What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    More or less. You can either scale for gameplay, or scale for movement. Neither will feel authentic, and then there's the weird middle ground.

    You could play with BR starts but at that point you might as well just play full on classic settings as well
    K a n t a l o p e and Blaze like this.
  2. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    It's all subjective. This is just our opinions. It could play great, just keep forging and do some testing to see where it's at.
    AnonomissX and ImI METAL ImI like this.
  3. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I think your best bet is to do what you'd like. :) There are always going to be people who like it and people who don't.

    Personally, playing classic setting on a nearly scaled version would be best. Second best would be to play BR starts on an upscale do cersion. Then H5 mechanics on a near original scale version and last is play pistol starts on on an upscale do version.

    My reasoning is based on truth. So much more fun with BR starts but I'd much rather just play in midship.

    Edit: Now that I think again. Just make it pretty. No one will play it after testing anyway And the pictures will always be there.
    AnonomissX, WeedCough, Yevah and 2 others like this.
  4. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    AnonomissX and MultiLockOn like this.
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Met someone in real life who knows what forge is and has at least dabbled in it since Halo 3.

    What is this?
  6. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    I would say finish it, you're already pretty far. If anything, it'll give you more experience as a forger right? Plus, most of halo's causal audience loves Guardian and Lockout, no matter what game it's in. A lot of people just like to play causal custom games and don't spend time dissecting the complexities of map design and how it relates to Halo 5's mechanics haha. Not that you shouldn't pay attention to that when designing for competitive, but it shouldn't come between you and your map. Just slap "casual" on the map and your golden :)
  7. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    @Overdoziz You can't seriously defend Halo 5's story. NOTHING happened. Seriously, that isn't even an over exaggeration, please tell me all of the events that transpired. (Other than there are now Giant Knight heads with wings that haven't shown their power.) I hate to say it, but you seem like the person who lives on Waypoint and pats 343 on the back for everything they've done, or tried to do. The only redeemable thing 343 has actually done for Halo as a whole - is Forge, and HCS. Nothing with the actual functioning game itself. Sorry, but the guy might as well of said "You people care about this franchise too much. WAHHH get a life" lol like honestly how pathetic.

    I think this is one of those things that quietly fades away never to be mentioned again. 343 is not bulletproofing the 2v2 maps, hell they still haven't fixed the first round of BTB maps that released like 5 months ago. SERIOUSLY, people are still getting out of Recurve. Kill me. As for contest results, I guess the disqualification of Orx shook things up pretty hard. All I know is that I'm nowhere near top 10 so I don't even care anymore. Especially when I heard the rumored finalists...

    343 if you're reading this: jk hire me pls
  8. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    343, if you're reading this. I know how to save Halo.

    Stop making it.
    AnonomissX likes this.
  9. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I actually figured out how to tie everything back together from where it is now. I was making a video about it, but haven't had time lately. Seriously it would fix everything, story-wise.

    If I just had the right person to pitch it to...
  10. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    1) You definitely don't know me.
    2) I said nothing about the quality of Halo 5's story.
  11. FrostPhoenix0

    FrostPhoenix0 Mythic
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    And then Master Chief woke up.
  12. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Nor do you know me yet somehow you discovered my age. So weird..

    "It was all just a bad dream Chief, go back to sleep" said Cortana.
    AnonomissX and Xandrith like this.
  13. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    343 if you are reading this...

    Trump train has no brakes. Choo choo
  14. Buddy Jumps

    Buddy Jumps Jumpmaster
    Senior Member

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    Yo, just something funny I found on the webs:

    I don't get why at least some people ask me to break their map. :p I mean, this is pretty ridiculous. Maybe they think they're superior and know how to make a map unbreakable? Ahah, working good so far...
  15. Wahrer

    Wahrer Legendary

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    Is this seriously happening? Overdoziz is the motherfucking definition of objective scrutiny, but he's also self-aware enough to successfully tread the very fine line between wanting the most out of his games and mailing Anita Sarkeesian arsenic. 343 employees are human beings. Halo 5 likely has a sustain team of less than 50 individuals and god knows what fraction of a budget they've been given to continue supplying hotfixes and content updates. It's modular enough that we've gotten the Forge we do now months after launch, and the entire Forge suite has enough functionality that it's giving us maps that mechanically outclass dev maps the likes of which we've seen in all five of the mainline games. Say what you want about the politics and community cartographers - past members of the community had half the brain to know when to quit. People like FyreWulff and GrizzNKev got in, and when the development process and/or game content pipeline went to ****, they learned from the experience and got out.

