The last time I saw this much hype Halo-wise was the Master chief Collection. Coincidence? I think not.
Sounds & fury signifying nothing. Weren't you done with Halo after the dwarf map with Demption? You'll post this map (maybe) & then you'll talk some more trash on 343 then you'll be back.
Apparently I was watching this thread. I haven't received an email since I unwatched it. I didn't even know you could watch threads, apparently I clicked it months ago. Thanks!
1: watch the video again. I said I'm not starting any new projects and I'm going to finish whatever is sitting on my table 2: I ended up scrapping like 5 other projects. This is all I've got left lol and I'm okay with that. And I can PROMISE you, I will not be back. Not for quite a while at least. --- Double Post Merged, Jun 4, 2016 --- I've considered it. Reflex, CE 1.5, quake live, all those games. I just don't have a pc that can handle it
You mean palm trees are available in forge? if so, are there dried wood textured structures to go with them? I cant wait until forge comes to win10.
They most likely come with the next update. Check Yekkou's post I quoted. The Forge team revealed another screenshot. I don't know more than anyone here.
Reflex runs on my junk ass piece of crap laptop that can hardly run Windows media player without combusting, and you edit video, so I'd be willing to bet that it's run just fine. Haha. Next time it goes on sales for $2.50-$5, you should give it a go.
I think we all just want the ability to desgin and build maps in a game that is actually played and cared about.Overall the current state of FPS on console isn't that good. Its rather disheartening tbh. I'm heavily considering throwing in the towel.
I mean 343i doesn't give a **** about us. Why is there not a forge maps only playlist? Why have they not given us a custom game browser? They give us a huge new forge system and don't untilize it.... Truth is 343i will be the death of there own community if they feel the need to pat themselves on the back for there uninspiring map desgin and terrible updates (not including forge)
I would say you're right that they don't give a crap about us. At least most of them. Though I good bit of it probably isn't up to them either though. You can tell Tom French genuinely cares, even if he doesn't really understand what we NEED a lot of the time. I'm sure if he wasn't given the option to expand the forge team greatly, that he would. The publisher (or someone else) probably controls the budget and amount of employees, if I had to guess. We are the small audience of a sub audience. Fans of halo>matchmaking players>custom players>forgers>serious forgers Once we get PC forge, let's hope that the we have the tools to upgrade forge ourselves.
I do agree that the forgers themselves are the smallest portion of the community but we have ability to affect the community In the largest sense and 343i won't tap into it. The largest portion of players (the mm) would LOVE for there to be a forge only playlist with a fresh stream of maps every month. Would it be work? Yes, but if 343i doesn't get passionate about truly supporting there player base then the playerbsse is gonna keep shrinking and shrinking and shrinking.