Using brushes on top of each other with different types of blend layers. For Projects one I used a light blue pastel colour with and overlay blend style. Same with the pink. The bright one in the background was a screen blend I believe. The Superman one was one I was just messing around with and was a VERY simple sig I made because I thought the render was cool, so it's all just the same red colour blended differently, the darker red is overlay I think. The background is the SuperMan render blurred using a few different styles, and the big lines are blended over that. Can't remember what style however. The brushes I use I just choose because of what I think would suit the render. For example the SuperMan brushes reminded me of Metropolis and the Daily Planet from the comics =]
Still wont answer me about the closed for bunnies... Also how do you do the bars going across?(below)
Lol the Bunnies will forever be an inside joke =] The lines are a simple custom pattern, though I'm sure you can download it somewhere. The way to make it is to make a new session in PS 4x4 or 6x6 pixels, try both to see which you prefer. The get the pencil tool with black and just make a single line in the middle of the layer diagonally. Make sure the background is clear also. Go to Edit>Define Pattern Then to use it in your image make a new layer and go to Edit>Fill and choose the pattern you just made. They way I used it in that sig was I inverted the colour so the lines where white then used a blending style.
Haha it's pretty cool. I saw it on another post you made and thought that I should make one like it. The only problem is that you're using gif so you need to limit the amount of colours you use so it doesn't look as "scratchy" as it does =]