Well, that's odd. Not sure is this is the issue, but you could check to make sure you don't have this checked in your preferences:
A friend and I started working on a map the other day. We found a cool theme with Santorini, Greece. My buddy had to go away for the weekend so our little project got put on hold for now. I really like what we have done so far and I can't wait to continue building it. Here is alittle screenshot of what is done so far aswell as Santorini itself.
Wahrer...Multi...don't make Mama SPANK You know i love you both PS Multi, don't make a girl a promise...and keep her waiting...you know what happened last time...
Why wouldn't you like trinithree It's not btw. It's a super super unique layout with a really overwhelming theme. Probably the best map I've ever made. After trinity of course.