Soooooo Forge is coming to Windows 10.
Right now I got this map in beta, almost ready for me to unleash it upon the world. I'm just waiting for some friends to get on so I can upload this thing. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Get on FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!
I've been busy lately with school and my controller's left joystick has drift in it so haven't had time of the ability to forge as of late, but I'll be able to get back into it in a few days. I'm extremely glad to see this thread's recovered from it's limbo off-topicness to more waywo stuff because there's so much amazing stuff being previewed in the recent pages. With all of the inspiration here and the goodness the 343 forge team keeps giving in the updates, I haven't been this excited to forge in a long time. Actual question: anyone know a date or timeframe for forge on Windows 10?
I have to color more change some textures and actually finish the map but its coming along. The pic with the elites will look a little different
Edit 3: I read it wrong HUGE SHOUT OUT TO XANDRITH FOR SUGGESTIONS FEEDBACK AND JUST BEING XANDRITH. SALTY AS WELL --- Double Post Merged, May 19, 2016 --- Probably, I havent gotten that far. Looking forward to it
I love forge art and am surprised at how little I see, especially with this forge. I made this back in Reach and was pretty happy with it but haven't done much since. @Demption If you're looking for feedback I'd try to find a way to eliminate the profile of the letters like E and G have. Maybe use that zoomed in FOV filter or sink everything into the background? Some font conventions could be nitpicked too.
I don't like the G. The inside of the top right side looks off. Other than that I think it looks great. When you sent it out on Xbone live I was like "how the?... Oh forge art, duh." I'm surprised as well, that's the first time I've seen it in Halo 5.
If you plan to use that for an intro cinematic to anything I definitely suggest panning through a gap in one of the letters as a segway into the video. Add in a little twisting motion too, if you're feeling particularly rebellious.
I dunno how in the ever-loving **** you made that, but I at first thought you were just posting a picture you made on the computer. So there is that.