I would absolutely participate. I've often thought about what I could do with the knowledge I have now. And I miss ghost jumping and edge ghosts!
I love the Halo 3 Sandbox Forge pieces, the fence pieces, the two way energy shields. I DON'T miss trying to forge with them
I know that you all know this already, but don't weld everything in a fully-fleshed block out together.
Hey guys I've been MIA for a while. Busy with graduation and a move, but I shall have my Internet activated on Friday, hope to get back in the groove. Right before all that I had been working on my floaty rock map in the sky. Got it really prettied up but I'm pretty sure I still have like 400 objects so I just need to figure out how to go insanely detailed. Took some pics but never uploaded them to my computer so if you wanna check my screenshots on Waypoint you can.
That looks epic! The height when you look down and the water way down there has that Delta Halo/Regret Gondola feel! Best campaign missions ever IMO
Yeah, I was totally inspired by Delta Halo. Thank you Thanks It's for the Halo 5 gameplay, so I had to adapt it. But I would have preferred to built it for another type of gameplay
Holy sweet jesus, NO! Do not make them smaller for Halo 5... He has to be being sarcastic. Download JesseInsanity's Lockout or AomUnknown's as they are both exceptionally great remakes of that map. Play it first with a Halo 2/3 setting and then try Halo 5 settings on them... It plays way to hectic with Halo 5 ability's for even a 2 vs 2.