less welding could be something "permanent" until unwelded, if someone happened to unweld a welded object with max scripts, it would simply go over, but completely disable scripting, forcing the user to delete enough, however, you are right about it not being a bug, more or less it bugs me. lol.
      TurbTastic likes this.
    6. JurassicWeeMan
      Hmm, thanks for the info. Do you think using many 12x4 grass pieces in close proximity to each other will cause framerate issues too? I will try this and let you know how it goes. *crosses fingers*
    7. JurassicWeeMan
      As a follow up to my previous post, I have found that 4x12 grass pieces function fine, and did not negatively affect framerate (unless placed in great quantities [20+ pieces] within areas of a map that were already heavily taxed by other pieces that can cause framerate issues [lights, etc.]). 48x48 pieces still cause major issues.
    8. Art of Guilt
      Art of Guilt
      Other pieces magically take up other pieces scripts. I had a moving object above the floor, some how when I started the game the floor decided to move.
    9. Egggnog
      I've been working on a four floor elevator, and not only does a random wall block believe it is the floor, I have half scripts transferring among my respawn timers.
    10. Littlemonk5
      I am currently working on a scoring mechanism where every Alpha signal causes a fusion coil to move ever closer to a fire effect, which on destruction, ends the game. The fusion coil is moving on every other signal.

      To test this, I set up a whale that toggled the Alpha channel and changed color with every toggle so that I knew when the message was sent. Every other color change translated to a movement and this occurred no matter what I replaced the fusion coil with and what channels I used. I even tried to separate the scripts and use channels to cause the movement but it seems like every object I tried only moves on every other signal.
    11. Littlemonk5
      In an effort to remove my own problem without ruining my gametype should this bug be fixed, I added a script of the same type with movement in x y and z all set to 0.... and it worked so yay extra scripts why not
    12. Littlemonk5
      Really hope this thread is still getting attention. New problem that is only manifesting itself in new forges or forges that you go back to. Not sure if there was a ninja update or something but items are refusing to despawn on their despawn timers. I have two scripting terminals set up. One replaces the other with a useless button when I want the real button to be on cooldown. Terminal A sends alpha and despawns on alpha with a 2 second respawn working as expected. Terminal B despawns on round start and spawns when it receives alpha and is set to despawn 2 seconds later. It will not despawn nor will any other object set to the same conditions. Would love someone else to test this as it is extremelye annoying and makes me worried to touch old forges that have thousands of downloads. I had a friend test it on his own map and achieved the same outcome of no despawning.
    13. Aranore
      You could (depending on switch locations) fix this by doing a position move. Have one switch hidden, alpha send, on received the move forward orther moves back 0.00 time to complete, then on a second whale timer position reset again 0.00 time to complete after cool down period
    14. Littlemonk5
      I don't have enough scripts for this, or space, and I refuse to use a work around for something that worked two days ago that is now failing for seemingly no reason. The piece is meant to appear stationary, not moving into position. I constantly have to use workarounds and it's getting tiring not having a direct link to the devs since everything is now so watered down by things they have neglected to fix previously. Sorry for the mini rant here, just more frustrating bug than usual since it ruined a map that had been working for a month.
    15. JurassicWeeMan
      When grouping/welding pieces together, and then ungrouping (to adjust individual pieces/change design etc.), many pieces tend to somehow rotate by about 0.01 or 0.02 degrees (it shows you this when the object is selected, and it is enough to notice).
    16. Aranore
      You don't need extra scripts. Replace the spawn / despawn with position move. And by using a 0. 00 timer it happens instantly - effectively despawning and respawning instantly. Before bashing solutions in a forum that you've come to for help, I'd recommend trying it first. Clearly the bug is not fixable ; wait for a fix or work on a different map if you don't want work arounds.
    17. Littlemonk5
      This is more the bug report thread than a help thread. I am posting here for it to be noticed, not solved temporarily. Side note, you cannot position move with less than a tenth of a second meaning it will have a velocity greater than 0.
    18. Aranore
      Seems I missed that part about the 0.10 on position move. Sorry, you're right. You just seemed upset on the broken map so was hoping to help.
    19. Littlemonk5
      If I came across as disrespectful, I apologize. Main goal was only to bring attention to the bug and yeah next project til its solved.
    20. SimmonsZore

      Random blocks without a script keep doing this. I've tried deleting them but more blocks fall to the same glitch. This completely destroys my project.
      Xandrith and Goat like this.

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