Preacher001 submitted a new map: There's no F in way - Fast and ferocious 1v1 in a clostrophobic hanger bay. Set 120% movement - I dare you. Classic Slayer - 2 Player Read more about this map...
Preacher001 updated There's no F in way with a new update entry: Video update Read the rest of this update entry...
I put it up years ago but then reuploaded to the new board last year so that it was easy to find under my profile in the rebuilt forum. I actually have a bunch of Reach maps under my profile. I finally got around to adding a simple video thanks to backwards compatibility and the Xbones DVR feature. I wish I had a buddy that liked to make game videos. Oh well. Hopefully I can do a similar crappy vid for each of the old maps. I'll probably have them done by the end of life cycle on the "Xbox Too."