Staff Recruitment Drive

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AlexVan123, Jun 2, 2016.

By AlexVan123 on Jun 2, 2016 at 2:22 PM
  1. AlexVan123

    AlexVan123 Halo Customs

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    Staff Recruitment.png

    Hey ForgeHub!
    Are you a creative, honest, and generally awesome person? Do you possess writing skills? Do you want to help make this site better for the good of the users?
    Then WE WANT YOU!
    We are in need of some good creative writers that can help us to do what we've been doing, but better and more efficiently. This will involve writing at least 1 article a week, as necessary. However, we do have a few guidelines:
    • Must be 16+
    • Must possess a Skype account and a Discord account
    • Great writing skills (please give us some examples)
    • Positive and Honest attitude
    • Ability to create 1 (one) article a week
    If you meet these criteria and are interested in helping to run ForgeHub, then please message either a Chunk or Warholic with examples of your writing skill and we'll get back to you ASAP.
    Alternatively, we are in search of YouTubers that can help us out with our map features and gameplay videos. We aren't in as much of a search for them, but we could still use them. If you possess those skills, then again please message a Chunk or Warholic.
    That about does it for today, but be looking forward to more and more awesome stuff in the future!
    #1 AlexVan123, Jun 2, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AlexVan123, Jun 2, 2016.

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    1. Preacher001
      Behind? Skype came out in 2003. Your grandma uses Skype.
      TickleMeBuddha and qrrby like this.
    2. REMkings
      Are Dutch articles allowed? :p
      WAR and a Chunk like this.
    3. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      = Jack of all trades
      Xandrith, WAR and a Chunk like this.
    4. AlexVan123
      Submit an application!
      a Chunk and Given To Fly like this.
    5. TickleMeBuddha
      I do the youtube thing and I've recently decided on turning my gaming channel into a forge channel so if u need more partners I would be willing to put in the hours and do want I can to help u guys out I can do graphic design, video editing ,after effect, adobe premier pro ,Sony vegas and photo shop. Also have a Skype and a discord. Hope to hear from u soon
      a Chunk likes this.
    6. AlexVan123
      Would you send me a private message and "check" off the basic requirements from the post? Thanks.
    7. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Waits patiently for applications...

      Thanks to everyone who's applied thus far. We're happy to see the enthusiasm, and all the talent amongst us. If you're interested and haven't submitted an application yet,
    8. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      But if I was staff how could my maps get featured?!
      Aschur likes this.
    9. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Uh...You write an article about it and then select 'Feature Article'. :p
      Seriously though, there have been maps by staff members featured. We don't discriminate. If the staff as a whole agrees that a map should be featured, then it will be regardless of who made it. :p
      But let's be real...your maps suck anyway, so you have nothing to lose. :p

      I'll let you guess if any of the statements above are true. Or you could just submit an application, and maybe you'll find out.
    10. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      You are a merciful god
    11. AgentPaperCraft
      Are you guys going to allow guest articles? Say if someone is working on a project that they'd like to present to the whole of a community in the form of a professional article?
    12. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      At times, we've featured articles posted by community members. The decal trick that allows forgers to make realistic looking water, lava, etc. is one example, but there have been several times where something similar has happened over the years. I can't say for sure one way or the other without having any idea what the article is about, and without actually seeing it, but there's definitely a precedent for it.
    13. AlexVan123
      Magic? ;)
      Given To Fly likes this.
    14. SimmonsZore
      I don't know about my writing. I found myself hearting all my "I" and decided to quit literature all together. Now YouTube videos are more Zore friendly for me. I'm sorry if you are more in the taste for someone with over 1k subs, only my 100 subscribers get me. However, I am very skilled in the craft of video editing and would not mind getting asked to become a ForgeLord of YouTube.
    15. BodeyBode
      Whats the salary like? Are there 401(k) matching contributions?
      a Chunk, Xandrith and Given To Fly like this.
    16. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      This is what it's like:
    17. AlexVan123
      Alright everyone, this is a final call for any application submissions. We're gonna go through and begin choosing candidates who are qualified for staff.
      Given To Fly likes this.
    18. Aschur
      I know I said I would put together another piece for a writing example, but I've been busy with work and haven't had any ideas for anything to write. I hope the example I gave is sufficient for now.
      Given To Fly likes this.
    19. AlexVan123
      Should be fine enough.
    20. BodeyBode
      i'll do it for 25 Schmeckles.
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