    Halo does not deserve better. Halo is not the abused wife waiting for the Warden Eternal to brandish his homemade katana and save the franchise. Players may think Halo deserve better, but it is a ****ing product made by a ****ing business, designed to operate in a system where money may be used to purchase goods and services. Games are a service now. People are allowed to express their emotions now. Expressing disdain towards a job whose recipients are unappreciative does not make you a goshdern SJW tumblr millennial. Grow up.
  16. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    1: Being a person means you can't be criticized?
    2: Where did you get your numbers for their sustain team? Everything I've heard has actually said that almost all of the sustain content was finished pre-release, and by contractors. Not actual 343 employees.
    3: What does the sustain team and their size have to do with the quality of writing of Halo 5?
    4: Hotfixes? You mean like fixing bugs lmao are you actually thanking them for fixing bugs in their own game?
    5: Yes, forge is great. We also have better hardware now, an upgrade is expected. Regardless, I'm thankful for the forge team and no one, including myself, has ever said anything bad about them. I'm not sure why you're beinging it up.
    6: No idea what you're trying to get at regarding the CC's.
    7: The best possible analogy I could ever come up with to equate Halo to, is an abused housewife. In fact it gets thrown around over at Beyond a near daily basis.

    And yes, I'm sure when Bungie was making Halo CE in 2001 it was because they wanted to make lots of money. Not because they wanted to create an awesome game. It's only a business if the developers making the game see it that way. I suppose if my car is super shitty and breaks down it's okay because Subaru is just a service to make money, right?
  17. Wahrer

    Wahrer Legendary

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    Because you've literally never touched any of your maps ever after their initial Forging session, right?

    You can enjoy the work you're getting paid for, mind you, but that doesn't mean Bungie was going to make Combat Evolved regardless of whatever or not they got paid for it. The only times Bungie has ever been able to crank out something reliable is on a small budget and crunch-timed to hell - if you let them make the game they actually want to make and enjoy making, you end up with titles like Reach and Destiny.
    Xandrith, Blaze and MultiLockOn like this.
  18. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Get off this forum.

    Halo isn't a product. Halo is a universe. It captivated millions of fans and revolutionized the game industry. If you see it as a piece of **** that is only meant to rake in money, why the **** are you on this website? If you actually don't care enough about Halo to appreciate it's reputation and legacy for what it has been, then why do you log on to Forgehub? How do you even function in society with view points like that. Everything costs money. Literally everything. Does that mean you shouldn't have any passions? no. You and Brian Reed should hang out for basically calling the passionate Halo community pathetic. You know what's pathetic? Your viewpoint, using the bullshit term "millennial" like it's a relevant word to describe anybody just because they were born in a certain timeframe, and ending your arrogant snuffy reply with "grow up". What a stupid response.

    I like @Overdoziz but YOUR response straight up made me go Schnitzel mode. **** outa here.
    Blaze, MultiLockOn and AceOfSpades like this.
  19. Wahrer

    Wahrer Legendary

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    criticisms =/= death threats

    I enjoy Halo, dude. Doesn't mean I can't acknowledge the fact that it's a product watched over by one of the largest organizations on earth, engineered by hundreds of thousands of humans across multiple countries strung through countless companies and financial allotments over the course of a decade and a half, and continues to grow and evolve - but just like everything else, it doesn't have a guaranteed future. People may think they're entitled to it having a future. Your personal idea of Halo may be a media-spanning content platform that can magically bend to the whims of the desired user, but the franchise of Halo™ is not.
  20. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    If you mean quality of life improvements, 343 has done so little in this regard it's laughable. We've gotten a UI update (which means nothing because the UI should've been this way at the start) and then what? Reqs? It's been 8 months since this game came out and we haven't gotten a single balancing patch.. Oh wait they made the hydra stronger and Spartan charge lock on better lmao. Where's the auto aim nerf on the sniper? What about a storm rifle damage nerf? They haven't even acknowledged these things, more likely because they believe the game is fine how it is. I'm not sure which is worse, their blissful ignorance or their work ethic.

    If you meant bug fixes, I would expect any developer to fix their product.

    In regards to Bungie performing best under pressure..I thought Destiny was more the work of Activision? I'm fairly certain that was not their vision or wish for the game to launch the way it did. Every one of their Halo titles were phenomenal (one way or another) and that's what means most to me. I trust them as a developer, in fact I think they have more talent then any other game developer that exists right now next to id.

    Edit: again, I've never mentioned death threats nor do I support them (obviously). I'm fairly certain Brian wasn't talking about them either.
    Given To Fly likes this.

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