Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. Spranklz

      I'm going through a similar issue right now. Sometimes it'll work for a while, so I just save it often and under new file names. I'm sure the issue will be resolved soon, though, if enough people are having trouble. I guess your best bet might be to start forging your next map and get back to this one later! :)
    2. Spranklz
      Objects set to "respawn off" will still respawn during custom games
    3. Spranklz
      Actually have a bunch:

      Sometimes chunks of my map will delete themselves for no reason.

      Some items have received the message "november" continuously

      My overshield despawns when message november is sent

      Sometimes objects of the same weld group will not move as welded unless that piece is deleted and then replaced
      Last edited: May 13, 2016
    4. Agent Zero85
      Agent Zero85
      You might have a rogue prop, with respawn set at 0, on respawn send november, and despawn on message receive November, - that's just a theory, haven't seen that happen before
      yeah, you might need to lock whatever you need then delete all unlocked
    5. Larry Tanng
      Larry Tanng
      That same exact thing is happening on my Accursed 9 map. Everything is green now. Some of my blocks have moved too and the lighting went crazy.
    6. cookies4you
      The Multi Condition is still broken.

      The Message detection still triggers whenever the corresponding Power Channel is turned on.

      Messages and Power Channels should not be interacting.
    7. MythicFritz
      The light animation Candlelight functions in forge but does not work when loaded up in a custom game.
      Wally12 likes this.
    8. REMkings
      There are some current (gametype specific) issues with the recently added beloved and classic gametype Infection. I have listed the issues that I know of down below:

      • Several forge units no longer work for clambering. These include:
        * crates
        * invisible blockers (walls, blocks) (not just Infection but all gametypes. This has been a bug present from H5's launch.)
        * railing heavies
        * Arguably more.
      • When a zombie is assassinated, a human player can pick up the dropped Infected Sword.
      • When an Alpha Zombie quits the game, he is not replaced by a human. This generally results in a very boring and uneven round. Also, when both Alpha Zombies quit, neither are replaced and the round ends altogether.
      • The gametype Infection is at this point regarded as a 'neutral' and 'free-for-all' gametype. This causes many significant issues:

        1. Team specific invisible blocks do not function due to teams not working for spawns. This means it's currently not possible to allow 'zombie-only' areas because the blockers apply to anyone, regardless the 'team'.
        2. Repawning is random for either party. (Due to having no team spawning.)
      The gametype also needs more varied customization options. For suggestions that have not been implemented yet, please read over here.
      Last edited: May 17, 2016
      Zandril and BLOODxcrazer like this.
    9. TheHolyWelshmaN
      this is one of the more serious bugs i have come across in forge. not sure what it is as you cant see anything in its direction, however i do believe it could be a invisible light fixture. you can fix it by cutting the line of sight to it (covering it with a block). so it is fixable but that is not the point. If you cannot pin point where this bugged block is then your map is ruined. I saved the bugged version of the map. Gamertag: TheHolyWelshmaN, Map name: forge bugged. I do not know if this has been reported yet and I know it isn't fixed so I thought I would post this, hope it helps make forge even better :)
    10. TurbTastic
      DrWilsonPhD, Wally12 and Littlemonk5 like this.
    11. Littlemonk5
      This is also made worse by the fact that the scripts become what I am calling 'phantom' scripts. The scripts persist and seems to attach themselves to objects of the same type that was deleted and the script itself cannot be edited or deleted. I tried to recreate this with a whale color changing test but couldn't reproduce it so just be warned. You may think, "oh whatever, I'll never hit the budget anyway," but the script can affect objects you put down later so save frequently whenever you add scripts to objects especially if they are temporary switch objects for forging.
      Last edited: May 20, 2016
      Wally12 and TurbTastic like this.
    12. cookies4you
      The term phantom script is trademarked by cookies4you. That is exactly what it is though, a script that remains even after its parent object is deleted.

      The last time phantom script bug I reported got fixed, and it even left us with the phantom selection exploit, a useful technique for overriding locked settings.

      Shame that this particular phantom script bug is a game-breaker though.

      I'd kill for scripts that don't require a parent object to use.
    13. Wally12
    14. Larry Tanng
      Larry Tanng
      Reach update bugs:

      -48x48x48 blocks have z-fighting in them now after baking lights.

      -128x128x32 blocks have shrunk while their magnet points remained the same.

      -Indoor maps are even darker than ever now when they needed to get lighter, and lights themselves create pixelated shadows where they used to be smooth. Also, the 98% light budget on my map jumped to 103% after the update.

      -All indoor maps built on the space map have turned GREEN everywhere.
      Last edited: May 21, 2016
      leegeorgeton likes this.
    15. leegeorgeton
      I second the issue with the 128x128x32 issue.
    16. Wally12
      If you try and duplicate primitive blocks and cylinders with z-fight fixer or any kind of snap on, it will be duplicated off to a side rather than matching up.

      So, to clarify, if I was making a straight cylinder pipe and wanted to keep it going, if I duplicated a piece with a snap on, it would put it out to the side instead of matching up.
    17. Zandril
      Not really a forge issue but @REMkings recommended I post this here

    18. DrWilsonPhD
      I just signed up to see if I could find a solution to this very problem. Glad to see someone else has seen this.

      On top of this, one of these "orphaned" scripts on one of my maps is a script for rotation offset on a repeating timer and every time I re-load the map, the script attaches itself to a random object. I select the rotating object, and there's no scripts to delete! I delete the object, save, reload, and boom. Another object is miraculously rotating without any scripts in the properties menu.

      I remember this happening after I deleted a welded group that I applied the rotation offset script to.

      EDIT: Shoot, I just latched on to Wally's post, but there's a ton of posts on here about phantom scripts.
      Wally12 and nopuntintended like this.
    19. nopuntintended
      I noticed a bug relating to scripting today: if an object contains scripts and is deleted, the scripts do not delete with the object. Sometimes they will attach themselves to another entity in the map (but not show up on said entity), but no matter what they will still be active an can interfere with scripts you try to create afterwards. I will update this with a video if I get some spare time to recreate it (sadly I deleted the map it was happening on cuz it was listing 30 scripts when I had none on the map). A way around this bug is to delete all scripts off an object before deleting it.
    20. JurassicWeeMan
      Forge grass pieces (specifically 48x48 grass, or multiple grass pieces used in close proximity) can cause significant framerate issues. (Sorry if this is wrong spot to post this comment - my first day posting in the ForgeHub forums).

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